Nazis were Catholic?

Both Goebbels & Speer stated that Hitler was religious, but anti- Christian.

I do not know anything about speer-------but both adolf and Goebbels were
CATHOLIC ----adolf attended the CATHOLIC CHURCH marriage of
Josef and Magda Goebbels------with all the catholic bells and whistles
of that religion
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.

I tend to think race dictates behavior more than religion.

Some of the most benign people have also been Catholic, like Catholic Poles, Catholic Czechs, Catholic Swiss, Catholic Slovaks, Catholic Irish & Catholic Hungarians.

Hitler, Napoleon & Lyndon Johnson, 3 mass murderers, all had E1b1 genetic haplogroup, common in Ethiopians, Somalians, Moroccans, Algerians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Albanians,Serbians, Scilians, Jews, and Greeks.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


Newsflash SealyBOZO Catholics don't kill Catholic clergy.

So they sent some non Catholic Nazi's to do that job.

Newsflash, Catholics don't rape little boys. Oh wait YES they do.

You'd be surprised what Catholics are capable of.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.

I tend to think race dictates behavior more than religion.

Some of the most benign people have also been Catholic, like Catholic Poles, Catholic Czechs, Catholic Swiss, Catholic Slovaks, Catholic Irish & Catholic Hungarians.

Hitler, Napoleon & Lyndon Johnson, 3 mass murderers, all had E1b1 genetic haplogroup, common in Ethiopians, Somalians, Moroccans, Algerians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Albanians,Serbians, Scilians, Jews, and Greeks.
Most Catholics are sheep not leaders. I'm not saying Catholics did the Holacaust but they turned a blind eye as long as it wasn't them being persecuted.

I'm Greek. We are more closely related to blacks then Germans are. This is true.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo

The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.
what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.

Jews have a 2500 year history of literacy and very little alcoholism.
Of course there were jewish teachers-----there have been for 2500
years. As to doctors-----same thing. There were jewish doctors
even in Spanish Inquisition spain. In fact the doctor who treated
SALAADIN-------12th century Abbasid Caliph----was also a jew.
Journalists-------literacy for 2500 years. You left out pharmacists------
the pharmacists of both the caliphates and reichs were jews------
its the reason that catholic priests claimed that jews know how to MAKE
GOLD.. Remember ALCHEMY? it is, according to the church and mosque propaganda of medieval times------a JEWISH MAGIC thing

Uh, Jews also had a high rate of illiteracy in Eastern Europe, yes less than Catholic Poles & Orthodox Russia.

Then, again Yiddish is easier to learn than Polish & Russian languages.

wrong again----jews had virtually no illiteracy------Your idiot sources
claim that the ONLY LANGUAGE IS POLISH--------jews were literate
in Yiddish-------and a good proportion (far more than poles were literate
in polish) also in German. Some were literate, also in Hebrew----and
French. Yiddish is "easier to learn" ? what-da-hell does that mean?
It is true that polish jews did not learn polish------they were excluded from
polish schools
Both Goebbels & Speer stated that Hitler was religious, but anti- Christian.

I do not know anything about speer-------but both adolf and Goebbels were
CATHOLIC ----adolf attended the CATHOLIC CHURCH marriage of
Josef and Magda Goebbels------with all the catholic bells and whistles
of that religion

Hitler supported many odd beliefs, including Islam, Mystic & Occult organizations like Thule society, Vril Society & Theosophy society.

Note he also chose the Hindu & Buddhust Swastika.

All false idol worship in the Catholic faith.

He supported Euthanasia & Abortion for Untermensch which both are Catholic major sins.

Worst of all he butchered Catholic clergy.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.

I tend to think race dictates behavior more than religion.

basic nazism
The Polish historical revisionist is you.

You speak of a 1875 Krakow Pogrom that simply can't be Googled.
what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.

Jews have a 2500 year history of literacy and very little alcoholism.
Of course there were jewish teachers-----there have been for 2500
years. As to doctors-----same thing. There were jewish doctors
even in Spanish Inquisition spain. In fact the doctor who treated
SALAADIN-------12th century Abbasid Caliph----was also a jew.
Journalists-------literacy for 2500 years. You left out pharmacists------
the pharmacists of both the caliphates and reichs were jews------
its the reason that catholic priests claimed that jews know how to MAKE
GOLD.. Remember ALCHEMY? it is, according to the church and mosque propaganda of medieval times------a JEWISH MAGIC thing

Uh, Jews also had a high rate of illiteracy in Eastern Europe, yes less than Catholic Poles & Orthodox Russia.

Then, again Yiddish is easier to learn than Polish & Russian languages.

wrong again----jews had virtually no illiteracy------Your idiot sources
claim that the ONLY LANGUAGE IS POLISH--------jews were literate
in Yiddish-------and a good proportion (far more than poles were literate
in polish) also in German. Some were literate, also in Hebrew----and
French. Yiddish is "easier to learn" ? what-da-hell does that mean?
It is true that polish jews did not learn polish------they were excluded from
polish schools

Near 1900, give or take.

More Jews were illiterate than Ireland, the most illiterate at the time in Western Europe.

Sure, Jews were excluded from Polish schools, but magically became Doctors & Lawyers.

You're a terrible beast, either very dumb, or very manipulative.
what was the situation for jews in Poland back then----------hint---no damn good. Not the
UTOPIA that you wish to claim

Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.

Jews have a 2500 year history of literacy and very little alcoholism.
Of course there were jewish teachers-----there have been for 2500
years. As to doctors-----same thing. There were jewish doctors
even in Spanish Inquisition spain. In fact the doctor who treated
SALAADIN-------12th century Abbasid Caliph----was also a jew.
Journalists-------literacy for 2500 years. You left out pharmacists------
the pharmacists of both the caliphates and reichs were jews------
its the reason that catholic priests claimed that jews know how to MAKE
GOLD.. Remember ALCHEMY? it is, according to the church and mosque propaganda of medieval times------a JEWISH MAGIC thing

Uh, Jews also had a high rate of illiteracy in Eastern Europe, yes less than Catholic Poles & Orthodox Russia.

Then, again Yiddish is easier to learn than Polish & Russian languages.

wrong again----jews had virtually no illiteracy------Your idiot sources
claim that the ONLY LANGUAGE IS POLISH--------jews were literate
in Yiddish-------and a good proportion (far more than poles were literate
in polish) also in German. Some were literate, also in Hebrew----and
French. Yiddish is "easier to learn" ? what-da-hell does that mean?
It is true that polish jews did not learn polish------they were excluded from
polish schools

Near 1900, give or take.

More Jews were illiterate than Ireland, the most illiterate at the time in Western Europe.

Sure, Jews were excluded from Polish schools, but magically became Doctors & Lawyers.

You're a terrible beast, either very dumb, or very manipulative.

try again------illiterate in polish does not mean ILLITERATE----it just
means ILLITERATE in polish. You are very confused as to that which
constituted a Medical education in the 18th century. and just how doctors
were made
Aw boo hoo hoo, Jews made up more doctors, lawyers, journalists & teachers in Catholic Poland than True Catholic Poles had.

The horrorific ghettos & oppression upon Jews.

You're either really dumb, or a really bad liar.

Jews have a 2500 year history of literacy and very little alcoholism.
Of course there were jewish teachers-----there have been for 2500
years. As to doctors-----same thing. There were jewish doctors
even in Spanish Inquisition spain. In fact the doctor who treated
SALAADIN-------12th century Abbasid Caliph----was also a jew.
Journalists-------literacy for 2500 years. You left out pharmacists------
the pharmacists of both the caliphates and reichs were jews------
its the reason that catholic priests claimed that jews know how to MAKE
GOLD.. Remember ALCHEMY? it is, according to the church and mosque propaganda of medieval times------a JEWISH MAGIC thing

Uh, Jews also had a high rate of illiteracy in Eastern Europe, yes less than Catholic Poles & Orthodox Russia.

Then, again Yiddish is easier to learn than Polish & Russian languages.

wrong again----jews had virtually no illiteracy------Your idiot sources
claim that the ONLY LANGUAGE IS POLISH--------jews were literate
in Yiddish-------and a good proportion (far more than poles were literate
in polish) also in German. Some were literate, also in Hebrew----and
French. Yiddish is "easier to learn" ? what-da-hell does that mean?
It is true that polish jews did not learn polish------they were excluded from
polish schools

Near 1900, give or take.

More Jews were illiterate than Ireland, the most illiterate at the time in Western Europe.

Sure, Jews were excluded from Polish schools, but magically became Doctors & Lawyers.

You're a terrible beast, either very dumb, or very manipulative.

try again------illiterate in polish does not mean ILLITERATE----it just
means ILLITERATE in polish. You are very confused as to that which
constituted a Medical education in the 18th century. and just how doctors
were made

Catholic Poland has a a higher literacy rate than Jewish Israel now.

But, that's off topic.

I'd love to see you blame Catholic believers as the main Nazis.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Actually, that's a load of shit. The National Socialists, like most other socialists, are virulently anti-Christian. Leaders like Martin Bormann made no bones about that.

And make no mistake about it, the Nazis are liberals. Socialized Medicine is one of the their biggest planks on their platform. Guys like Joe Mengele were government paid doctors, administering the Hitlercare program to the masses.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”
– Adolf Hitler

We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement ...

substitute "atheistic movement" for abortion in today's political setting - the christians only need an excuse, seemingly benign to the general public, to persecute and victimize innocent people and do it for the same people that use them to gain political domination for the same purpose. they walk hand in hand - no matter how despotic to achieve their scurrilous goals.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”
– Adolf Hitler

We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement ...

substitute "atheistic movement" for abortion in today's political setting - the christians only need an excuse, seemingly benign to the general public, to persecute and victimize innocent people and do it for the same people that use them to gain political domination for the same purpose. they walk hand in hand - no matter how despotic to achieve their scurrilous goals.

When you say they persecute and victimize innocent people do you mean by trying to take away their right to choose?
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Actually, that's a load of shit. The National Socialists, like most other socialists, are virulently anti-Christian. Leaders like Martin Bormann made no bones about that.

And make no mistake about it, the Nazis are liberals. Socialized Medicine is one of the their biggest planks on their platform. Guys like Joe Mengele were government paid doctors, administering the Hitlercare program to the masses.

Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things.[1] The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.[2] He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness".[3][4] He described the early stages of delusional thought as self-referential, over-interpretations of actual sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations.[1][5]

Apophenia has come to imply a universal human tendency to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling.

People wanting socialized medicine and being Nazi's have nothing to do with each other.

Take for example the people at those racist rallies. The people who Trump called really fine people. Trump is catering to the Nazi's, even though his own son in law is a Jew.

So we see in America it's the conservatives who are the Americans who look and sound a lot like Nazi's, not us who are asking for socialized medicine.

Or maybe what you are doing is called a False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency?

Whatever it is you are doing, you are doing it. The fact is the German population was 95% Christian in the 1940's. That's a fact.
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.

I tend to think race dictates behavior more than religion.

Some of the most benign people have also been Catholic, like Catholic Poles, Catholic Czechs, Catholic Swiss, Catholic Slovaks, Catholic Irish & Catholic Hungarians.

Hitler, Napoleon & Lyndon Johnson, 3 mass murderers, all had E1b1 genetic haplogroup, common in Ethiopians, Somalians, Moroccans, Algerians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Albanians,Serbians, Scilians, Jews, and Greeks.

So ever since Catholics stopped being Nazi's, what have they been up to?

For The Catholic Church, A Year Of Unending Clergy Abuse Revelations

2018 has been an explosive year for the Catholic Church, with renewed revelations of clergy sexual abuse and cover up from one coast to the other. Dioceses across the country continue to deal with the fallout of a stunning grand jury report that detailed decades of abuse in Pennsylvania. For some parishioners and reform advocates, the church as a whole isn't taking the crisis seriously enough.

After the Boston abuse scandal in 2002, the Vatican approved a zero tolerance policy for clergy who abuse children. But McKiernan said there still aren't any mechanisms in place to hold bishops accountable, or those who cover up abuse. They still report directly to the Pope.

U.S. Bishops were expecting to vote on new accountability measures at a gathering in November, but the Pope ordered the effort to be delayed until February.

Either way, McKiernan is skeptical of internal accountability efforts. He's pushing for more external pressure, like the investigation and report by the Illinois Attorney General this month detailing allegations against at least 500 priests the church had failed to disclose earlier.

Davin said she's more skeptical than optimistic that anything significant will come from the worldwide gathering of Catholic leadership at the Vatican in February.

"There's recognition I believe, something has to happen or there's going to be more to reckon with. Something has to be said, something has to be done, something has to come from the Pope," said Davin. "So is that what's going to happen in February? Let's see."

Davin said another fumbled response could plunge the church into an even deeper crisis.

Catholics will put up with just about anything from their leaders.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Actually, that's a load of shit. The National Socialists, like most other socialists, are virulently anti-Christian. Leaders like Martin Bormann made no bones about that.

And make no mistake about it, the Nazis are liberals. Socialized Medicine is one of the their biggest planks on their platform. Guys like Joe Mengele were government paid doctors, administering the Hitlercare program to the masses.

Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things.[1] The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.[2] He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness".[3][4] He described the early stages of delusional thought as self-referential, over-interpretations of actual sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations.[1][5]

Apophenia has come to imply a universal human tendency to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling.

People wanting socialized medicine and being Nazi's have nothing to do with each other.

Take for example the people at those racist rallies. The people who Trump called really fine people. Trump is catering to the Nazi's, even though his own son in law is a Jew.

So we see in America it's the conservatives who are the Americans who look and sound a lot like Nazi's, not us who are asking for socialized medicine.

Or maybe what you are doing is called a False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency?

Whatever it is you are doing, you are doing it. The fact is the German population was 95% Christian in the 1940's. That's a fact.

So, how long have you suffered from apophenia?

Catholics don't kill Catholic clergy, support euthanasia, or abortion.

Nazis do
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.

I tend to think race dictates behavior more than religion.

Some of the most benign people have also been Catholic, like Catholic Poles, Catholic Czechs, Catholic Swiss, Catholic Slovaks, Catholic Irish & Catholic Hungarians.

Hitler, Napoleon & Lyndon Johnson, 3 mass murderers, all had E1b1 genetic haplogroup, common in Ethiopians, Somalians, Moroccans, Algerians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Albanians,Serbians, Scilians, Jews, and Greeks.

So ever since Catholics stopped being Nazi's, what have they been up to?

For The Catholic Church, A Year Of Unending Clergy Abuse Revelations

2018 has been an explosive year for the Catholic Church, with renewed revelations of clergy sexual abuse and cover up from one coast to the other. Dioceses across the country continue to deal with the fallout of a stunning grand jury report that detailed decades of abuse in Pennsylvania. For some parishioners and reform advocates, the church as a whole isn't taking the crisis seriously enough.

After the Boston abuse scandal in 2002, the Vatican approved a zero tolerance policy for clergy who abuse children. But McKiernan said there still aren't any mechanisms in place to hold bishops accountable, or those who cover up abuse. They still report directly to the Pope.

U.S. Bishops were expecting to vote on new accountability measures at a gathering in November, but the Pope ordered the effort to be delayed until February.

Either way, McKiernan is skeptical of internal accountability efforts. He's pushing for more external pressure, like the investigation and report by the Illinois Attorney General this month detailing allegations against at least 500 priests the church had failed to disclose earlier.

Davin said she's more skeptical than optimistic that anything significant will come from the worldwide gathering of Catholic leadership at the Vatican in February.

"There's recognition I believe, something has to happen or there's going to be more to reckon with. Something has to be said, something has to be done, something has to come from the Pope," said Davin. "So is that what's going to happen in February? Let's see."

Davin said another fumbled response could plunge the church into an even deeper crisis.

Catholics will put up with just about anything from their leaders.

You're clearly an anti-Catholic bigot.

Catholics aren't really unique in Clergy abuses.

Catholics were also victims of the Holocaust.
I'd love to hear that Nazis were Catholic Supremacists, actually.

This is a common theme, with little evidence.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but I won't in the OP, merely because I'd love to hear your frigging opinions.

Actually, that's a load of shit. The National Socialists, like most other socialists, are virulently anti-Christian. Leaders like Martin Bormann made no bones about that.

And make no mistake about it, the Nazis are liberals. Socialized Medicine is one of the their biggest planks on their platform. Guys like Joe Mengele were government paid doctors, administering the Hitlercare program to the masses.

Apophenia (/æpoʊˈfiːniə/) is the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things.[1] The term (German: Apophänie) was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia.[2] He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness".[3][4] He described the early stages of delusional thought as self-referential, over-interpretations of actual sensory perceptions, as opposed to hallucinations.[1][5]

Apophenia has come to imply a universal human tendency to seek patterns in random information, such as gambling.

People wanting socialized medicine and being Nazi's have nothing to do with each other.

Take for example the people at those racist rallies. The people who Trump called really fine people. Trump is catering to the Nazi's, even though his own son in law is a Jew.

So we see in America it's the conservatives who are the Americans who look and sound a lot like Nazi's, not us who are asking for socialized medicine.

Or maybe what you are doing is called a False equivalence is a logical fallacy in which two completely opposing arguments appear to be logically equivalent when in fact they are not. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency?

Whatever it is you are doing, you are doing it. The fact is the German population was 95% Christian in the 1940's. That's a fact.

So, how long have you suffered from apophenia?

Catholics don't kill Catholic clergy, support euthanasia, or abortion.

Nazis do
Catholics do support pedophilia, abusing/raping nuns, gay marriage, pollution.

You can say Catholics don't but they do. If you go to a church that hides pedophiles and you put money in the basket you support it.

You can't even say you didn't know. You know.
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised in the Roman Catholic Church.

Maybe it was being raised Catholic that made him crazy.

I don't believe Hitler was a Christian but I believe he used Christianity just like Republicans in America do today. They might not actually believe in Christianity either but they pretend to in order to win over supporters. Same way Republicans use Christianity today.

There are many many many people like you who want to distance Christianity from what German Christians did in the 1940's. I believe American Christians are capable of being manipulated in a similar way.

I tend to think race dictates behavior more than religion.

Some of the most benign people have also been Catholic, like Catholic Poles, Catholic Czechs, Catholic Swiss, Catholic Slovaks, Catholic Irish & Catholic Hungarians.

Hitler, Napoleon & Lyndon Johnson, 3 mass murderers, all had E1b1 genetic haplogroup, common in Ethiopians, Somalians, Moroccans, Algerians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Albanians,Serbians, Scilians, Jews, and Greeks.

So ever since Catholics stopped being Nazi's, what have they been up to?

For The Catholic Church, A Year Of Unending Clergy Abuse Revelations

2018 has been an explosive year for the Catholic Church, with renewed revelations of clergy sexual abuse and cover up from one coast to the other. Dioceses across the country continue to deal with the fallout of a stunning grand jury report that detailed decades of abuse in Pennsylvania. For some parishioners and reform advocates, the church as a whole isn't taking the crisis seriously enough.

After the Boston abuse scandal in 2002, the Vatican approved a zero tolerance policy for clergy who abuse children. But McKiernan said there still aren't any mechanisms in place to hold bishops accountable, or those who cover up abuse. They still report directly to the Pope.

U.S. Bishops were expecting to vote on new accountability measures at a gathering in November, but the Pope ordered the effort to be delayed until February.

Either way, McKiernan is skeptical of internal accountability efforts. He's pushing for more external pressure, like the investigation and report by the Illinois Attorney General this month detailing allegations against at least 500 priests the church had failed to disclose earlier.

Davin said she's more skeptical than optimistic that anything significant will come from the worldwide gathering of Catholic leadership at the Vatican in February.

"There's recognition I believe, something has to happen or there's going to be more to reckon with. Something has to be said, something has to be done, something has to come from the Pope," said Davin. "So is that what's going to happen in February? Let's see."

Davin said another fumbled response could plunge the church into an even deeper crisis.

Catholics will put up with just about anything from their leaders.

You're clearly an anti-Catholic bigot.

Catholics aren't really unique in Clergy abuses.

Catholics were also victims of the Holocaust.

I'm not anti Catholic. I'm anti every organized religion. They are all lies. And they were made up to control the masses.

We'd be on mars by now if it weren't for religions. And no that is not apophenia
let us all thank sobie for the latest in polish catholic historic revisionism. A few years ago we had the honor of hosting, on this messageboard, an expert
in Vatican historic revision who debunked the Inquisition----noting that
only a few dozen people had died in the entire project as PROVEN by
the paroling of Galileo
He can’t white wash the Catholic history. It’s messed up

Catholic clergy were butchered by Nazi Germany.

How is that Whitewashing history?

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”
– Adolf Hitler

We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement ...

substitute "atheistic movement" for abortion in today's political setting - the christians only need an excuse, seemingly benign to the general public, to persecute and victimize innocent people and do it for the same people that use them to gain political domination for the same purpose. they walk hand in hand - no matter how despotic to achieve their scurrilous goals.

When you say they persecute and victimize innocent people do you mean by trying to take away their right to choose?
When you say they persecute and victimize innocent people do you mean by trying to take away their right to choose?

no / correct ... that is tangential.


they have persecuted and victimized the innocent since publishing their christian bible in the 4th century - jesus was the first of that order. the crucifiers have yet to be brought to justice, they were the participants of the 4th century insurrection.

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