NBA Tonight

The dumbass didnt know he could walk over to BART and be downtown in a matter of minutes. Thats how I know he was lying.

I don't know what BART is. But I know that there was pretty well jack shit within reasonable walking distance of the arena. And whatever crappy food place I was considering was like a mile or so away. Very doable with two hours to spare; but pretty stupid in that sh**y neighborhood; not worth the risk. Hell, we all agreed earlier that it's a sh**y hood, so I don't even know why you're making this a topic. Guess your desperation is showing some more.
The dumbass didnt know he could walk over to BART and be downtown in a matter of minutes. Thats how I know he was lying.

I don't know what BART is. But I know that there was pretty well jack shit within reasonable walking distance of the arena. And whatever crappy food place I was considering was like a mile or so away. Very doable with two hours to spare; but pretty stupid in that sh**y neighborhood; not worth the risk. Hell, we all agreed earlier that it's a sh**y hood, so I don't even know why you're making this a topic. Guess your desperation is showing some more.
Like I said thats how we know you are lying. You cant miss BART unless you are a retard or blind.
When was that? I dont recall ever talking to you to be honest. I usually remember people that have something on the ball. You must have exposed yourself to some old ladies and got confused.

What the fuck are you trippin' about now? You've been talkin' to me for like the past hour...
Like I said thats how we know you are lying. You cant miss BART unless you are a retard or blind.

Tell me what the fuck BART is for starters, tool. Sh** I've been there twice and not once in the last five years-ish. I already fucking said I don't know what it stands for and you go on babbling about how I was supposed to have seen it.
The dumbass didnt know he could walk over to BART and be downtown in a matter of minutes. Thats how I know he was lying.

I don't know what BART is. But I know that there was pretty well jack shit within reasonable walking distance of the arena. And whatever crappy food place I was considering was like a mile or so away. Very doable with two hours to spare; but pretty stupid in that sh**y neighborhood; not worth the risk. Hell, we all agreed earlier that it's a sh**y hood, so I don't even know why you're making this a topic. Guess your desperation is showing some more.
Like I said thats how we know you are lying. You cant miss BART unless you are a retard or blind.

Tell me what the fuck BART is for starters, tool. Sh** I've been there twice and not once in the last five years-ish. I already fucking said I don't know what it stands for and you go on babbling about how I was supposed to have seen it.
If you dont know what BART is you just admitted you are a retard or you were lying about being at the Oracle Arena.
As an Oaktown resident, I would love to see the Warriors win!

I do wish the sports announcers would mention Oakland more and Oracle/Bay Area/San Francisco less. Oaklanders have supported (fanwise and moneywise) the Warriors for decades.

As someone that went to a Warriors game pre playoff days, I can attest to the fan base being supportive. As someone who has walked the streets of Oakland and found them to be quite dangerous, I can say it doesn't bother me that that city isn't getting props.

The Warriors and A's play in sh** venues because Oakland is sh**. The sooner they move to San Jose or San Francisco or Santa Clara or wherever, the better.

Well fuck you. It's clear to me you know nothing about Oakland but the sensationalism you hear about on the news. Much of Oakland is lovely and quite safe. Like most big cities, Oakland has some bad neighborhoods (thank to LBJ and the Great Society). Intelligent people know to avoid those.

LBJ was indeed disasterous for

Yeah this guy is an idiot.For example,he once came on my Rams thread and said the Rams are not coming back to LA.only someone living on a deserted island STILL believes in that BS.

for example, you tell him pesky little facts like the Rams have had a 20% dropoff in season ticket sales in st louis this season because NOBODY in st louis believes they are staying there after this season and it STILL does not register with him they are leaving.:biggrin:

He once said as well that nobody in LA bats an eye out there about the Rams coming back to LA and when I proved him wrong on that as well with this post here on this thread with this video here in post # 1678
USMB Sports Bar Page 168 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He ran off with his tail between his legs knowing he was cornered.:biggrin:

Other people as you can see,came on that thread and acknowleded they were coming back but not him though.:rolleyes:

as you can see from that video in post # 1678 there,he is so full of shit when he says nobody in LA bats an eye about them coming back.

Lets see,for the first time ever since they been in st louis,they cancelled their yearly fanfest events they always have had,employee contracts end at the end of february this year instead of the customary end of may,not to mention that Rams owner stan kroneke said back in january that he was going to build an NFL stadium in LA.yet this fool STILL thinks its all for leverage for a new stadium in st louis where they have NO FAN SUPPORT.:haha::lmao::lmao: He is as clueless as USMB's resident troll rightwinger.:rofl:

matter of fact last year on a monday night game against the 49ers.just five minutes before the game started in the pregame show,steve young said-will the Rams be back in LA next year? we have an owner who wants to move them there and I dont blame him.I look around here and all i see is a bunch of empty seats everywhere.

that was LAST year and it will be much worse this year with the 20% drop off in season ticket sales yet this fool thinks its all for LEVERAGE for a new stadium in st louis.can you believe this idiot?:lmao:

I am going to ask nicely this is a basketball thread, not a Rams thread.

Please as a courtesy of other board members please keep your Rams out of this thread. We can go to the Rams thread if we want to comment.

This is a basketball thread please respect others.
If you dont know what BART is you just admitted you are a retard or you were lying about being at the Oracle Arena.

It's been five plus years, dude. Even if I knew at the time, I don't now. You won't say what BART is because you probably know that you have no real case; much in the same way that you won't say what lie I am supposed to have said.
Googled it cos Ass Clepto wouldn't say...

BART is the public transit system. As near as I can figure, the station is across the freeway from the Colloseum; a bridge goes to it. Yes, that could've worked if I knew about it. I can see why dumb fuck didn't want to tell me. That's very easy to not know. It's a huge parking lot for the facilities. That was not even viewable from my truck. Someone would have had to have told me.

I'm not a public transportation hound in the second place; so it's pretty natural that I didn't figure that one out or even think of it. Being from LA, we don't think in terms of public transportation. Northern Cali (and many other parts of the country) is a different animal.

Also, given what I had seen of Oakland to that point, I wasn't in a mood to go adventuring like that. What I was considering was going through a not an exactly safe large parking lot and out on to some streets that were full of all kinds of thugs driving in. Once I decided against it, I just sat in my truck and listened to music and drank some drinks and snacked on whatever stuff I had. But it wasn't the hot meal I had wanted.
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If you dont know what BART is you just admitted you are a retard or you were lying about being at the Oracle Arena.


I didn't have to know the in's and out's of the fucking public transit station to get on a freeway, drive a few hundred plus mile freeway drive to the Collosesum....

Fucking ass hat.
You've Never Been To Oakland, asswipe.
And you say this based on what now? The fact that you misread sh** and all you have is a piddly come-on?

If you were at the Arena for a convention, then you are a dense idiot for not figuring out how to take BART to downtown or uptown, which are only a few minute ride away.

So, are You Are An Idiot, I suppose I can believe you actually were in Oakland and were TOO STUPID to figure out where the good stuff is.
Like I said thats how we know you are lying. You cant miss BART unless you are a retard or blind.

Tell me what the fuck BART is for starters, tool. Sh** I've been there twice and not once in the last five years-ish. I already fucking said I don't know what it stands for and you go on babbling about how I was supposed to have seen it.
earlier you said you were only there once
If you dont know what BART is you just admitted you are a retard or you were lying about being at the Oracle Arena.


I didn't have to know the in's and out's of the fucking public transit station to get on a freeway, drive a few hundred plus mile freeway drive to the Collosesum....

Fucking ass hat.
that's true I've been to Chicago and if somebody said the L maybe I wouldn't know if that means
...I'm starting to remember that bridge now. But can't remember if I knew about it at the time and decided against it or found out about it perhaps seeing signs as people were coming into the game. Cos there was an influx of people and I remember kinda now trying to figure where they were all coming from....think that's it now that I think of it. Not sure if I ever quite ascertained the proximity of the station or not; but yea, it's no real matter. Ass Face didn't prove a damn thing.
earlier you said you were only there once

Yea, and then I remembered that I had been there about five or six years earlier for an Angels game. If I remember something...I'm gonna say it. I probably had not recalled it before because we spent little to no time exploring Oakland. We knew it was sh**. We went and hung out in SF. And we had to pay a toll to go on the double decker bridge, which I thought was pretty lame. I had been in the bay area maybe fifteen years before that, and I didn't recall the toll then; but maybe. And I had technically been in Oakland then; but only passing through; I said that I had passed through other times like that.
earlier you said you were only there once

Yea, and then I remembered that I had been there about five or six years earlier for an Angels game. If I remember something...I'm gonna say it. I probably had not recalled it because we spent little to no time exploring Oakland. We knew it was sh**. We went and hung out in SF. And we had to pay a toll to go on the double decker bridge, which I thought was pretty lame.
I'm so bored this hockey game sucks I was hoping Tampa Bay Rays win so they could be at Game seven
earlier you said you were only there once

Yea, and then I remembered that I had been there about five or six years earlier for an Angels game. If I remember something...I'm gonna say it. I probably had not recalled it because we spent little to no time exploring Oakland. We knew it was sh**. We went and hung out in SF. And we had to pay a toll to go on the double decker bridge, which I thought was pretty lame.
I'm so bored this hockey game sucks I was hoping Tampa Bay Rays win so they could be at Game seven

Reminds me...yea, gonna watch that. Better than this sh** Gotta get back to work anyhow. Spent way too much time induldging Ass Clepto's BS.
If you dont know what BART is you just admitted you are a retard or you were lying about being at the Oracle Arena.


I didn't have to know the in's and out's of the fucking public transit station to get on a freeway, drive a few hundred plus mile freeway drive to the Collosesum....

Fucking ass hat.
that's true I've been to Chicago and if somebody said the L maybe I wouldn't know if that means

I been to Chicago once as well. I'm pretty sure that I was in Dearborne Station, but I'm not even hundred percent on that. Yea, people don't readily remember with exact clarity every detail. But that's not even really what happened here. Ass tool just ran with someone's miscomprehension and then tried to act like the egg wasn't all over his face.
If you dont know what BART is you just admitted you are a retard or you were lying about being at the Oracle Arena.


I didn't have to know the in's and out's of the fucking public transit station to get on a freeway, drive a few hundred plus mile freeway drive to the Collosesum....

Fucking ass hat.
that's true I've been to Chicago and if somebody said the L maybe I wouldn't know if that means

I been to Chicago once as well. I'm pretty sure that I was in Dearborne Station, but I'm not even hundred percent on that. Yea, people don't readily remember with exact clarity every detail. But that's not even really what happened here. Ass tool just ran with someone's miscomprehension and then tried to act like the egg wasn't all over his face.
I think he's just busting your balls
Youre a clown! You do realize they have mansions in Oakland and not all of Oakland looks like the area by the Arena right? I'm curious why you were at the Arena instead of the Convention Center if you were at a convention? Did you just get caught in a lie?

Like I'd tell an ass like you my fucking business. I said all along that I was at Oracle Arena. Then boedicca suddenly claimed it was the convention center cos she can't fucking read; and like the fucking moron you are, you called me a liar based on her retarded switching of facilities.
Its ok you got caught in a lie. You know it, I know it, hell practically everyone knows it. :itsok:
Kinda like Brady and Belicheat of the cheats getting caught in a lie.EVERYONE in the world knows it other than USMB's trolls pooper-AKA papagoria,trollstyle,and chrissy.:biggrin:
You've Never Been To Oakland, asswipe.
And you say this based on what now? The fact that you misread sh** and all you have is a piddly come-on?

If you were at the Arena for a convention, then you are a dense idiot for not figuring out how to take BART to downtown or uptown, which are only a few minute ride away.

So, are You Are An Idiot, I suppose I can believe you actually were in Oakland and were TOO STUPID to figure out where the good stuff is.
The dumbass didnt know he could walk over to BART and be downtown in a matter of minutes. Thats how I know he was lying.
I have changed my mind about LeBron James. michael Jordan is still the best ever. I'm so sick of hearing about how LeBron James is tired. Isaiah didn't get tired Michael Jordan didn't get tired Magic Johnson didn't get tired. Larry Bird didn't get tired. member the one year when he got cramps? What is it a conditioning problem? Or maybe I suspect that he's big so running around like Michael Jordan does is hard for him so maybe the Michael Jordan body is actually the best body to have if you want to be the greatest of all time. Michael Jordan played his ass off an entire game with the flu I doubt LeBron James would ever be able to do that

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