NBA Tonight

Simple test. Ask someone in the kkk if they are white.

But then would a greek like me even be white enough? They mean Aryan.
I dont see the incentive to give mj 3 in a row 2 times. It got really old

Go back and look at the ratings and you'll have your answer. The only ratings on par with the Bulls finals were Celts/Lakers. Even Shaq/Kobe was only like 70 percent of the MJ finals. The Spurs/Nets and Spurs/Pistons were like 35 percent of an MJ Finals. That's a lot of money left on the table when the 'wrong' team makes it to the finals. Once you get that, all the subtle missed calls and who they go for or don't go for will make a lot more sense.
Oh I've seen it. 2005 they gave it to the spurs.

But OK let mj make the finals but why cheat so he wins? They already have the ratings. What benefit is there to him winning everytime?

This reminds me of WWF. They always let hulk hogan win. There must have been a financial benefit but as a viewer I never got it. It was the same thing every week for years.

Why? Cos a "champion" sells.
Bowen is top 5 but he wasnt revolutionary. Pippen was revolutionary and thats why Bowen was valued. Everyone wanted a Pippen clone.
I miss the great D. Bad boys spurs bulls. They rarely scored over 100. Today teams score over 100 too much. No great D's. Miami wasn't great at D. Was Kobe's Lakers or Dirk's mavs good defensive teams?

Are the Warriors or clippers or atlant or cavs great defensive teams? Remember how "dirty" the bad boys were? Loved it.

Remember someone always fouled out of a game or at least came close? I dont see that anymore.

Stern changed the rules specifically for Jordan (or he never would have gotten those three peats). The Bad Boys and early 90's Knicks teams were bad ass.
Can't believe Ewing never won a ring. Or Reggie miller,.morning,. Barkley, Carl Malone, Gary Payton.

I know mourning won but he was a bench player then with shaq and wade.

Jordan ruined a lot of legacies and I dont think stern gave the bulls all those rings. It would have done the ratings good if Jordan had a rival.

Its not a rivalry if Jordan wins every time.

Agreed; except Payton did get a cheapie with the Heat. I think in a fairly officiated league, most or all of those players would have gotten rings. But MJ was a ratings blitz for the league and they had every incentive to cater to him and keep the rings rolling in. People forget that there were a lot of teams that were just better than those Bulls teams that won in those 90's. Six rings defied logic/math. Stern was always aiding and abetting. Only the Jordan jockers deny that.

Though, a quick note on Barkley; he could've won rings had he committed more to fitness. In 92, it is widely acknowledged that Barkley was the most dominant force on the Dream Team.
Now I'm rooting for Atlanta v warriors but if what you say is true it will be cave v warriors. Curry v Lebron

I say the league needs a rivalry so no incentive to stop curry from spanking lebron like dirk and Duncan did.

I dont see the incentive to give mj 3 in a row 2 times. It got really old. The best would have been Utah wins the rematch and mj wins the 3rd meeting.

If what you say is true magic would have always beat Larry. Lol. But Larry was good for bringing in white viewers.

I think you are a mj hater.

I asked my 13 year old if he knew how good pippen was and he said "he'll always live in mj's shadow. Told you so. From the mouths of babes.

I root for Atlanta. They're teh least hatable. Yea, I'm a hater. If I don't love a team, I hate em, :lol:
Jason Kidd and Blake Griffin are both half white; and Stephen Curry is one quarter white, I believe. Klay Thompson is half white as well. Just throwing that out there. Steve Nash just won a couple MVPs not that long ago. Manu Ginobili is considerably white; just not in the Northwestern Euro mold. People been throwing out MJ love. He's not getting those last three rings without Toni Kukoc. Not to mention Steve Kerr and John Paxson both iced championships for him. White Chocolate (Jason Williams) is arguably the most entertaining player to play in the NBA. Though, the Kings traded him for the half white Mike Bibby to get them over the top. Kevin Love is over-rated, imo; but pulling down 20-20's night in and night out when he was in Minnesota is something. The Gasol brothers have been top centers in the league for like a decade now. JMO, but I think AMMO (Adam Morrison) was going to come on strong and play like he did in college before he blew out his knee in the preseason of year 2. He takes a lot of heat for being a bust; but knee injuries often do players in.Frankly, there have been a lot of good white players; but yea, there's been a shortage in white all-stars at times....and someone already mentioned Dirk.
All those guys you listed consider themselves Black. I know JKidd personally and he would beat you up if you called him white! Curry is not white at all. Both his parents are Black not biracial. John Stockton was the last white american guy to start an all star game. The problem is not with being white. Its the socialization of the american masses into believing basketball is a Black mans game. American whites simply need to believe. European players ball hard.

It doesn't matter what they consider themselves. Genetics don't lie. I'll take Jason Kidd on in a fight any day. I have no love for wife beaters.

I think the reason you don't see more Euro stars is two fold:

1. Much stronger soccer culture.
2. There attitudes are too passive. They stand in awe of individual talent too much. They're great system players; but they need to butch up.

Actually it does matter what they consider themselves. They only count as white in your mind. In their mind, actions, culture, genetics etc they are Black. Every single one of the guys you listed.

No you wouldnt take Kidd on in a fight but you get an a for effort at attempting to appear convincing. :laugh:

There are more white euro stars than white american ones

If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.

JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
All those guys you listed consider themselves Black. I know JKidd personally and he would beat you up if you called him white! Curry is not white at all. Both his parents are Black not biracial. John Stockton was the last white american guy to start an all star game. The problem is not with being white. Its the socialization of the american masses into believing basketball is a Black mans game. American whites simply need to believe. European players ball hard.

It doesn't matter what they consider themselves. Genetics don't lie. I'll take Jason Kidd on in a fight any day. I have no love for wife beaters.

I think the reason you don't see more Euro stars is two fold:

1. Much stronger soccer culture.
2. There attitudes are too passive. They stand in awe of individual talent too much. They're great system players; but they need to butch up.

Actually it does matter what they consider themselves. They only count as white in your mind. In their mind, actions, culture, genetics etc they are Black. Every single one of the guys you listed.

No you wouldnt take Kidd on in a fight but you get an a for effort at attempting to appear convincing. :laugh:

There are more white euro stars than white american ones

If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.

JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.

Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.
There is one guy I would put up their with Duncan as the GOAT at PF. Kevin Garnett. He didnt have as much success as Duncan but he was a force and with the right team would have had more success.

KG was too weak on the box, imo. And some say he choked when the moment got too big. I guess he is worthy of discussion. He was the real MVP in 08; but they had to give Kobe his lifetime achievement award MVP instead. It'd be interesting where he'd rank if he had played on better teams sooner.
It doesn't matter what they consider themselves. Genetics don't lie. I'll take Jason Kidd on in a fight any day. I have no love for wife beaters.

I think the reason you don't see more Euro stars is two fold:

1. Much stronger soccer culture.
2. There attitudes are too passive. They stand in awe of individual talent too much. They're great system players; but they need to butch up.
Actually it does matter what they consider themselves. They only count as white in your mind. In their mind, actions, culture, genetics etc they are Black. Every single one of the guys you listed.

No you wouldnt take Kidd on in a fight but you get an a for effort at attempting to appear convincing. :laugh:

There are more white euro stars than white american ones
If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
There is one guy I would put up their with Duncan as the GOAT at PF. Kevin Garnett. He didnt have as much success as Duncan but he was a force and with the right team would have had more success.

KG was too weak on the box, imo. And some say he choked when the moment got too big. I guess he is worthy of discussion. He was the real MVP in 08; but they had to give Kobe his lifetime achievement award MVP instead. It'd be interesting where he'd rank if he had played on better teams sooner.
He was always pretty skinny so that makes since. Its easy to say someone choked when they are the sole superstar on the team with no real help. All the attention is on them and no one remembers that scrub A didnt shoot, pass, etc when he was supposed to and put him in a bad position.
Actually it does matter what they consider themselves. They only count as white in your mind. In their mind, actions, culture, genetics etc they are Black. Every single one of the guys you listed.

No you wouldnt take Kidd on in a fight but you get an a for effort at attempting to appear convincing. :laugh:

There are more white euro stars than white american ones
If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.
I miss the great D. Bad boys spurs bulls. They rarely scored over 100. Today teams score over 100 too much. No great D's. Miami wasn't great at D. Was Kobe's Lakers or Dirk's mavs good defensive teams?

Are the Warriors or clippers or atlant or cavs great defensive teams? Remember how "dirty" the bad boys were? Loved it.

Remember someone always fouled out of a game or at least came close? I dont see that anymore.

Stern changed the rules specifically for Jordan (or he never would have gotten those three peats). The Bad Boys and early 90's Knicks teams were bad ass.
Can't believe Ewing never won a ring. Or Reggie miller,.morning,. Barkley, Carl Malone, Gary Payton.

I know mourning won but he was a bench player then with shaq and wade.

Jordan ruined a lot of legacies and I dont think stern gave the bulls all those rings. It would have done the ratings good if Jordan had a rival.

Its not a rivalry if Jordan wins every time.

Agreed; except Payton did get a cheapie with the Heat. I think in a fairly officiated league, most or all of those players would have gotten rings. But MJ was a ratings blitz for the league and they had every incentive to cater to him and keep the rings rolling in. People forget that there were a lot of teams that were just better than those Bulls teams that won in those 90's. Six rings defied logic/math. Stern was always aiding and abetting. Only the Jordan jockers deny that.

Though, a quick note on Barkley; he could've won rings had he committed more to fitness. In 92, it is widely acknowledged that Barkley was the most dominant force on the Dream Team.
Now I'm rooting for Atlanta v warriors but if what you say is true it will be cave v warriors. Curry v Lebron

I say the league needs a rivalry so no incentive to stop curry from spanking lebron like dirk and Duncan did.

I dont see the incentive to give mj 3 in a row 2 times. It got really old. The best would have been Utah wins the rematch and mj wins the 3rd meeting.

If what you say is true magic would have always beat Larry. Lol. But Larry was good for bringing in white viewers.

I think you are a mj hater.

I asked my 13 year old if he knew how good pippen was and he said "he'll always live in mj's shadow. Told you so. From the mouths of babes.

I root for Atlanta. They're teh least hatable. Yea, I'm a hater. If I don't love a team, I hate em, :lol:
I dont hate lebron I just prefer mj. And I hated mj until after he was done. Actually I rooted for mj and rip Hamilton before he became a champion in Detroit. I wanted to see mj come back.

Who knows one day I might say lebron better than mj. Right now I dont want to see lebron in another NBA final. I want to see curry v Atlanta. Only way I'll root for lebron is if Dwight makes the finals. And I like harden so I'm a bit torn. I would also be happy for cleveland and the owner spends a lot of money in Detroit. Dan gilbert quicken loan.

And in a way I'd like to see lebron be that damn good. But he can't beat curry, can he?
There is one guy I would put up their with Duncan as the GOAT at PF. Kevin Garnett. He didnt have as much success as Duncan but he was a force and with the right team would have had more success.

KG was too weak on the box, imo. And some say he choked when the moment got too big. I guess he is worthy of discussion. He was the real MVP in 08; but they had to give Kobe his lifetime achievement award MVP instead. It'd be interesting where he'd rank if he had played on better teams sooner.
He was always pretty skinny so that makes since. Its easy to say someone choked when they are the sole superstar on the team with no real help. All the attention is on them and no one remembers that scrub A didnt shoot, pass, etc when he was supposed to and put him in a bad position.
Tell me about it. There wasn't 1 all star on the 04 pistons and the 88-91 pistons werent called the bad boy.
It doesn't matter what they consider themselves. Genetics don't lie. I'll take Jason Kidd on in a fight any day. I have no love for wife beaters.

I think the reason you don't see more Euro stars is two fold:

1. Much stronger soccer culture.
2. There attitudes are too passive. They stand in awe of individual talent too much. They're great system players; but they need to butch up.
Actually it does matter what they consider themselves. They only count as white in your mind. In their mind, actions, culture, genetics etc they are Black. Every single one of the guys you listed.

No you wouldnt take Kidd on in a fight but you get an a for effort at attempting to appear convincing. :laugh:

There are more white euro stars than white american ones
If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.
Stern changed the rules specifically for Jordan (or he never would have gotten those three peats). The Bad Boys and early 90's Knicks teams were bad ass.
Can't believe Ewing never won a ring. Or Reggie miller,.morning,. Barkley, Carl Malone, Gary Payton.

I know mourning won but he was a bench player then with shaq and wade.

Jordan ruined a lot of legacies and I dont think stern gave the bulls all those rings. It would have done the ratings good if Jordan had a rival.

Its not a rivalry if Jordan wins every time.

Agreed; except Payton did get a cheapie with the Heat. I think in a fairly officiated league, most or all of those players would have gotten rings. But MJ was a ratings blitz for the league and they had every incentive to cater to him and keep the rings rolling in. People forget that there were a lot of teams that were just better than those Bulls teams that won in those 90's. Six rings defied logic/math. Stern was always aiding and abetting. Only the Jordan jockers deny that.

Though, a quick note on Barkley; he could've won rings had he committed more to fitness. In 92, it is widely acknowledged that Barkley was the most dominant force on the Dream Team.
Now I'm rooting for Atlanta v warriors but if what you say is true it will be cave v warriors. Curry v Lebron

I say the league needs a rivalry so no incentive to stop curry from spanking lebron like dirk and Duncan did.

I dont see the incentive to give mj 3 in a row 2 times. It got really old. The best would have been Utah wins the rematch and mj wins the 3rd meeting.

If what you say is true magic would have always beat Larry. Lol. But Larry was good for bringing in white viewers.

I think you are a mj hater.

I asked my 13 year old if he knew how good pippen was and he said "he'll always live in mj's shadow. Told you so. From the mouths of babes.

I root for Atlanta. They're teh least hatable. Yea, I'm a hater. If I don't love a team, I hate em, :lol:
I dont hate lebron I just prefer mj. And I hated mj until after he was done. Actually I rooted for mj and rip Hamilton before he became a champion in Detroit. I wanted to see mj come back.

Who knows one day I might say lebron better than mj. Right now I dont want to see lebron in another NBA final. I want to see curry v Atlanta. Only way I'll root for lebron is if Dwight makes the finals. And I like harden so I'm a bit torn. I would also be happy for cleveland and the owner spends a lot of money in Detroit. Dan gilbert quicken loan.

And in a way I'd like to see lebron be that damn good. But he can't beat curry, can he?

I rooted for Wizards MJ. I tend to like an underdog.
If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.

Yea, youre 'informational' services aren't required or wanted.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.

Yea, youre 'informational' services aren't required or wanted.
Next time dont try to play tough guy just because you know you would never have to put up.
If they are half black they are black. I didn't ask who the greatest half blacks were.

Jason Kidd can't be tough. Is he? Those point guards look small but in person you realize they are huge.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.
Remember James toney the pro boxer? Before he went up to heavyweight I would have kicked his ass in a fight. I was a college wrestler and pretty tough. I valet parked his car and I would have destroyed him in a fight. Not a boxing match. When I told my dad when we were watching him fight Roy Jones Jr. My dad laughed. It bothered me but on TV he looks like a beast in person he's a skinny black with boxing skills. Boxers can't fight. Mma I mean.
JKidd is '6"4, strong as a bull, and built like a tank. Gat wouldnt want any parts of him.

Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.
Remember James toney the pro boxer? Before he went up to heavyweight I would have kicked his ass in a fight. I was a college wrestler and pretty tough. I valet parked his car and I would have destroyed him in a fight. Not a boxing match. When I told my dad when we were watching him fight Roy Jones Jr. My dad laughed. It bothered me but on TV he looks like a beast in person he's a skinny black with boxing skills. Boxers can't fight. Mma I mean.
its the other way with Kidd. He looks a lot smaller on TV than he does in person. Same thing with Antonio Davis if you remember him. Both of them were no joke in a fight. Yes depending on the circumstances anyone can be beat. I just dont believe for an instance Gat would even consider tangling with Kidd.
Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.

Yea, youre 'informational' services aren't required or wanted.
Next time dont try to play tough guy just because you know you would never have to put up.

:lol: Kicking small wife beater's ass is playing the tough guy! I think your inferiority complex is showing.
Sounds like you want to have sex with him. He's 6'2" and old; I'd kick his ass.
Youre projecting. I know him personally. He is 6'4" and has been about that height every since the 11th grade when I met him. The only way you could kick his ass is if you could do it remotely.

You can claim to know him personally. That means nothing to me. That claim rarely holds true online. And if you did know him that would just make you biased anyhow. No, I see him. He's not the imposing figure you make him out to be. And I would kick his ass or otherwise get insome good shots if it came down to it.
I want trying to get you to agree you believed me. I was just letting you know the facts. You wouldnt kick his ass at all. Your belief is not required. I was just informing you.
Remember James toney the pro boxer? Before he went up to heavyweight I would have kicked his ass in a fight. I was a college wrestler and pretty tough. I valet parked his car and I would have destroyed him in a fight. Not a boxing match. When I told my dad when we were watching him fight Roy Jones Jr. My dad laughed. It bothered me but on TV he looks like a beast in person he's a skinny black with boxing skills. Boxers can't fight. Mma I mean.
its the other way with Kidd. He looks a lot smaller on TV than he does in person. Same thing with Antonio Davis if you remember him. Both of them were no joke in a fight. Yes depending on the circumstances anyone can be beat. I just dont believe for an instance Gat would even consider tangling with Kidd.

Kidd's a 6'2" middle aged white guy who was never nowhere as tough as you purport in the first place. I wouldn't tangle with anyone for the f of it. But no, I wouldn't back down against wife beater Kidd if it came down to it.

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