NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's ark calls it fairy tales

(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
I'm interested in the history of the deluge.
Most likely caused by an asteroid striking a glacier in the polar region and instantly vaporizing cubic miles of ice into the atmosphere.

Probably about 10 to 15 thousand years ago.

There’s a reason why every major culture has an account of a major flood. It happened.

Massive crater under Greenland’s ice points to climate-altering impact in the time of humans
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
It's probably because he doesn't know any better.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?

Mr. Todd can have whatever beliefs that he wants.

But it really shows his cowardice when he attack Judeo-Christian beliefs yet doesn't have the cojones to mock Islamonazi Religious doctrines, like the 72 virgins when you commit an act of Pure Evil
And yet he believes Democrats are American. Go figure.
These aren`t Democrats.
These are.
View attachment 298468

So? So some people are more creative at expressing their opinions than you are and have a talent for expressing themselves visually that you folks lack. How would you depict fundie repubs and their sexual ways and superstitions? Their adoration of the penis? Their desires to control and probe female genitalia?
Okay try English next time, I really don't want to hear a pussy roar. If that's what you are talking about.
It is, along with Adam and Eve. These are stories told to children and they`re really cool stories when your 4 years old.
It is an ancient people trying to explain the world around them given their poor knowledge of it several thousand years ago.
People are free to believe or not. No one forces you or that anus Chuck Todd to follow the dictates of the Old Testament.

Since when are "journalists" like Chuck Todd moralists and social critics, anyway? Just read your teleprompter Chuck and do what you are told to do. Your opinion of biblical scripture has nothing to do with the news, which is purportedly your job to skew and argue over....just like
"journalists" do.
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I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
And I'm sure you believe all of that junk.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
And I'm sure you believe all of that junk.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Yes. I even provided the reasons why.

You must be taking it on faith that what I wrote is wrong because you don't seem to be able to articulate the reasons why you believe what I wrote is wrong.
No, Democrats gave us Bill Clinton
Hey, I remember him. He was the guy that was a really good President but then went and screwed around with ladies not his wife. Republicans pretended to get all riled up over character back then, but they don't do that anymore.
Believing in Noah's Ark requires far less faith than the liberal's belief in Global Warming. ... :cool:
And there you have it...in sharp relief...American stupidity... If your intent was to prove Todd's reporting to be factual, well done...
Many societies that date from ancient times have flood stories that sought to explain a flood that occurred in the area between Europe and the Middle East. The Noah story is but one of them.

The story of the "Ark of the Covenant" has absolutely nothing to do with any flood story, even though the English version uses the same word. Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia claim to have it.
The ark was a chest or something to put away things for safekeeping. Somewhat like a time capsule or a safe deposit box.
God had put eight people aside for safekeeping.

So some believe.
I would be interested in stories from across the world, not just the ME or Africa.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Christians have interesting stories, involving the Queen of Sheba, her visit to King Solomon, and the son that they made during this visit. It involves an island in the middle of Lake Tana, and so much more.
Wouldn't a serious person understand all these myths were CORRECTED by Moses under actual revelation from GOD.

Yes other cultures carried the ORAL traditions but lost a lot and a lot got changed.

Of course Moses' revelation would have corrected these myths (that devolved from fact)

One doesn't have to believe that "all these myths were CORRECTED by Moses under actual revelation from GOD" to be a "serious person." You are just being a fundie who takes the bible as written by the Creator, and as inerrant and literally true.
Only a idiot would believe the story of Noahs ark is an actual event. Its simply a story to explain the survival of mankind in the region of a flood that occurred and is mentioned in most ancient civilizations.
Only a idiot would believe the story of Noahs ark is an actual event.
I.E., nearly 40% of Americans.

Todd was spot on.
Its amazing to me that I figured out the story couldnt be true before I was in the 3rd grade and that there are adults that believe in it. Its weird how they ignore the obvious. First of all if it was true then Noah had to be Black and just who did the children have sex with to repopulate the planet?
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
And I'm sure you believe all of that junk.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Yes. I even provided the reasons why.

You must be taking it on faith that what I wrote is wrong because you don't seem to be able to articulate the reasons why you believe what I wrote is wrong.
Because it's nonsense. The Chinese characters thing particularly. Some dude in Texas makes an assumption based on wishful thinking and you taken it as gospel(pun intended)?
Only a idiot would believe the story of Noahs ark is an actual event.
I.E., nearly 40% of Americans.

Todd was spot on.
Its amazing to me that I figured out the story couldnt be true before I was in the 3rd grade and that there are adults that believe in it. Its weird how they ignore the obvious. First of all if it was true then Noah had to be Black and just who did the children have sex with to repopulate the planet?
Same here. Asking questions about it got me kicked out of Catechism class, haha. I realized then that I knew more about basic, physical science than my pastor. And I was 12.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Sky-daddy fantasies, huh?

The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were recorded by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not really write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 800 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 800 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if you start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

You have to keep in mind that these accounts are at least 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. You shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, you are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning and you have made no effort whatsoever in trying to understand them. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. You read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom. Shame on you.
And I'm sure you believe all of that junk.

Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Yes. I even provided the reasons why.

You must be taking it on faith that what I wrote is wrong because you don't seem to be able to articulate the reasons why you believe what I wrote is wrong.
Because it's nonsense. The Chinese characters thing particularly. Some dude in Texas makes an assumption based on wishful thinking and you taken it as gospel(pun intended)?
Nope. I put in the work. Looked up the characters myself.

Not to mention the religious practices of the first dynasties matched the Jewish practices.

Not to mention the migration from the cradle of civilization was a real thing.

Not to mention that the first eleven chapters of the Torah really had been passed down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years.

So it is your belief that is without any factual basis whatsoever.

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