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NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !!

Anti semitism [the squad] .... attacks on white Christian conservatives ,outing [doxing] Trump donors and supporters targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like [ANTIFA ], a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector ,calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler !! the democratic party should be called the Demonazi party !!

I have said it a million times: Democrats are no different from Nazis. From their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
Actually, Nazi jurists were emulating the Democrats when they wrote the explicitly racist Nuremberg laws.

Because socialism is what all populations like, should like, and gives the most individual freedom.
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!

Because socialism is what all populations like, should like, and gives the most individual freedom.
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the pot
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

Not my place to butt in, but we tried deregulation from 1880 to around 1910, and it did not at all work.
It was the worst period in history of company towns, fraudulent price fixing, private security beating up workers, low wages, etc. If not for Teddy Roosevelt, there likely would have had to have been another revolution.
So you are saying the free people and Job entrepreneurs were fraudulent price-fixing beating up workers and I’ll having low wages ? Lol wow you really hate America haha
Socialism is where workers unit to collaboratively pool resource for their own means of production

Bullshit. Socialism is government control of industry, and beyond economics it is government control of your life. Workers have no say in shit!
You are describing unions, not socialism.
Communists were socialists and so were Nazis, despite their different political goals and peculiarities.

Hitler and the socialist dream
He declared that 'national socialism was based on Marx'
Socialists have always disowned him.
But a new book insists that he was, at heart, a left-winger

Hitler and the socialist dream

It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too. The title of National Socialism was not hypocritical.

Whether or not there is sameness between Nazis and current democrats, neither were at all in any way socialist.
If they were, Bernie Sanders would have been the candidate in the last election,

Bernie SHOULD have been the candidate, but the Dems rigged the election with their super-delegate system.

You have a very fanciful, dreamy Utopian view of socialism
No rules were changed to defeat Bernie.

It is not like the Democrats decided not to have primaries in some States like the Republicans are doing now.

Rules were not changed, but they were deliberately broken.
Such as Hillary being given the debate questions ahead of time, and super delegates being rigged to vote for Hillary even though she never had a chance of beating Trump.

One person gave Hillary a debate question of an obvious subject possibility. Sanders never got close.

Super delegates obviously supported the candidate that spend their life supporting the Democrat party over a candidate that was a Democrat only for the election.

Quit lying & whining because Bernie lost. His stupid, dumbass supporters then pouted & stayed home or threw away thir vote & handed the Presidency to Trump.

Don't tell me you were one of those assholes.

We only know about 1 debate questions, and it opens the door to unlimited possibilities we just have not yet found out about. And the point is no debate question should have been given out at all.

Sanders not only got very close, but was vastly superior, not only for his anti war stance, but because he was far more acceptable to those who voted for Trump, due to Sander's more conservative fiscal and gun control positions.
The reality, and I speak from WI personal experience, is that Socialism saves huge amounts of money and is far more fiscally responsible.

Super delegates are supposed to go along with what is best for the people and the country, not partisan corruption.
Hillary was the biggest threat to the democratic party I have ever seen. I had always previously voted democrat, and Hillary was the first candidate of the democratic party that was so pro war that it was impossible for me to vote for her.
No responsible person should have voted for her, after her support for invading Iraq and Afghanistan, regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, etc.

I only moderately supported Bernie. I would have voted for any democrat except Hillary, because Hillary was not at all in any way a democrat. Trying to force Hillary on democrats was not just stupid, but evil. There was never such a horrendous fiasco. At least when Johnson was pro war, he at least was pro civil rights to balance it out a little. Hillary had nothing. Her gun control stance just made her even MORE fascist.
The worst demonazis are the American Jews that vote in the enemies of the Land of Canaan. Nothing worse than those that would betray their own and the Ninth Circle of hell is reserved for people who have betrayed the trust of someone or something close and special.

At least judas hung himself. That, was at least honorable. The absolute worst are those American Jews that betray their own people. They are not Jews at all. I fear for all of them.

REAL Jews know they are NOT supposed to even go to the Mideast. They are supposed to be in atonement so that the Messiah will come. Israel has nothing Jewish at all about it, and even Netanyahu admits to being an atheist.
The Land of Canaan belongs to the Canaanites who were there over 8000 year ago and never let. The Hebrew tribes did not invade until around 1000 BC, and never ruled for more than a few hundred years. A peak in military oppression of others is NOT a golden period, but one of shame that should be atoned for.
Israelis are traitors and should be punished for their crimes.
The worst demonazis are the American Jews that vote in the enemies of the Land of Canaan. Nothing worse than those that woild betray their own and the Ninth Circle are for people who have betrayed the trust of someone or something close and special.

At least judas hung himself. That, was at least honorable. The absolute worst are those American Jews that betray their own people. They are not Jews at all. I fear for all of them.

Its true. Liberals Jews are Jews in name only. They certainly do not follow their own scriptures

Liar, anyone who knows anything about the scriptures knows that Israel is not supposed to exist now until Jews atone for sins and the Messiah comes.
The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

You are too stupid to realize regulations protect you from unscrupulous companies.
You are to stupid to know you live in a civilized country where WE THE PEOPLE make decisions on wha business we accept and don’t,, we don’t allow the government to make those decisions for us.. you must think this is The Soviet Union lol sorry snow flake lol

We the people are supposed to be the government and are supposed to protect individuals who can not protect themselves from abusive employers or producers who would and have done things like hazardous working conditions and contaminated foods.
We can not protect ourselves individually by getting fired if we complain and by trying to buy different products when the big companies ensure safe competition never get onto the store shelves.
Because socialism is what all populations like, should like, and gives the most individual freedom.
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!

Pushcarts can make and sell deadly products without the knowledge of the customers, so then yes, need some regulations.
With socialism, the certification process would be made local, by government investment, so then would not have to go all the way to Texas.
With building codes, you did not get into enough detail to allow anyone to know whether it was over regulated or not?
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

You are too stupid to realize regulations protect you from unscrupulous companies.
You are to stupid to know you live in a civilized country where WE THE PEOPLE make decisions on wha business we accept and don’t,, we don’t allow the government to make those decisions for us.. you must think this is The Soviet Union lol sorry snow flake lol

We the people are supposed to be the government and are supposed to protect individuals who can not protect themselves from abusive employers or producers who would and have done things like hazardous working conditions and contaminated foods.
We can not protect ourselves individually by getting fired if we complain and by trying to buy different products when the big companies ensure safe competition never get onto the store shelves.
Yes a government FOR THE PEOPLE.. not the government controlling the people.
You are take small instances and say the government now needs to control everything because of one instance..
That will end. You want slavery.. that will never happen again. You won’t last long
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!

Pushcarts can make and sell deadly products without the knowledge of the customers, so then yes, need some regulations.
With socialism, the certification process would be made local, by government investment, so then would not have to go all the way to Texas.
With building codes, you did not get into enough detail to allow anyone to know whether it was over regulated or not?
You are saying Americans are going to sell deadly things to people. Lol dude how does your brain function ? Lol
The worst demonazis are the American Jews that vote in the enemies of the Land of Canaan. Nothing worse than those that woild betray their own and the Ninth Circle are for people who have betrayed the trust of someone or something close and special.

At least judas hung himself. That, was at least honorable. The absolute worst are those American Jews that betray their own people. They are not Jews at all. I fear for all of them.

Its true. Liberals Jews are Jews in name only. They certainly do not follow their own scriptures

Liar, anyone who knows anything about the scriptures knows that Israel is not supposed to exist now until Jews atone for sins and the Messiah comes.
You openly support swine and those that wilfully crucify the Son of Man. You are already judged.

Not to worry, I am no saint myself. We will both burn.

You will praise those that are openly godless. That is the Land of Canaan and the promise still remains. The Temple IS rebuilt. The Temple IS RISEN.

As for the the Temple that was destroyed, that was taken only after the last Ceasar died. Nero, was the last Ceasar and he died in 68ad. The Jewish leaders, who rejected their own, proclaimed, "we have no king but Ceasar!" You think it was a coincidence that the Temple and Jerusalem was trampled under foot in 70ad two years after the last Ceasar died?

The Lord's promise still remains for the descendants of Abraham. The Lord's enemies look to eliminate all of God's chosen. Those covered by the unblemished blood of the Lamb. The Land is still sacred and the fact that God's enemies are determined to destroy it tells me what is truth.

You, are on the side of the godless pigs. Period.
No rules were changed to defeat Bernie.

It is not like the Democrats decided not to have primaries in some States like the Republicans are doing now.

They are all that stupid folks.

They are the reason you will find labels like


On jars of fish bait, cans of pet food, Drano and household chemicals.

I say we remove the warnings.

In 20 years we won't have any liberals left.

This from the uneducated white vote people.
The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

You are too stupid to realize regulations protect you from unscrupulous companies.
You are to stupid to know you live in a civilized country where WE THE PEOPLE make decisions on wha business we accept and don’t,, we don’t allow the government to make those decisions for us.. you must think this is The Soviet Union lol sorry snow flake lol

So lets disband all the agencies that protect us & you assfucks can eat food loaded with pesticides or other poisons. You can breathe more mercury & get even dumber than you are now.
Because socialism is what all populations like, should like, and gives the most individual freedom.
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!
Now you want to live in buildings where cheapass contractor will cut corners to make money & hire untrained people to hook up your gas service.

My God.
The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!

Pushcarts can make and sell deadly products without the knowledge of the customers, so then yes, need some regulations.
With socialism, the certification process would be made local, by government investment, so then would not have to go all the way to Texas.
With building codes, you did not get into enough detail to allow anyone to know whether it was over regulated or not?
You are saying Americans are going to sell deadly things to people. Lol dude how does your brain function ? Lol
Like cigaretttes?
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

You are too stupid to realize regulations protect you from unscrupulous companies.
You are to stupid to know you live in a civilized country where WE THE PEOPLE make decisions on wha business we accept and don’t,, we don’t allow the government to make those decisions for us.. you must think this is The Soviet Union lol sorry snow flake lol

So lets disband all the agencies that protect us & you assfucks can eat food loaded with pesticides or other poisons. You can breathe more mercury & get even dumber than you are now.
Huh we are going to eat poison if we are free? Lol WHAT!?
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!
Now you want to live in buildings where cheapass contractor will cut corners to make money & hire untrained people to hook up your gas service.

My God.
Huh!? You saying only people with money can hook up gas?!? Are you only for the rich?
Because socialism is what all populations like, should like, and gives the most individual freedom.
Not according to the definition lol wow.. you are trying I give you that lol

The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the pot
The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

Not my place to butt in, but we tried deregulation from 1880 to around 1910, and it did not at all work.
It was the worst period in history of company towns, fraudulent price fixing, private security beating up workers, low wages, etc. If not for Teddy Roosevelt, there likely would have had to have been another revolution.
So you are saying the free people and Job entrepreneurs were fraudulent price-fixing beating up workers and I’ll having low wages ? Lol wow you really hate America haha

This is notorious history.
Everyone has read about how bad corporation corruption was during that time period.
The principles of the democratic republic were what Teddy Roosevelt, used to do his trust-busting, and fix the US back to being a free democratic republic.
You need to read more history.
Theodore Roosevelt And Trusts | Theodore Roosevelt
This from a Deregulation party member Trumpette
Your point?

You are too stupid to realize regulations protect you from unscrupulous companies.
You are to stupid to know you live in a civilized country where WE THE PEOPLE make decisions on wha business we accept and don’t,, we don’t allow the government to make those decisions for us.. you must think this is The Soviet Union lol sorry snow flake lol

So lets disband all the agencies that protect us & you assfucks can eat food loaded with pesticides or other poisons. You can breathe more mercury & get even dumber than you are now.
Huh we are going to eat poison if we are free? Lol WHAT!?

Without restrictions, entrepreneurs have always cut corners to the point of being dangerous, and some have been deadly, like the time in India that hundreds died from unscrupulous sales of engine oil as cooking oil.
No one should have the freedom to lie about dangerous ingredients.
The definition of socialism is where the people pool their own resources to create means of production instead of being held hostage to private entrepreneurs who engage in coercive practices like monopolies.
Anyone who claims socialism has to be centralized or without the consent of the majority are just lying.
It’s democrat bureaucrats that allow some business to monopolize the markets with regulations permit fees fines licenses ..
so no we won’t allow them to win ,, we give the power back to the people, reduce restrictions. Let the free people create competition with unique skills .

While I can imagine it could be possible to use regulations, permits, fees, licenses, etc., to turn markets into monopolies, it is still the big companies with all the capital that are at fault. For example, the health care industry is clearly charging more than double what their services are worth or should cost. And it was they who eliminated competition by making midwives and other nonprofessionals illegal. But clearly single payer is about the only way out of the hole, by greater collective bargaining representation.
So I need to be regulated out to have a PUSH CART? Or to have have a contractor have to send his employees to TEXAS to get certified? Or to have peopery be so over regulated for new development that only a hand full of contractors can do they job? No buddy things will change.. time to deregulate let the poor work!
Now you want to live in buildings where cheapass contractor will cut corners to make money & hire untrained people to hook up your gas service.

My God.
Huh!? You saying only people with money can hook up gas?!? Are you only for the rich?

That is the opposite of what he said.
He said that those who get wealthy by saving money on unqualified contractors are unscrupulous and need to be restricted.

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