NBA Tonight

You've Never Been To Oakland, asswipe.
And you say this based on what now? The fact that you misread sh** and all you have is a piddly come-on?

If you were at the Arena for a convention, then you are a dense idiot for not figuring out how to take BART to downtown or uptown, which are only a few minute ride away.

So, are You Are An Idiot, I suppose I can believe you actually were in Oakland and were TOO STUPID to figure out where the good stuff is.
The dumbass didnt know he could walk over to BART and be downtown in a matter of minutes. Thats how I know he was lying.
I have changed my mind about LeBron James. michael Jordan is still the best ever. I'm so sick of hearing about how LeBron James is tired. Isaiah didn't get tired Michael Jordan didn't get tired Magic Johnson didn't get tired. Larry Bird didn't get tired. member the one year when he got cramps? What is it a conditioning problem? Or maybe I suspect that he's big so running around like Michael Jordan does is hard for him so maybe the Michael Jordan body is actually the best body to have if you want to be the greatest of all time. Michael Jordan played his ass off an entire game with the flu I doubt LeBron James would ever be able to do that

Jordan, Johnson, Bird, Thomas had a lot of help in their championship runs. When Jordan had no one around him, he wasn't close to a championship team. Let alone the finals. Johnson had Jabbar, Wilkes and a cast of others that helped him. Bird had Parrish and McHale. Thomas had a great team around him.

Other than LeBron, the Cavs have no one. He has carried them every game in these finals. I don't think he is the best ever, but give him a break.
I suspect either it's a conditioning problem or he's a big man but I don't believe that. if shaq could run his ass up and down the court for a full game so can LeBron
Youre a clown! You do realize they have mansions in Oakland and not all of Oakland looks like the area by the Arena right? I'm curious why you were at the Arena instead of the Convention Center if you were at a convention? Did you just get caught in a lie?

Like I'd tell an ass like you my fucking business. I said all along that I was at Oracle Arena. Then boedicca suddenly claimed it was the convention center cos she can't fucking read; and like the fucking moron you are, you called me a liar based on her retarded switching of facilities.
Its ok you got caught in a lie. You know it, I know it, hell practically everyone knows it. :itsok:
Kinda like Brady and Belicheat of the cheats getting caught in a lie.EVERYONE in the world knows it other than USMB's trolls pooper-AKA papagoria,trollstyle,and chrissy.:biggrin:

The hand job strikes again, what a little bitch, can't stay on topic and respect others. Fuck you, you asshole bitch.
You've Never Been To Oakland, asswipe.
And you say this based on what now? The fact that you misread sh** and all you have is a piddly come-on?

If you were at the Arena for a convention, then you are a dense idiot for not figuring out how to take BART to downtown or uptown, which are only a few minute ride away.

So, are You Are An Idiot, I suppose I can believe you actually were in Oakland and were TOO STUPID to figure out where the good stuff is.
The dumbass didnt know he could walk over to BART and be downtown in a matter of minutes. Thats how I know he was lying.
I have changed my mind about LeBron James. michael Jordan is still the best ever. I'm so sick of hearing about how LeBron James is tired. Isaiah didn't get tired Michael Jordan didn't get tired Magic Johnson didn't get tired. Larry Bird didn't get tired. member the one year when he got cramps? What is it a conditioning problem? Or maybe I suspect that he's big so running around like Michael Jordan does is hard for him so maybe the Michael Jordan body is actually the best body to have if you want to be the greatest of all time. Michael Jordan played his ass off an entire game with the flu I doubt LeBron James would ever be able to do that

Jordan, Johnson, Bird, Thomas had a lot of help in their championship runs. When Jordan had no one around him, he wasn't close to a championship team. Let alone the finals. Johnson had Jabbar, Wilkes and a cast of others that helped him. Bird had Parrish and McHale. Thomas had a great team around him.

Other than LeBron, the Cavs have no one. He has carried them every game in these finals. I don't think he is the best ever, but give him a break.
who do the Golden State Warriors have beside curry?
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
what happened last year when he had Wade Bosh and all of the supporting cast on the Miami Heat team?
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
what happened last year when he had Wade Bosh and all of the supporting cast on the Miami Heat team?
My gosh, he has been in final consecutive finals, go back and find out how many other players have accomplished that feat since 1970.
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
in 1988-89 Magic Johnson was hurt and the Pistons beat them in the finals. we didn't care. sure I wonder what would have happened if magic was healthy but I don't think I'd want to find out
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
what happened last year when he had Wade Bosh and all of the supporting cast on the Miami Heat team?
My gosh, he has been in final consecutive finals, go back and find out how many other players have accomplished that feat since 1970.
and how can you imagine next year or the year after that or the year after that him not making the finals
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
in 1988-89 Magic Johnson was hurt and the Pistons beat them in the finals. we didn't care. sure I wonder what would have happened if magic was healthy but I don't think I'd want to find out

Right, take one good player out and you lose, LeBron lost two.
Klay Thompson an NBA Allstar, Defensive player of the year Green. 2nd Team All Defensive team Bogut. Iggy, Lee, Barnes, all of these are much better than anyone other than LeBron on the Cavs roster. And the have Barbosa.
in 1988-89 Magic Johnson was hurt and the Pistons beat them in the finals. we didn't care. sure I wonder what would have happened if magic was healthy but I don't think I'd want to find out

Right, take one good player out and you lose, LeBron lost two.
I have a feeling LeBron James is going to win this game and game 7
I'll take the Warriors. The Cavs are playing on pure guts but the Warriors will win the 4th.
I'm not predicting anything. I know this game could turn on a dime and then who knows what happens game 7. as it seems right now looks like you're probably going to be correct
I'll take the Warriors. The Cavs are playing on pure guts but the Warriors will win the 4th.
yeah LeBron James is playing with a bunch of scrubs I think Jr Smith is the only one who's maybe a good 2nd stringer today. maybe a few years ago he might have been something. did you see that tall guy on Clevelands team try to dunk and fall short? That showed right there what kind of talent LeBron is playing with. And delle sucks. Lol
I'll take the Warriors. The Cavs are playing on pure guts but the Warriors will win the 4th.
I don't know why but I just don't want LeBron James to easily catch Michael Jordan on his six championships. Even if LeBron doesn't ki will probably when all said and done B the greatest of all time statistic wise. but just like I never wanted Kobe Bryant to catch Jordan I don't want LeBron to do it either and I fear he might. and I didn't even watch Michael Jordan to get those six championships. I don't think I was a Jordan fan until after he left. I like LeBron James but I can't root for him or Michael Jordan when they're not on my team I'm almost always going to root for the underdog. maybe I'm a hater. but I heard someone say to hate on someone like LeBron James and in sports is the ultimate sign of respect
I never rooted for Magic Johnson or Larry Bird Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal maybe I did root for Shaquille when he played with Dwyane Wade but that was because I liked shaq better than Kobe and wanted Shaq to win without Kobe. I certainly didn't root for Kobe when he won two with Gasol. but today I appreciate all these guys. the only reason I rooted for Karl Malone was because he was playing against Michael Jordan.

kind of weird that I don't like any of the greatest players while they're playing the game or at least I don't root for them. I can appreciate them and root against them at the same time
During Jordan's tenure I was always ABC, (Anyone But Chicago).
could Cleveland have beat the Clippers San Antonio the Rockets Memphis? I meant all those teams are sorry they didn't win the Western Conference finals this year to be able to play LeBron all by himself with barely a team. Golden State is so lucky
I am happy for Golden State I think it's good that LeBron James has a rival and Stephan curry. I'm definitely happy for Andre Iguodala. babosa green and that team seems like a pretty decent team. not like one of the greatest teams of all time but a pretty busy with a lot of great or really good players. they won me over happy for golden state.
I'll take the Warriors. The Cavs are playing on pure guts but the Warriors will win the 4th.
didn't LeBron win game 2 & 3 with this team? Why didn't he win two more games? He didn't have it in him. I think Jordan would have found a way. I know The Legend is probably better than the reality it just seems to me that jordan would have stuck his tongue out and just done it.

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