Nazi slag will likely die in jail.

Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.

Actually though when you read the article, he was pardoned for some reason. So the pardon should stand. Going back and re- arresting someone for saying something... even something distasteful and wrong is not grounds to put someone in prison for 5 years. Unless you live in a totalitarian country like North Korea.
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.

Actually though when you read the article, he was pardoned for some reason. So the pardon should stand. Going back and re- arresting someone for saying something... even something distasteful and wrong is not grounds to put someone in prison for 5 years. Unless you live in a totalitarian country like North Korea.
Its the law in Germany. I am not sure I agree with it 100% but I wont shed tears over Karl.
Or Hiroshima, or Nagasaki? When were they tied for knowingly killing civilians?
Well, they need to be arrested before they can be tied. Although I guess they could be tied forst in order to arrest them.
While trying not to kill civilians may seem noble, and all... The realities of war are such that civilians will die. And opposite to winning over your opponents people to your cause through, a hearts,and minds campaign... There’s no better way to destroy the morale of the enemy you face; than to destroy everything they were fighting for to begin with. Just ask anyone who opposed Ghengis Khan. Well actually one couldn’t do that. He killed them. To the last man, woman, and child. Surprising how many nations surrendered once they got word...
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.
Cheering the criminalization of people who have wrong opinions.

This is exactly why our ancestors threw you assholes out of this country in the 18th century.

The problem isnt the opinion of someone, but if he actually did take part in executing civilians then that is something else.

I get that part...But that's not what's happening here.
Germany not allowing free speech is also concerning.

No surprise. This is, after all, the country that gave the world Naziism, and which, generations later, is still not nearly as far removed from Naziism as it wants to think it is. Even in trying to distance itself from Naziism, it just cannot help itself.

It's a shame that they surrendered before we had the atomic bomb ready to use on them.
I dont [sic] know. I just see the usual racist trash on this site acting as apologists for monsters. Its [sic] very sobering.

No surprise, but this seems to call for being pointed out…

Tainted Tommy is here claiming that standing for such basic human rights as freedom of speech makes one a member of “…the usual racist trash on this site acting as apologists for monsters…”.

Yes, Tainted Tommy really is that f•••ed-up in the head. Not that I think anyone doubted this before.
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.

Sounds like half of Trump’s worshippers here! lol
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.
Is he quibbling over the number of dead or denying it ever happened at all?
Münter added: “And the matter of the Jews that is attributed to (Hitler)... be careful.

“There weren't millions of Jews (in Germany) at the time, that's already been disproved. This number - six million - is not correct.”
They weren't from just Germany but all over Europe Poland, France, the Netherlands, Denmark etc.
BTW Funny that no one seems to recall Stalin taking out a lot of Poles along with his pal Hitler and about 10 million Ukrainians that he alone starved to death during the same period. But I guess somehow 6 millions Jews were far more important than about twice that number. IMHO it's time to move on and for the jews to quit the incessant whine. They weren't the first nor the last to have had genocide visited upon them.
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.

HE dindunuffin
The only nazis are the fags that locked this old soldier up
“There weren't millions of Jews (in Germany) at the time, that's already been disproved. This number - six million - is not correct.”

They weren't from just Germany but all over Europe Poland, France, the Netherlands, Denmark etc.
Yes. That's right.
BTW Funny that no one seems to recall Stalin taking out a lot of Poles along with his pal Hitler and about 10 million Ukrainians ....
Who are these "no one" you speak of?
...... I guess somehow 6 millions Jews were far more important than about twice that number.
I still do not know who these "no one" are but maybe you should ask them.

IMHO it's time to move on and for the jews to quit the incessant whine. They weren't the first nor the last to have had genocide visited upon them.

Maybe IMHO it's time to move on and for the Americans to quit the incessant whine about Pearl Harbour and 9/11 and Putin and communists and collusion and terrorism and Al Qaida and ISIS and black hawk down and the Alamo and the Nazis and Julian Assange and Jane Fonda and Benedict Arnold and Julius & Ethel Rosenberg and Gulf of Tonkin and Saddam Hussein. The U.S. is not the first nor the last country to get the crap kicked out of it.
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.

Sounds like half of Trump’s worshippers here! lol
I am trying to join the dots here. Some are making a free speech argument which I think is wrong. There are limits in every country and if you dont like Germanys laws dont live there.
But then there are others who are wildly deflecting and dragging in the Poles,Russians and every other group you can think of.. Lots of Jew hatred on offer as well.
do people really feel affinity with this monster ?
Throwing a 96-year-old man in prison doesn't really accomplish anything.
Ex Nazi soldier, 96, faces jail for denying Holocaust and blaming victims

A FORMER Nazi soldier and convicted war criminal is facing five years in jail after denying that six million Jews died in the Holocaust

Karl Münter, who is now 96, was convicted and originally sentenced to death for his role in the massacre of 86 people in the French village of Ascq, when he was a member of the SS.

Prosecutors in Germany have now reportedly filed charges against him after he made the comments in an interview with German channel ARD last November.

They didn’t name him directly in the charges but it is widely understood they refer to Münter, the New York Post reported.

During the interview he said that the Ascq victims deserved to be shot and that he doesn’t regret participating in the war crimes.

Im not sure how this bastard is even free.

Sounds like half of Trump’s worshippers here! lol
I am trying to join the dots here. Some are making a free speech argument which I think is wrong. There are limits in every country and if you dont like Germanys laws dont live there.
But then there are others who are wildly deflecting and dragging in the Poles,Russians and every other group you can think of.. Lots of Jew hatred on offer as well.
do people really feel affinity with this monster ?

In the United States the free speech issue it the main issue. The German released the piece of crap. I would’ve executed the guy. However for whatever stupid reason Germany releases him but when he says racist crap he is sent to prison, where he belongs but not over his speech, he should be in prison for his war crimes.

He should never have been locked up for his disgusting speech, he should never have gotten out to begin with and really the death penalty would have been the best solution.

So his speech should not have gotten this animal in trouble, he should have been executed decades ago however Europeans find the death penalty to extreme however don’t tolerate extreme speech.

As,far as living in Germany or any other European country? No, none of them have real freedom.
do people really feel affinity with this monster ?
Nah, I doubt it. I think they are just a hair's width away from being anti-Semitic. I'm sure the fellow who complained about the Jews getting on and forgetting the holocaust represents the core of it. These people suffer from acute inferiority complexia and anyone getting as much attention as the Jews do, well it goes right up their nose.

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