Nazis were Catholic?

sobie-----while you are at it-------you could present the claims by
current catholic scholars that only two dozen people died in

The #1 killers of Jews were Nazi Germans which were majority Protestant.

The #2 killers of Jews were Cossacks of a Orthodox heritage.

Yet, you blame Catholics the most.

yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.
you got a citation for that "WARN THE WORLD" bs

Catholic Poles like Karski, Pilecki & Korbonski warned of the Nazi German Holocaust of Jews.

really? you got a link? did the pope know?

You need to educate yourself, instead of making up your own anti-Catholic & anti-Polish prejudices.

did Karski and Pilecki and Korbonsky WARN THE POPE.
The jews warned lots of people about the Nazis-------for YEARS before the
start of world war II and the invasion of Poland

Like in the Haavara agreement?

Catholic Pole Witold Pilecki volunteered to be captured & imprisoned at Auschwitz, he escaped & documentef the Holocaust in Witolds Report.

Wheres the thanks??

I do not know WITOLD The Haavara agreement was an attempt to salvage the jewish population of Germany in the USUAL way that jews salvaged their fellows from your filth-------BUY THEM. This technique had been in use ever before the unfortunate era of CONSTANTINE-----with the Romans
sobie-----while you are at it-------you could present the claims by
current catholic scholars that only two dozen people died in

The #1 killers of Jews were Nazi Germans which were majority Protestant.

The #2 killers of Jews were Cossacks of a Orthodox heritage.

Yet, you blame Catholics the most.

yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE
Catholic Poles like Karski, Pilecki & Korbonski warned of the Nazi German Holocaust of Jews.

really? you got a link? did the pope know?

You need to educate yourself, instead of making up your own anti-Catholic & anti-Polish prejudices.

did Karski and Pilecki and Korbonsky WARN THE POPE.
The jews warned lots of people about the Nazis-------for YEARS before the
start of world war II and the invasion of Poland

Like in the Haavara agreement?

Catholic Pole Witold Pilecki volunteered to be captured & imprisoned at Auschwitz, he escaped & documentef the Holocaust in Witolds Report.

Wheres the thanks??

I do not know WITOLD The Haavara agreement was an attempt to salvage the jewish population of Germany in the USUAL way that jews salvaged their fellows from your filth-------BUY THEM. This technique had been in use ever before the unfortunate era of CONSTANTINE-----with the Romans

Hmm, yet. Catholic Pope Pius helped facilitate many Jews out of Germany.

I just showed that earlier.
The #1 killers of Jews were Nazi Germans which were majority Protestant.

The #2 killers of Jews were Cossacks of a Orthodox heritage.

Yet, you blame Catholics the most.

yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Prussia, Silesian & Brandenberg Germans are part Polish, Sorbian, Lithuainian & Czech, but they were also the most Protestant Germans.
really? you got a link? did the pope know?

You need to educate yourself, instead of making up your own anti-Catholic & anti-Polish prejudices.

did Karski and Pilecki and Korbonsky WARN THE POPE.
The jews warned lots of people about the Nazis-------for YEARS before the
start of world war II and the invasion of Poland

Like in the Haavara agreement?

Catholic Pole Witold Pilecki volunteered to be captured & imprisoned at Auschwitz, he escaped & documentef the Holocaust in Witolds Report.

Wheres the thanks??

I do not know WITOLD The Haavara agreement was an attempt to salvage the jewish population of Germany in the USUAL way that jews salvaged their fellows from your filth-------BUY THEM. This technique had been in use ever before the unfortunate era of CONSTANTINE-----with the Romans

Hmm, yet. Catholic Pope Pius helped facilitate many Jews out of Germany.

I just showed that earlier.

LOL no you didn't-----you cited a source that said Pope Pius urged
catholic leaders to provide papers for "non-Aryan catholics" and for
CONVERTS TO CATHOLICISM and then claimed----"well---lots of jews
got out by claiming to have converted to the filth" I am not impressed
yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Prussia, Silesian & Brandenberg Germans are part Polish, Sorbian, Lithuainian & Czech, but they were also the most Protestant Germans.

The #1 killers of Jews were Nazi Germans which were majority Protestant.

The #2 killers of Jews were Cossacks of a Orthodox heritage.

Yet, you blame Catholics the most.

yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Eastern Germans also were the biggest anti-Nazi resistance, out of Germany.

Like Oskar Schindler, Von Tresckow & Olbricht.

Note the Slavic sounding names on the last 2 I listed.
yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Eastern Germans also were the biggest anti-Nazi resistance, out of Germany.

Like Oskar Schindler, Von Tresckow & Olbricht.

Note the Slavic sounding names on the last 2 I listed.

so? you are pushing sophistry to the point of obscenity to accomplish
your MISSION of whitewashing your own filth
You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.

I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Eastern Germans also were the biggest anti-Nazi resistance, out of Germany.

Like Oskar Schindler, Von Tresckow & Olbricht.

Note the Slavic sounding names on the last 2 I listed.

so? you are pushing sophistry to the point of obscenity to accomplish
your MISSION of whitewashing your own filth

No, I admit to Jedwabne done by Catholic Poles,
However you do in fact Whitewash Jewish links to the Soviets.

You're the filth.
There was no "official" Nazi religion. The demographics at the time were like 60/40 Protestant vs Catholic among the religious types. There was considerable disagreement among the Nazi leadership about religion, some considering "true christianity" to be necessary to the fight against the Jews, others being radically anti-church like Goebbels, and some even professing to be occultists, Himmler was one such.

Hitler himself was born and raised Catholic but there is no evidence he was devote in any way
Sure there was an official religion. Paganism. Well to the best of their ability since paganism died off millennia ago. But they tried to resurrect it. And knowing they couldn't defeat Christianity thy tried to first co-opt it with "Positive Christianity"
Didnt work,
All in all Nazi totalitarianism presented the same old fear of competing for loyalty with an organization which wasn't the state. The state is all to totalitarians the highest organization.
Hitler went after the Catholic Church with a vengeance. Like you do. Hitler believed Christianity to be a Jewish plot to weaken Western Europeans.

Mit brennender Sorge - Wikipedia
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Let me put in a good word here for Quaker Christians, who tried their damnist to rescue Jews. Other Christians might have done the same. Quakers have always been noble Christian people, from U.S. slavery times to the Nazi era

Probably nearly 1/2 of rescuers of Jews were Catholic,AKA Righteous among the nations.
NOT Quakers.

Some Catholics were, as Yad Vashem records, Righteous among the Nations. Others aided the Nazis. I am still wondering why Pius XII did not bring down his religious hammer from the absolute top of Catholicism, and why some Catholic orders were caught harboring Nazi war criminals at the end of WWII. Pius XII was in a position to fight the Nazis by wielding his power, and he failed to do so.

The Quakers not only visited Hitler to ask how much money it would take to ransom Jewish people, they also did things like run Kindertransport. They also were instrumental in helping African-descended people to escape slavery. When I think "Christian," I think Quaker. And yes, I spent many years of my youth sitting on the hard benches of their meeting houses, praying. Totally noble people. Christian people. Catholics were half-and-half during WWII. Quakers were full at it. They comprise one of the leading factions in Christianity. The "True Blue."
There was no "official" Nazi religion. The demographics at the time were like 60/40 Protestant vs Catholic among the religious types. There was considerable disagreement among the Nazi leadership about religion, some considering "true christianity" to be necessary to the fight against the Jews, others being radically anti-church like Goebbels, and some even professing to be occultists, Himmler was one such.

Hitler himself was born and raised Catholic but there is no evidence he was devote in any way
Hitler hated Christianity much like liberals do.
There's a lot of similarities between Hitler and liberals.
sobie-----while you are at it-------you could present the claims by
current catholic scholars that only two dozen people died in

The #1 killers of Jews were Nazi Germans which were majority Protestant.

The #2 killers of Jews were Cossacks of a Orthodox heritage.

Yet, you blame Catholics the most.

yep-----the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE started the filth and rendered

You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Romans were Italians.
Holy Romans were mostly Gernans.
You seem to confuse the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire & you confuse Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the Great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire. ...

the christian bible was compiled in the 4th century ... christianity: the state church of the roman empire.
Germany was a devoutly Christian nation. Nazis were not going to succeed without embracing christianity

The higher ranking the Nazi, the more they embraced Islam & Paganism....Less so Catholicism & Protestantism.


it is fact that Nazi war criminals who escaped to places like
Syria and Egypt------did convert to islam in significant
numbers----------and that's about it. Probably a social issue

There obviously weren't a heck of a lot of Islamic, Pagan, Anti-Christian etc. supporters in the ranks of the German civilian population of Nazi Germany.

Yet, we know both Himmler & Hitler supported Islam, Paganism & the Occult.

Martin Borman was for the Occult, and behind an Anti-Church campaign.

Goebbels was for behind an Anti-Church campaign & thought Nazism was a new religion.

Hanns Karl was also behind an Anti-Church campaign.

Alfred Rosenberg the key founding Father of Nazism had supported Paganism & thought that Nazism was a new religion.

Johann Von Leers converted to Islam.

Aribert Heim converted to Islam.

Alois Brunner converted to Islam.

Karl van Kynast converted to Islam.

Altern Erich converted to Islam.

Leopold Gleim converted to Islam

Rudolf Hess was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Hans Frank was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Julius Streicher was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Karl Harrer was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Dietrich Eckart was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Gottfried Feder was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Heinrich Jost was involved in Mystic Thule Society.

Oswald Pohl stopped going to Catholic services.

On the other hand, some high ranking Nazis were documented as Christians.

Erich Koch a Lutheran until the end.

Adolf Eichmann a Calvinist until the end.

Rudolf Hoss a Catholic until the end.

Herbert Kappler converted to Catholicism near the end.
Let me put in a good word here for Quaker Christians, who tried their damnist to rescue Jews. Other Christians might have done the same. Quakers have always been noble Christian people, from U.S. slavery times to the Nazi era

Probably nearly 1/2 of rescuers of Jews were Catholic,AKA Righteous among the nations.
NOT Quakers.

Some Catholics were, as Yad Vashem records, Righteous among the Nations. Others aided the Nazis. I am still wondering why Pius XII did not bring down his religious hammer from the absolute top of Catholicism, and why some Catholic orders were caught harboring Nazi war criminals at the end of WWII. Pius XII was in a position to fight the Nazis by wielding his power, and he failed to do so.

The Quakers not only visited Hitler to ask how much money it would take to ransom Jewish people, they also did things like run Kindertransport. They also were instrumental in helping African-descended people to escape slavery. When I think "Christian," I think Quaker. And yes, I spent many years of my youth sitting on the hard benches of their meeting houses, praying. Totally noble people. Christian people. Catholics were half-and-half during WWII. Quakers were full at it. They comprise one of the leading factions in Christianity. The "True Blue."

I'd love to see a list of Quakers who were Righteous Among the Nations compared to a list of Catholics who were Righteous Among the Nations.
I do not confuse anything------you are confused. The Austrian Hapsburg
empire ----INCLUDED parts of Poland and functioned under the filth of

The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Eastern Germans also were the biggest anti-Nazi resistance, out of Germany.

Like Oskar Schindler, Von Tresckow & Olbricht.

Note the Slavic sounding names on the last 2 I listed.

so? you are pushing sophistry to the point of obscenity to accomplish
your MISSION of whitewashing your own filth

No, I admit to Jedwabne done by Catholic Poles,
However you do in fact Whitewash Jewish links to the Soviets.

You're the filth.

nope filth------I OPENLY admitted that jews sought to escape the filth and stench of polish Poland----with the help of Russians-----because polish shit were delighted to help the Nazis murder jews
There was no "official" Nazi religion. The demographics at the time were like 60/40 Protestant vs Catholic among the religious types. There was considerable disagreement among the Nazi leadership about religion, some considering "true christianity" to be necessary to the fight against the Jews, others being radically anti-church like Goebbels, and some even professing to be occultists, Himmler was one such.

Hitler himself was born and raised Catholic but there is no evidence he was devote in any way
Hitler hated Christianity much like liberals do.
There's a lot of similarities between Hitler and liberals.
Hitler hated Christianity much like liberals do.
There's a lot of similarities between Hitler and liberals.

you're a joke -


if the shirt fits, wear it ...

both h&t used christianity as their power base to manipulate their political stature.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
Of course the German people who faught in ww2 were mostly Catholics. What are they today? The same thing they were 74 years ago.

If Germans weren’t mostly Catholics in the 1940s tell me what they were
The Germans pushed Poland Eastward, doof.

The parts of present day Poland, which had been the German Holy Roman Empire, had been repopulated with many Germans.

SO? what is your point? You want to decide that GERMAN POLES are somehow GENETICALLY anti-Semitic pigs?-------the area in the EAST was actually WORSE

Eastern Germans also were the biggest anti-Nazi resistance, out of Germany.

Like Oskar Schindler, Von Tresckow & Olbricht.

Note the Slavic sounding names on the last 2 I listed.

so? you are pushing sophistry to the point of obscenity to accomplish
your MISSION of whitewashing your own filth

No, I admit to Jedwabne done by Catholic Poles,
However you do in fact Whitewash Jewish links to the Soviets.

You're the filth.

nope filth------I OPENLY admitted that jews sought to escape the filth and stench of polish Poland----with the help of Russians-----because polish shit were delighted to help the Nazis murder jews

You White-Wash Jewish history, and then make up lies about Polish Catholics.

No wonder why everybody hates Jews.

Catholic Poland, long had accepted the most Jewish refugees, granted them the best Civil Rights the Statute of Kalisz, were the first to fight Nazi Germany, warned the World about the Holocaust with Pilecki, Karski & Korbonski, and had the Highest number of Jewish rescuers AKA Righteous Among the Nations.

Where's your gratitude?

All you do is make up a bunch of crap, like a filthy lower beast.

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