Nazis should get ‘their heads kicked in’ says new Jewish MP

You are an ignorant man Bob.

New Jewish MP says she won't apologise for saying Nazis should get ‘their heads kicked in’

A Jewish MP has refused to apologise for saying that she hopes football fans making Nazi salutes get “their heads kicked in”.

Charlotte Nichols, the newly-elected Labour MP for Warrington North, defending her stance saying:

As a Jewish person whose grandfather fought in World War 2, ultimately sometimes I believe that fascism has to be physically confronted.

Absolute class. What a fucking star this girl is. Lazios nazi followers are a stain on the game and should be thrown out. And kicked in the head as well.

here in the states conservatives believe liberals are nazis and liberals KNOW that conservatives are nazis.

so do we kick each other's heads?
Actually, we KNOW that the left is fascist. For the left, it is just a talking point to further fuel their hatred.
I'm Catholic of Polish & Irish origins.

Can't say I'm fond of Nazis, Soviets or British colonialism.

Nazis at least got more things right.

Regardless, I don't understand your "anti-Jew" narrative, and there are dime-a-dozen versions of that.

Yet they the Chosen pick on mostly Poles rather than on Germans
I see no future for racial or ethnic identarian politics, which are as ancient and perennial as mankind itself (the same with the so-called "sexual identity" politics, if you can call it that) so those that pick said narratives, so to speak will simply have to fight their own petty battles and squabbles, and hope that luck is on their side, if God isn't.

Go wipe out your own culture at your own ignorance.

I'll continue supporting my culture, and the cultures of many.
Cultures come and go, who cares?

I believe people who learn more about their culture, as in the thinking men and women who actually made it, as opposed to extremists using ubiquitous rhetoric designed to appeal to nationalist sentiments, and devoid of honesty or accuracy, generally, is a better endeavor.

Much, if not most rhetoric about culture or one's own culture, as specifically defined by them, simply isn't. (If your talking about "identarian politics" and the affiliated subcultures, I could care less). I don't find overweight white men LARPing and pretending to be in Hitler's military any different than a "social justice warrior" at this point...

(The same with people who claim culture is based on "race", when historically that's been untrue in most cultures with any significant claim to civilization - whether British vs French, British vs American, Russia vs Ukraine, Japan, vs China, or Sunni and Shiites, or other historical examples, it seems most wars and cultural clashes are based on ideology, values, and things of that nature, rather than on "race" or physical attributes such as skin color).

(I'd argue the fact that, religious such as Christianity tend to bridge the gap across racial divides, with conflicts such as "Catholicism vs Protestantism" being more siginfiicant than race, sex, skin color, or otherwise - more or less proves this - even mass media squabbles like left vs right, or liberal vs conservative proves it as well).

I hope you get culturally enriched by a Jihadist.

Culture is a strength which promotes well being, virtues & values.

Cultures coming together is the issue which blows up in violence.
Separatism is the answer

You're clearly very socially detached.

I bet you have Autism.
Last edited:
New Jewish MP says she won't apologise for saying Nazis should get ‘their heads kicked in’

A Jewish MP has refused to apologise for saying that she hopes football fans making Nazi salutes get “their heads kicked in”.

Charlotte Nichols, the newly-elected Labour MP for Warrington North, defending her stance saying:

As a Jewish person whose grandfather fought in World War 2, ultimately sometimes I believe that fascism has to be physically confronted.

Absolute class. What a fucking star this girl is. Lazios nazi followers are a stain on the game and should be thrown out. And kicked in the head as well.

Does that include you Islamo-Nazis, Ahmed?
What's the difference of atrocities between Nazis & say the British Empire, or the Soviet Union?

So, why isn't everybody flipping out the same way over Soviet Hammer & Sickles & British Union jacks?
...what are you talking about? Soviet atrocities on the British? British atrocities on the Soviets? nazi atrocities on both?

I'm talking about how the British Empire & Soviet Union killed just as much, if not much more than the Nazis, but can still fly their flags & be proud to be so in public. (Unlike Nazis)

The Soviet Union is as gone as the Nazis.

Flags of hate:





Regardless, I don't understand your "anti-Jew" narrative, and there are dime-a-dozen versions of that.

Yet they the Chosen pick on mostly Poles rather than on Germans
I see no future for racial or ethnic identarian politics, which are as ancient and perennial as mankind itself (the same with the so-called "sexual identity" politics, if you can call it that) so those that pick said narratives, so to speak will simply have to fight their own petty battles and squabbles, and hope that luck is on their side, if God isn't.

Go wipe out your own culture at your own ignorance.

I'll continue supporting my culture, and the cultures of many.
Cultures come and go, who cares?

I believe people who learn more about their culture, as in the thinking men and women who actually made it, as opposed to extremists using ubiquitous rhetoric designed to appeal to nationalist sentiments, and devoid of honesty or accuracy, generally, is a better endeavor.

Much, if not most rhetoric about culture or one's own culture, as specifically defined by them, simply isn't. (If your talking about "identarian politics" and the affiliated subcultures, I could care less). I don't find overweight white men LARPing and pretending to be in Hitler's military any different than a "social justice warrior" at this point...

(The same with people who claim culture is based on "race", when historically that's been untrue in most cultures with any significant claim to civilization - whether British vs French, British vs American, Russia vs Ukraine, Japan, vs China, or Sunni and Shiites, or other historical examples, it seems most wars and cultural clashes are based on ideology, values, and things of that nature, rather than on "race" or physical attributes such as skin color).

(I'd argue the fact that, religious such as Christianity tend to bridge the gap across racial divides, with conflicts such as "Catholicism vs Protestantism" being more siginfiicant than race, sex, skin color, or otherwise - more or less proves this - even mass media squabbles like left vs right, or liberal vs conservative proves it as well).

I hope you get culturally enriched by a Jihadist.
The odds of me dying in the bathtub are statistically higher; violence merely preys on human emotions and sentiments over rationality, is why people disproportionately fear violence such as Jihads or shootings over more likely causes of death, such as car accidents.

Go get culturally enriched by one of your own skinhead gangs, what's stopping you from joining one instead of fantasizing about it online? Scared? How about reading some books on criminology and the "gang" mindset from people, such as those in law enforcement who have encountered that in real life.

Culture is a strength which promotes well being, virtues & values.
Not all culture is created equal, I'd prefer to focus on productive culture, like that of entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, not archaic tribal violence or gang mentalities masquerading as such, the mentality of which would never have seen the creativity responsible for the world around us as it is, such as information technology.

Cultures coming together is the issue which blows up in violence.
That's not necessarily the case, it varies and is quite a tricky subject matter. If you feel that way, you should give up the internet given that the information age has arguably interconnected "cultures" in ways previously unprecedented.

Separatism is the answer

You're clearly very socially detached.

I bet you have Autism.
Non-sequitur - you still haven't substantiated your idolization of Hitler, despite him, as far as I know, hating Slavs and wanting to destroy your culture, to me, that seems like an autistic obsession, so why don't you go tell your fellow Slavs how much you idolize a foreign invader of their countries?
New Jewish MP says she won't apologise for saying Nazis should get ‘their heads kicked in’

A Jewish MP has refused to apologise for saying that she hopes football fans making Nazi salutes get “their heads kicked in”.

Charlotte Nichols, the newly-elected Labour MP for Warrington North, defending her stance saying:

As a Jewish person whose grandfather fought in World War 2, ultimately sometimes I believe that fascism has to be physically confronted.

Absolute class. What a fucking star this girl is. Lazios nazi followers are a stain on the game and should be thrown out. And kicked in the head as well.

Does that include you Islamo-Nazis, Ahmed?
I don't think he's a Muslim, no.
Yet they the Chosen pick on mostly Poles rather than on Germans
I see no future for racial or ethnic identarian politics, which are as ancient and perennial as mankind itself (the same with the so-called "sexual identity" politics, if you can call it that) so those that pick said narratives, so to speak will simply have to fight their own petty battles and squabbles, and hope that luck is on their side, if God isn't.

Go wipe out your own culture at your own ignorance.

I'll continue supporting my culture, and the cultures of many.
Cultures come and go, who cares?

I believe people who learn more about their culture, as in the thinking men and women who actually made it, as opposed to extremists using ubiquitous rhetoric designed to appeal to nationalist sentiments, and devoid of honesty or accuracy, generally, is a better endeavor.

Much, if not most rhetoric about culture or one's own culture, as specifically defined by them, simply isn't. (If your talking about "identarian politics" and the affiliated subcultures, I could care less). I don't find overweight white men LARPing and pretending to be in Hitler's military any different than a "social justice warrior" at this point...

(The same with people who claim culture is based on "race", when historically that's been untrue in most cultures with any significant claim to civilization - whether British vs French, British vs American, Russia vs Ukraine, Japan, vs China, or Sunni and Shiites, or other historical examples, it seems most wars and cultural clashes are based on ideology, values, and things of that nature, rather than on "race" or physical attributes such as skin color).

(I'd argue the fact that, religious such as Christianity tend to bridge the gap across racial divides, with conflicts such as "Catholicism vs Protestantism" being more siginfiicant than race, sex, skin color, or otherwise - more or less proves this - even mass media squabbles like left vs right, or liberal vs conservative proves it as well).

I hope you get culturally enriched by a Jihadist.
The odds of me dying in the bathtub are statistically higher; violence merely preys on human emotions and sentiments over rationality, is why people disproportionately fear violence such as Jihads or shootings over more likely causes of death, such as car accidents.

Go get culturally enriched by one of your own skinhead gangs, what's stopping you from joining one instead of fantasizing about it online? Scared? How about reading some books on criminology and the "gang" mindset from people, such as those in law enforcement who have encountered that in real life.

Culture is a strength which promotes well being, virtues & values.
Not all culture is created equal, I'd prefer to focus on productive culture, like that of entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, not archaic tribal violence or gang mentalities masquerading as such, the mentality of which would never have seen the creativity responsible for the world around us as it is, such as information technology.

Cultures coming together is the issue which blows up in violence.
That's not necessarily the case, it varies and is quite a tricky subject matter. If you feel that way, you should give up the internet given that the information age has arguably interconnected "cultures" in ways previously unprecedented.

Separatism is the answer

You're clearly very socially detached.

I bet you have Autism.
Non-sequitur - you still haven't substantiated your idolization of Hitler, despite him, as far as I know, hating Slavs and wanting to destroy your culture, to me, that seems like an autistic obsession, so why don't you go tell your fellow Slavs how much you idolize a foreign invader of their countries?

How do you get people to get rid of their culture?
By the iron fist, by tanks, by bombs, by mass murder?

You don't seem to be very rational, and very emotionally detached.

Anybody who doesn't respect the virtues of culture, as an extended family, must be a coldblooded vermin.

Multiculturalism is the cause of conflicts around the globe, its not the answer, its actually the problem.

I don't idolize Hitler, that's in your head.

I just said Hitler was a lesser evil & got more things right than the British Empire, or Soviet Union.

That's called settling for the lesser of evils, not idolizing.

Much like Roman Dmowski who's Fascist & Authoritarian ideals predated Hitler I don't care for Germans, I also don't care for the Synagogue of Satan, either.

As for promoting intellectual culture, why is it about 90% of it is has been by Whites & Mediterraneans, and about 10% by East Asians?

You simply can't prove there's racial, or ethnic equality, that's your farce & lack of rationale for your own beliefs.
What's the difference of atrocities between Nazis & say the British Empire, or the Soviet Union?

So, why isn't everybody flipping out the same way over Soviet Hammer & Sickles & British Union jacks?
...what are you talking about? Soviet atrocities on the British? British atrocities on the Soviets? nazi atrocities on both?

I'm talking about how the British Empire & Soviet Union killed just as much, if not much more than the Nazis, but can still fly their flags & be proud to be so in public. (Unlike Nazis)

The Soviet Union is as gone as the Nazis.

Flags of hate:





The winner of evil is.

I see no future for racial or ethnic identarian politics, which are as ancient and perennial as mankind itself (the same with the so-called "sexual identity" politics, if you can call it that) so those that pick said narratives, so to speak will simply have to fight their own petty battles and squabbles, and hope that luck is on their side, if God isn't.

Go wipe out your own culture at your own ignorance.

I'll continue supporting my culture, and the cultures of many.
Cultures come and go, who cares?

I believe people who learn more about their culture, as in the thinking men and women who actually made it, as opposed to extremists using ubiquitous rhetoric designed to appeal to nationalist sentiments, and devoid of honesty or accuracy, generally, is a better endeavor.

Much, if not most rhetoric about culture or one's own culture, as specifically defined by them, simply isn't. (If your talking about "identarian politics" and the affiliated subcultures, I could care less). I don't find overweight white men LARPing and pretending to be in Hitler's military any different than a "social justice warrior" at this point...

(The same with people who claim culture is based on "race", when historically that's been untrue in most cultures with any significant claim to civilization - whether British vs French, British vs American, Russia vs Ukraine, Japan, vs China, or Sunni and Shiites, or other historical examples, it seems most wars and cultural clashes are based on ideology, values, and things of that nature, rather than on "race" or physical attributes such as skin color).

(I'd argue the fact that, religious such as Christianity tend to bridge the gap across racial divides, with conflicts such as "Catholicism vs Protestantism" being more siginfiicant than race, sex, skin color, or otherwise - more or less proves this - even mass media squabbles like left vs right, or liberal vs conservative proves it as well).

I hope you get culturally enriched by a Jihadist.
The odds of me dying in the bathtub are statistically higher; violence merely preys on human emotions and sentiments over rationality, is why people disproportionately fear violence such as Jihads or shootings over more likely causes of death, such as car accidents.

Go get culturally enriched by one of your own skinhead gangs, what's stopping you from joining one instead of fantasizing about it online? Scared? How about reading some books on criminology and the "gang" mindset from people, such as those in law enforcement who have encountered that in real life.

Culture is a strength which promotes well being, virtues & values.
Not all culture is created equal, I'd prefer to focus on productive culture, like that of entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, not archaic tribal violence or gang mentalities masquerading as such, the mentality of which would never have seen the creativity responsible for the world around us as it is, such as information technology.

Cultures coming together is the issue which blows up in violence.
That's not necessarily the case, it varies and is quite a tricky subject matter. If you feel that way, you should give up the internet given that the information age has arguably interconnected "cultures" in ways previously unprecedented.

Separatism is the answer

You're clearly very socially detached.

I bet you have Autism.
Non-sequitur - you still haven't substantiated your idolization of Hitler, despite him, as far as I know, hating Slavs and wanting to destroy your culture, to me, that seems like an autistic obsession, so why don't you go tell your fellow Slavs how much you idolize a foreign invader of their countries?

How do you get people to get rid of their culture?
By the iron fist, by tanks, by bombs, by mass murder?

You don't seem to be very rational, and very emotionally detached.

Anybody who doesn't respect the virtues of culture, as an extended family, must be a coldblooded vermin.
Everything you're saying is a non-sequitur.

Multiculturalism is the cause of conflicts around the globe, its not the answer, its actually the problem.
From a historical perspective, that's what most modern nations are, or the Christian and Catholic religion itself, so no, in practice your cultural system is made up of a diversity of elements, many of them not "white" to begin with as you erroneously imagine.

I don't idolize Hitler, that's in your head.

I just said Hitler was a lesser evil & got more things right than the British Empire, or Soviet Union.

That's called settling for the lesser of evils, not idolizing.

Much like Roman Dmowski who's Fascist & Authoritarian ideals predated Hitler I don't care for Germans,
"Germany" is more multicultural, than the isolated German states prior to German nationalism, such as Prussia and others.

So even a nation being a nation, as opposed to individual states, cities, tribes, or families is a step toward "multiculturalism" or "globalism" in and of itself.

Much as the Roman Empire, was considered a "global" entity back in its day and age, or how the Catholic Church, was the "world" church or "world government" of its day and age as well, having superseceded whatever heathen, tribal religions and sects pre-existed it.

So no, your logic, being applied consistently, would only lead to secessions and anarchy, and you would have to disband any and every institution which has existed, perhaps since the very earliest hunter-gatherer tribes who existed for 10s of 1000s of years prior to any modern notion of "civilization".

Civilization itself, is arguably "multicultural" in that regard, much as the English language, for example is far from "pure", but is one of the least homogenous languages that I'm aware of to begin with.

I also don't care for the Synagogue of Satan, either.
You've still failed to assert why the Jewish people are such and such.

As for promoting intellectual culture, why is it about 90% of it is has been by Whites & Mediterraneans, and about 10% by East Asians?
That's a non-sequitur, and begging the question and as far as I'm aware of, East Asians tend to have higher IQ than "whites" do, the same for "Jews".

"White" is a census bureau term only, and doesn't do justice to the variety of European cultures to begin with, it's a silly, reductive term with no legal or otherwise binding meaning or definition, and often a term used and abused simply to refer to something akin to the "borgeouise", and solipsistic stereotypes about "it" or "them".

You simply can't prove there's racial, or ethnic equality, that's your farce & lack of rationale for your own beliefs.
I'm not, I'm asserting that multiculturalism in the sense you're describing isn't "equal", but rather superior to whatever archaic nonsense you're hocking.

Please tell me how many of you, or the "Nazis" in question are actual businessmen or women, such as Steve Jobs, contributing to entrepreneurship and intellectual achievement, as opposed to gang members with below average education?

Why are you not investing in business and entrepreneurship, as opposed to fetishizing Hitler and Fascism, which as I asserted are already "multicultural" to begin with (prior to "Rome" as a republic or empire, there were isolated city-states or tribes, much as prior to "Germany" as a nation, there we individual German states such as Prussia and others, they weren't all lumped into one giant, multicultural blob known as "Germany".
Go wipe out your own culture at your own ignorance.

I'll continue supporting my culture, and the cultures of many.
Cultures come and go, who cares?

I believe people who learn more about their culture, as in the thinking men and women who actually made it, as opposed to extremists using ubiquitous rhetoric designed to appeal to nationalist sentiments, and devoid of honesty or accuracy, generally, is a better endeavor.

Much, if not most rhetoric about culture or one's own culture, as specifically defined by them, simply isn't. (If your talking about "identarian politics" and the affiliated subcultures, I could care less). I don't find overweight white men LARPing and pretending to be in Hitler's military any different than a "social justice warrior" at this point...

(The same with people who claim culture is based on "race", when historically that's been untrue in most cultures with any significant claim to civilization - whether British vs French, British vs American, Russia vs Ukraine, Japan, vs China, or Sunni and Shiites, or other historical examples, it seems most wars and cultural clashes are based on ideology, values, and things of that nature, rather than on "race" or physical attributes such as skin color).

(I'd argue the fact that, religious such as Christianity tend to bridge the gap across racial divides, with conflicts such as "Catholicism vs Protestantism" being more siginfiicant than race, sex, skin color, or otherwise - more or less proves this - even mass media squabbles like left vs right, or liberal vs conservative proves it as well).

I hope you get culturally enriched by a Jihadist.
The odds of me dying in the bathtub are statistically higher; violence merely preys on human emotions and sentiments over rationality, is why people disproportionately fear violence such as Jihads or shootings over more likely causes of death, such as car accidents.

Go get culturally enriched by one of your own skinhead gangs, what's stopping you from joining one instead of fantasizing about it online? Scared? How about reading some books on criminology and the "gang" mindset from people, such as those in law enforcement who have encountered that in real life.

Culture is a strength which promotes well being, virtues & values.
Not all culture is created equal, I'd prefer to focus on productive culture, like that of entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, not archaic tribal violence or gang mentalities masquerading as such, the mentality of which would never have seen the creativity responsible for the world around us as it is, such as information technology.

Cultures coming together is the issue which blows up in violence.
That's not necessarily the case, it varies and is quite a tricky subject matter. If you feel that way, you should give up the internet given that the information age has arguably interconnected "cultures" in ways previously unprecedented.

Separatism is the answer

You're clearly very socially detached.

I bet you have Autism.
Non-sequitur - you still haven't substantiated your idolization of Hitler, despite him, as far as I know, hating Slavs and wanting to destroy your culture, to me, that seems like an autistic obsession, so why don't you go tell your fellow Slavs how much you idolize a foreign invader of their countries?

How do you get people to get rid of their culture?
By the iron fist, by tanks, by bombs, by mass murder?

You don't seem to be very rational, and very emotionally detached.

Anybody who doesn't respect the virtues of culture, as an extended family, must be a coldblooded vermin.
Everything you're saying is a non-sequitur.

Multiculturalism is the cause of conflicts around the globe, its not the answer, its actually the problem.
From a historical perspective, that's what most modern nations are, or the Christian and Catholic religion itself, so no, in practice your cultural system is made up of a diversity of elements, many of them not "white" to begin with as you erroneously imagine.

I don't idolize Hitler, that's in your head.

I just said Hitler was a lesser evil & got more things right than the British Empire, or Soviet Union.

That's called settling for the lesser of evils, not idolizing.

Much like Roman Dmowski who's Fascist & Authoritarian ideals predated Hitler I don't care for Germans,
"Germany" is more multicultural, than the isolated German states prior to German nationalism, such as Prussia and others.

So even a nation being a nation, as opposed to individual states, cities, tribes, or families is a step toward "multiculturalism" or "globalism" in and of itself.

Much as the Roman Empire, was considered a "global" entity back in its day and age, or how the Catholic Church, was the "world" church or "world government" of its day and age as well, having superseceded whatever heathen, tribal religions and sects pre-existed it.

So no, your logic, being applied consistently, would only lead to secessions and anarchy, and you would have to disband any and every institution which has existed, perhaps since the very earliest hunter-gatherer tribes who existed for 10s of 1000s of years prior to any modern notion of "civilization".

Civilization itself, is arguably "multicultural" in that regard, much as the English language, for example is far from "pure", but is one of the least homogenous languages that I'm aware of to begin with.

I also don't care for the Synagogue of Satan, either.
You've still failed to assert why the Jewish people are such and such.

As for promoting intellectual culture, why is it about 90% of it is has been by Whites & Mediterraneans, and about 10% by East Asians?
That's a non-sequitur, and begging the question and as far as I'm aware of, East Asians tend to have higher IQ than "whites" do, the same for "Jews".

"White" is a census bureau term only, and doesn't do justice to the variety of European cultures to begin with, it's a silly, reductive term with no legal or otherwise binding meaning or definition, and often a term used and abused simply to refer to something akin to the "borgeouise", and solipsistic stereotypes about "it" or "them".

You simply can't prove there's racial, or ethnic equality, that's your farce & lack of rationale for your own beliefs.
I'm not, I'm asserting that multiculturalism in the sense you're describing isn't "equal", but rather superior to whatever archaic nonsense you're hocking.

Please tell me how many of you, or the "Nazis" in question are actual businessmen or women, such as Steve Jobs, contributing to entrepreneurship and intellectual achievement, as opposed to gang members with below average education?

Why are you not investing in business and entrepreneurship, as opposed to fetishizing Hitler and Fascism, which as I asserted are already "multicultural" to begin with (prior to "Rome" as a republic or empire, there were isolated city-states or tribes, much as prior to "Germany" as a nation, there we individual German states such as Prussia and others, they weren't all lumped into one giant, multicultural blob known as "Germany".

You didn't explain how getting people to give up their cultures will be achieved.

You didn't explain how multiculturalism is the solution, rather than the problem as I state.

You didn't explain why Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims have lower IQ's, PISA scores, and literacy rates.

As for Jews, their Israel has a fairly modest IQ score, PISA score & literacy rate.

Come on now, most of the Liberal movements & Globalism is by the Synagogue of Satan.

Prussia wasn't multicultural?
About half of it was Polish.

You keep thinking all Racists & Nationalists are just low IQ criminals.

What about James Watson? He only co-discovered DNA structure, no biggie.
Cultures come and go, who cares?

I believe people who learn more about their culture, as in the thinking men and women who actually made it, as opposed to extremists using ubiquitous rhetoric designed to appeal to nationalist sentiments, and devoid of honesty or accuracy, generally, is a better endeavor.

Much, if not most rhetoric about culture or one's own culture, as specifically defined by them, simply isn't. (If your talking about "identarian politics" and the affiliated subcultures, I could care less). I don't find overweight white men LARPing and pretending to be in Hitler's military any different than a "social justice warrior" at this point...

(The same with people who claim culture is based on "race", when historically that's been untrue in most cultures with any significant claim to civilization - whether British vs French, British vs American, Russia vs Ukraine, Japan, vs China, or Sunni and Shiites, or other historical examples, it seems most wars and cultural clashes are based on ideology, values, and things of that nature, rather than on "race" or physical attributes such as skin color).

(I'd argue the fact that, religious such as Christianity tend to bridge the gap across racial divides, with conflicts such as "Catholicism vs Protestantism" being more siginfiicant than race, sex, skin color, or otherwise - more or less proves this - even mass media squabbles like left vs right, or liberal vs conservative proves it as well).

I hope you get culturally enriched by a Jihadist.
The odds of me dying in the bathtub are statistically higher; violence merely preys on human emotions and sentiments over rationality, is why people disproportionately fear violence such as Jihads or shootings over more likely causes of death, such as car accidents.

Go get culturally enriched by one of your own skinhead gangs, what's stopping you from joining one instead of fantasizing about it online? Scared? How about reading some books on criminology and the "gang" mindset from people, such as those in law enforcement who have encountered that in real life.

Culture is a strength which promotes well being, virtues & values.
Not all culture is created equal, I'd prefer to focus on productive culture, like that of entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, not archaic tribal violence or gang mentalities masquerading as such, the mentality of which would never have seen the creativity responsible for the world around us as it is, such as information technology.

Cultures coming together is the issue which blows up in violence.
That's not necessarily the case, it varies and is quite a tricky subject matter. If you feel that way, you should give up the internet given that the information age has arguably interconnected "cultures" in ways previously unprecedented.

Separatism is the answer

You're clearly very socially detached.

I bet you have Autism.
Non-sequitur - you still haven't substantiated your idolization of Hitler, despite him, as far as I know, hating Slavs and wanting to destroy your culture, to me, that seems like an autistic obsession, so why don't you go tell your fellow Slavs how much you idolize a foreign invader of their countries?

How do you get people to get rid of their culture?
By the iron fist, by tanks, by bombs, by mass murder?

You don't seem to be very rational, and very emotionally detached.

Anybody who doesn't respect the virtues of culture, as an extended family, must be a coldblooded vermin.
Everything you're saying is a non-sequitur.

Multiculturalism is the cause of conflicts around the globe, its not the answer, its actually the problem.
From a historical perspective, that's what most modern nations are, or the Christian and Catholic religion itself, so no, in practice your cultural system is made up of a diversity of elements, many of them not "white" to begin with as you erroneously imagine.

I don't idolize Hitler, that's in your head.

I just said Hitler was a lesser evil & got more things right than the British Empire, or Soviet Union.

That's called settling for the lesser of evils, not idolizing.

Much like Roman Dmowski who's Fascist & Authoritarian ideals predated Hitler I don't care for Germans,
"Germany" is more multicultural, than the isolated German states prior to German nationalism, such as Prussia and others.

So even a nation being a nation, as opposed to individual states, cities, tribes, or families is a step toward "multiculturalism" or "globalism" in and of itself.

Much as the Roman Empire, was considered a "global" entity back in its day and age, or how the Catholic Church, was the "world" church or "world government" of its day and age as well, having superseceded whatever heathen, tribal religions and sects pre-existed it.

So no, your logic, being applied consistently, would only lead to secessions and anarchy, and you would have to disband any and every institution which has existed, perhaps since the very earliest hunter-gatherer tribes who existed for 10s of 1000s of years prior to any modern notion of "civilization".

Civilization itself, is arguably "multicultural" in that regard, much as the English language, for example is far from "pure", but is one of the least homogenous languages that I'm aware of to begin with.

I also don't care for the Synagogue of Satan, either.
You've still failed to assert why the Jewish people are such and such.

As for promoting intellectual culture, why is it about 90% of it is has been by Whites & Mediterraneans, and about 10% by East Asians?
That's a non-sequitur, and begging the question and as far as I'm aware of, East Asians tend to have higher IQ than "whites" do, the same for "Jews".

"White" is a census bureau term only, and doesn't do justice to the variety of European cultures to begin with, it's a silly, reductive term with no legal or otherwise binding meaning or definition, and often a term used and abused simply to refer to something akin to the "borgeouise", and solipsistic stereotypes about "it" or "them".

You simply can't prove there's racial, or ethnic equality, that's your farce & lack of rationale for your own beliefs.
I'm not, I'm asserting that multiculturalism in the sense you're describing isn't "equal", but rather superior to whatever archaic nonsense you're hocking.

Please tell me how many of you, or the "Nazis" in question are actual businessmen or women, such as Steve Jobs, contributing to entrepreneurship and intellectual achievement, as opposed to gang members with below average education?

Why are you not investing in business and entrepreneurship, as opposed to fetishizing Hitler and Fascism, which as I asserted are already "multicultural" to begin with (prior to "Rome" as a republic or empire, there were isolated city-states or tribes, much as prior to "Germany" as a nation, there we individual German states such as Prussia and others, they weren't all lumped into one giant, multicultural blob known as "Germany".

You didn't explain how getting people to give up their cultures will be achieved.
Past cultures, such as ancient Germanic tribes gave themselves up to become Modern Germany.

Folk religious gave themselves up to become Catholic.

Tis a fact of history and life, and not always a "bad" thing, necessarily.

Obviously not all "globalization", "integration", or "colonization" is created equal, or without problems or faults, such as ills of British colonialism, or how by the same standard, I would assume that most British, Australians, New Zealanders, and so forth would value their own national identities, and highly object to America trying to colonize or annex them.

Nevertheless, many of the institutions you identify with and value are the byproduct of past attempts at multiculturalism and integration.

This is why I can't and don't take individuals like "Alex Jones", or left-wing identitarians seriously, given that their audience reaches a much larger national and global audience via their corporate enterprise than most media would have just a century or two ago, prior to the widespreadedness of mass media such as radio and television, and ironically an even larger global audience due to the birth of the Internet, social media, and the Information Age.

You didn't explain how multiculturalism is the solution, rather than the problem as I state.

You didn't explain why Blacks, Latinos, and Muslims have lower IQ's, PISA scores, and literacy rates.
1. Why should I care?

2. What is your IQ?

3. IQ averages, like other averages are approximations and don't apply to outliers, such as black, Latino, or Arabic entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists, artists, and so forth.

As for Jews, their Israel has a fairly modest IQ score, PISA score & literacy rate.
The same above applies.

Come on now, most of the Liberal movements & Globalism is by the Synagogue of Satan.
The "Catholic Church" is a "global institution", "Catholic" during the Middle Ages meant the "universal church", and it was considered effectively a "world government", or multinational corporation during its day and age.

Prussia wasn't multicultural?
About half of it was Polish.
Then go further back in history, prior to "Prussia", such as Medieval fiefdoms, or the earliest indigenous folk tribes or hunter-gatherers if you want.

Eventually, you will have to go all the way back to pre-Civilization, or the earliest hunter-gatherer tribes to find anything close to a "pure" or "indigenous" race, tribe, or sect.

Some of these tribes, like the Sentinelese still exist, and they lack any modern technology, say what you will of this.

Sentinelese - Survival International

The point is that your narrative about "globalism" simply isn't historically accurate, and most nations or institutions today are on a "global" scale compared cultures which proceeded them.

Obviously not all attempts at "colonization" or "integration" are equal, the irony though being that first world countries value personal freedoms, rights, individual and civil liberties (e.x. entrepreneurship), and what not - whereas in many of the archaic tribes which you mention or idolize, such things might not exist, and the tribe might expect you to conform or blindly submit to its rule, but subordinate yourself entirely to the tribe and its archaic notions and institutions, so pick your poison, if you will.
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