Nazis were Catholic?

I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
Of course the German people who faught in ww2 were mostly Catholics. What are they today? The same thing they were 74 years ago.

If Germans weren’t mostly Catholics in the 1940s tell me what they were

Nazi Germany was 67% Protestant before annexing Austria.

The people who voted in the Nazi Germans, were majority Protestant.

Germany's demographics have changed, with the rise of Atheism.

A lot of Protestant Germans of yesteryear, are now Atheists.

Also, probably Catholics have a little higher birth rates.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
Of course the German people who faught in ww2 were mostly Catholics. What are they today? The same thing they were 74 years ago.

If Germans weren’t mostly Catholics in the 1940s tell me what they were

Nazi Germany was 67% Protestant before annexing Austria.

The people who voted in the Nazi Germans, were majority Protestant.

Germany's demographics have changed, with the rise of Atheism.

A lot of Protestant Germans of yesteryear, are now Atheists.

Also, probably Catholics have a little higher birth rates.
As long as you admit they were Christians. 67% Protestants 18% Catholics and probably around 15% atheists. Not a lot of atheists back then.

Italians went along with hitler. They were Catholics.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.
Of course the German people who faught in ww2 were mostly Catholics. What are they today? The same thing they were 74 years ago.

If Germans weren’t mostly Catholics in the 1940s tell me what they were

Nazi Germany was 67% Protestant before annexing Austria.

The people who voted in the Nazi Germans, were majority Protestant.

Germany's demographics have changed, with the rise of Atheism.

A lot of Protestant Germans of yesteryear, are now Atheists.

Also, probably Catholics have a little higher birth rates.
As long as you admit they were Christians. 67% Protestants 18% Catholics and probably around 15% atheists. Not a lot of atheists back then.

Italians went along with hitler. They were Catholics.

The Jews were not killed in Fascist Italy, well not until Nazi Germany had invaded in 1943, because apparently Nazi Germans saw Mussolini as too weak & not anti-Jewish enough.

The same happened to Horthy's heavily Catholic Hungary, he dragged his feet in collaborating with the Nazi final solution, so Nazi Germany invaded & started killing Hungarian Jews.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
Who killed Bruno giordano for explaining to the church how the universe actually works.

He refused to apologize so the Catholics killed him.

He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
Who killed Bruno giordano for explaining to the church how the universe actually works.

He refused to apologize so the Catholics killed him.

He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

oh----well-----there was a person-----whom I had nicknamed "pog"----
who is now, sadly, deceased. He could have answered ALL of
your concerns and misapprehensions about the FAKE INQUISITION.
Just accept the "fact"-----there were a few fair and square trials
conducted by the catholic authorities------all were represented by
competent lawyers ------and only a few very guilty people were axed.
The rest-------the jews invented
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
Who killed Bruno giordano for explaining to the church how the universe actually works.

He refused to apologize so the Catholics killed him.

He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

oh----well-----there was a person-----whom I had nicknamed "pog"----
who is now, sadly, deceased. He could have answered ALL of
your concerns and misapprehensions about the FAKE INQUISITION.
Just accept the "fact"-----there were a few fair and square trials
conducted by the catholic authorities------all were represented by
competent lawyers ------and only a few very guilty people were axed.
The rest-------the jews invented

The Inquisition wasn't great, neither were the Jews & Muslims who ran a slave trade of White Christians out of Spain.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

In historical terms, Catholic Poland has been one of the least anti-Jewish in Europe.

You blame Catholic Poland for the Protestant dominated Nazi Germany Holocaust, the Russian Orthodox dominated Pogroms, and NOW apparently Mediterranean Catholic Spains inquisition.

You're a feral maniac with poor intelligence.

No, Poland's resposible for Jedwabne & Kiece Pogroms.

A far cry from what you're blaming Catholic Poland for.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.

wrong----I did not speak of an 1875 Pogrom. I mentioned a random date---long
before adolf and long before Bolscheviks -----and asked-----what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.

wrong----I did not speak of an 1875 Pogrom. I mentioned a random date---long
before adolf and long before Bolscheviks -----and asked-----what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

There wasn't a true Poland in the late 1800s, there were a few Pogroms, and most of them were by Russian authorities.

Keep blaming Catholics for Orthodox & Protestant atrocities against Jews.

It shows how dumb & vile you are.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.
what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


Newsflash SealyBOZO Catholics don't kill Catholic clergy.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.
what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.

Jews have a 2500 year history of literacy and very little alcoholism.
Of course there were jewish teachers-----there have been for 2500
years. As to doctors-----same thing. There were jewish doctors
even in Spanish Inquisition spain. In fact the doctor who treated
SALAADIN-------12th century Abbasid Caliph----was also a jew.
Journalists-------literacy for 2500 years. You left out pharmacists------
the pharmacists of both the caliphates and reichs were jews------
its the reason that catholic priests claimed that jews know how to MAKE
GOLD.. Remember ALCHEMY? it is, according to the church and mosque propaganda of medieval times------a JEWISH MAGIC thing
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


Newsflash SealyBOZO Catholics don't kill Catholic clergy.

catholic clergy were killed even by the INQUISITION-----sobie dear
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.
what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.

Jews have a 2500 year history of literacy and very little alcoholism.
Of course there were jewish teachers-----there have been for 2500
years. As to doctors-----same thing. There were jewish doctors
even in Spanish Inquisition spain. In fact the doctor who treated
SALAADIN-------12th century Abbasid Caliph----was also a jew.
Journalists-------literacy for 2500 years. You left out pharmacists------
the pharmacists of both the caliphates and reichs were jews------
its the reason that catholic priests claimed that jews know how to MAKE
GOLD.. Remember ALCHEMY? it is, according to the church and mosque propaganda of medieval times------a JEWISH MAGIC thing

Uh, Jews also had a high rate of illiteracy in Eastern Europe, yes less than Catholic Poles & Orthodox Russia.

Then, again Yiddish is easier to learn than Polish & Russian languages.

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