Nazism in Israel

That's right, I said all those things, but it wasn't out of hatred, it was because 1) I enjoy using the f-word and 2) I object to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's.


But that's not enough, You also neglect the clear open signs:

WTF do those pictures have to do with me?

You need to stop lying to yourself.
No it's funny how you're dying to blame others for your own shadow/hatred.
What does that have to do with the Pals being treated like garbage? And why can't you talk about the Pals being treated like garbage? Just how big of a pussy are you?

As far as your accusation, just whom do I hate and why do I hate them?

And yes you're a parrot, you've showed in every way your ignorance and lack of basic knowledge of the ME.
Care to explain that one in a little more detail?

Or are bullshit innuendo's as far as you go?

Why You hate? Out of fear or hurt maybe. But that's Yours.
Who do You hate? Everyone who seems to You to be violent unjustified, in Your opinion- especially the Palis and Israelis.

"Fuck Hamas and fuck Israel! Fuck both of them and fuck you!
I could care less about either side."

"Fuck Israel!
That country should be barbecued with nuclear weapons."

"Just another example of Israeli aggression.
Someone should barbecue that country.
Fuck Israel!"

"Fuck Canada! Fuck Israel!"

"There's nothing to negotiate, asswipe!
Just get the fuck off land that isn't yours!"


But that's not enough, You also neglect the clear open signs:



Now show us the pics of the Zionists and German Jewish Board of Deputies,who also had various personal meetings with Hitler,and their collaboration with the Nazis to exterminate Jews...Which they did......your Bais shows no RESTRAINT...Tell the TRUTH for once in your life.steve...see a lot of us are far more knowledgeable than you
"Okay everybody, grab your monkey!"

That has nothing to do with the thread (I was just watching Ironman 3), but this does...

Israel treats Arabs the way Nazis treated Jews – a racist, fascist, white Jewish supremacist (the chosen people nonsense), Arab-hating society systematically ghettoizing and terrorizing people for praying to the wrong God.

Palestinians are treated like sub-humans, enduring virtually every type indignity and mistreatment under brutalizing militarized rule, civil justice denied.

Institutionalized racism worse than South African apartheid denies them fundamental human and civil rights. De-Arabization is official Israeli policy. Occupation harshness facilitates slow-motion genocide.

Millions suffer horrifically. Anyone resisting tyranny is eliminated – brutalized, imprisoned or murdered.
I challenge anyone to provide proof this is not happening.

Very easy to do as Palestine is not in Israel, and until it is you are telling islamonazi lies to racially attack the Jews and incite violence.

Now were is the Nazism inside Israel itself, something that you morons have never even tried to answer
Tis true . One can read all about it by reading the newspapers from the area. Terror daily. Trying to take over the Dome of the Rock, bulldozing homes, I guess they are treated like the blacks use to be in the US,
as I'm not sure Germans were as bad as the Jews say.

So when did the west bank get handed to Israel and the world accepted that is was Israeli from then on. If it isn't happening inside Israel then it is a LIE
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Dictatorship style press, under the title of "research".
10/10 Propaganda.
Dan, Dan, Dan..................Dan 'ole bean, ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Do you care to address any of the comments in the OP specifically?

Or are you trying to say the Pals are not demonized and treated like they're sub-human?

Are you trying to say they live in Israel as Israeli citizens ?
Even the King of Jordan is getting pissed off :

AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah has intensified Jordan's efforts to counter the Israeli aggression on Al Aqsa Mosque and discussed the recent clashes with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey over the phone Thursday, a Royal Court statement said.

They agreed on the need for more coordination among Islamic states to end violations and to stand up to Israeli attempts to Judaise holy sites in occupied Jerusalem

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour also chastised Israel for its aggression targeting Al Aqsa Mosque and Muslim worshippers there.

“The recent Israeli acts of aggression against Al Aqsa Mosque and Al Haram Al Sharif contradict the Israeli government’s pledges, not only those that are part of the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty, but also those made at international meetings,” Ensour said.

The premier was speaking during a meeting Thursday with Interior Minister Salameh Hammad, Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani, governors and directors of security bodies at the Interior Ministry to address Arab concerns of the recent skirmish in Jerusalem.

Israeli forces stormed the mosque on Sunday morning, firing rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades, thus injuring people inside, according to reports.

“Israel realises that such acts of aggression pose danger to the region and to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process,” Ensour said during the Interior Ministry meeting

- See more at: King, Erdogan discuss latest escalation in Jerusalem | Jordan Times

Not Israel is it, and the Palestinians have only themselves to blame for what happens.
No it's funny how you're dying to blame others for your own shadow/hatred.
What does that have to do with the Pals being treated like garbage? And why can't you talk about the Pals being treated like garbage? Just how big of a pussy are you?

As far as your accusation, just whom do I hate and why do I hate them?

And yes you're a parrot, you've showed in every way your ignorance and lack of basic knowledge of the ME.
Care to explain that one in a little more detail?

Or are bullshit innuendo's as far as you go?

Why You hate? Out of fear or hurt maybe. But that's Yours.
Who do You hate? Everyone who seems to You to be violent unjustified, in Your opinion- especially the Palis and Israelis.

"Fuck Hamas and fuck Israel! Fuck both of them and fuck you!
I could care less about either side."

"Fuck Israel!
That country should be barbecued with nuclear weapons."

"Just another example of Israeli aggression.
Someone should barbecue that country.
Fuck Israel!"

"Fuck Canada! Fuck Israel!"

"There's nothing to negotiate, asswipe!
Just get the fuck off land that isn't yours!"


But that's not enough, You also neglect the clear open signs:



Now show us the pics of the Zionists and German Jewish Board of Deputies,who also had various personal meetings with Hitler,and their collaboration with the Nazis to exterminate Jews...Which they did......your Bais shows no RESTRAINT...Tell the TRUTH for once in your life.steve...see a lot of us are far more knowledgeable than you

And you have not once proven this false racist claim have you ?
That's right, I said all those things, but it wasn't out of hatred, it was because 1) I enjoy using the f-word and 2) I object to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's.


But that's not enough, You also neglect the clear open signs:

WTF do those pictures have to do with me?

You need to stop lying to yourself.

In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Yeah the plestinians are known mostly for fishing and farming...

So You're intitled to think what You want.
The facts remain the same- The majority of the world recognized it as a Jewish Homeland-State.
and recognizes Palestinian organizations as Terrorist.

You're not the first nazi, nothing to do with church and state.
That's why You turn a blind eye on the palestinian crimes against Israel and Arab crimes against the Palestinians. You tend to choose the side of the Islamists- the real Nazis that openly align with Hitler today, denying the Jews their state like You do and calling to nuclear annihilation of Jews and Arabs as well.
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In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
Oh really. What religions cannot buy land in the US?
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
Oh really. What religions cannot buy land in the US?

Not being conversant with American laws I cant say, but what religions cant buy land in Saudi, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Iraq ?
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

:lmao: You Nazi types must believe everyone is as dim as you. Given the evil on the planet - much of it Jihadist in nature - the one place you would toast just happens to be the Jewish Homeland and full of Jews. What a convenient coincidence, eh Adolph?
You fool no one.
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
Oh really. What religions cannot buy land in the US?

Not being conversant with American laws I cant say, but what religions cant buy land in Saudi, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Iraq ?
Who cares? They are not Palestine.
In your pots You openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish sate.
That's not a mere amusement in the f-word.

That's a blood libel, calling to kill millions of Jews and Arabs.
Given Your attempts in rewriting the Jewish history, to disconnect the people of their land, and the support for Terror organizations- pure anti-semnitism.
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
Oh really. What religions cannot buy land in the US?

Not being conversant with American laws I cant say, but what religions cant buy land in Saudi, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Iraq ?
Who cares? They are not Palestine.

OK then what religion cant buy land in Palestine, and why do they have a law that makes it a capital offence to sell to that religion ?
I don't recognize Israel as a "Jewish State", nor will I ever. As an American, I was raised to separate church and state. So you're just gonna have to let that one go.

As for turning Israel into a "glow-in-the-dark" parking lot, that stems from the fact after seeing the shit you've done since declaring yourself a state, you don't deserve a country!

The shit you've done (and are doing) is disgusting. Shooting at people while they fish and farm is just mean. It has nothing to do with Israeli national security, it's just mean. And the reason you do it, is because you're mean fucking assholes!

Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
Oh really. What religions cannot buy land in the US?

Not being conversant with American laws I cant say, but what religions cant buy land in Saudi, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Iraq ?
Who cares? They are not Palestine.

OK then what religion cant buy land in Palestine, and why do they have a law that makes it a capital offence to sell to that religion ?
I think the law actually says Israelis and their agents. The law is a leftover from when they were under Jordanian control and Israel was an enemy country. I think the Samaritans actually own land in the West Bank.
Is that why you pledge to God when you recite the pledge of allegiance, and why your countries motto is "In God we trust"
Oh really. What religions cannot buy land in the US?

Not being conversant with American laws I cant say, but what religions cant buy land in Saudi, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Iraq ?
Who cares? They are not Palestine.

OK then what religion cant buy land in Palestine, and why do they have a law that makes it a capital offence to sell to that religion ?
I think the law actually says Israelis and their agents. The law is a leftover from when they were under Jordanian control and Israel was an enemy country. I think the Samaritans actually own land in the West Bank.

Just as arab muslims can buy land in Israel if they meet the criteria. And the law says JEWS as some palestinians are Israeli citizens

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