NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's ark calls it fairy tales

(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

It is a fairy tale, you retard.
No, man. It's not. It's an allegorical account of a historical event.
Whats allegorical about it?
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

It is a fairy tale, you retard.
No, man. It's not. It's an allegorical account of a historical event.
Whats allegorical about it?
The human story line and God's vengeance.
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?
Christians are easy targets aren't they.
Why don't they say stuff like that against Islam.
Of course you know the answer. Because they're chicken#####
I'm not a fan of any religion. Islam is just as dumb as Christianity.

Next stupid straw man?
Go ask Todd to make that same assessment on air.
Another liberal lisper from the media who is a fairy tail “himself”
Wait, so you believe the myth of Noah's Ark?

Genesis is the allegorical account of world history that all nations share before the migration from the cradle of civilization along with other knowledge they deemed important enough to pass down. They passed this information down from generation to generation for thousands of years before it was ever recorded in writing. They told these stories in a way that would make them easier to remember. And their true meaning has been lost through the ages until we get idiots like you dismissing them as myths.
Another liberal lisper from the media who is a fairy tail “himself”
Wait, so you believe the myth of Noah's Ark?

What I know is it’s not Chuck Todd’s place to take his faggot ass and piss all over the Bible.
Whose place is it?
No body has such a place, unneeded and unnecessary liberal MSM grandstanding once again poking sticks at religion and those who ascribe to it. Bunch of irritable flighty fairies you all are, not the Bible. Far too many liberals espouse men butt plugging men is the thing in need of embracement and not the Bible.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

It is a fairy tale, you retard.
No, man. It's not. It's an allegorical account of a historical event.
Whats allegorical about it?
The human story line and God's vengeance.
So you agree (Noahs Ark) is one of many fairy tales made up to try and explain a historical event?
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The link is a bit confusing but apparently the "letter" has a lot more controversial content than Noah's Ark. The writer laments that his Nigerian grandfather was "chased from the village" because he refused to adhere to Christian theology. Fair enough but what happens to Christians in Nigeria today is far more horrific. Why NBC would take on this stuff at Christmas time is a bit chilling. Did the mainstream media sell out to the Islamic revolution because they were disappointed about the last presidential election?
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

Todd's just your typical piece of liberal shit. The biggest fairy tale of all is evolution and the nut job professors who try brainwashing kids into believing it.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"
Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard

The Great Flood And Noah's Ark Were Real Events - Scientist Says | Ancient Pages

Noah's Ark Expeditions and Sightings Throughout History

The Hunt for Noah's Ark Is Ongoing, Probably Futile, Always Intriguing
Dear little Chuckie relieving so many people of their delusions of beliefs.
He is however qualified to comment about fairy tails.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"
Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard

The Great Flood And Noah's Ark Were Real Events - Scientist Says | Ancient Pages

Noah's Ark Expeditions and Sightings Throughout History

The Hunt for Noah's Ark Is Ongoing, Probably Futile, Always Intriguing
What a bunch of crap.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
No wonder this country is failing in science and math. Look at this, a poster is blowing a gasket over Noah's ark while blasting climate science in other threads.. Of course this is why this country is so messed up. These folks want to take us back to the middle ages. No..no..that is not fair to the middle ages as there were scientific advances then. The poster and those like the poster want to take us back the times of the Neanderthals when we wrote pictograms on cave walls.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
No wonder this country is failing in science and math. Look at this, a poster is blowing a gasket over Noah's ark while blasting climate science in other threads.. Of course this is why this country is so messed up. These folks want to take us back to the middle ages. No..no..that is not fair to the middle ages as there were scientific advances then. The poster and those like the poster want to take us back the times of the Neanderthals when we wrote pictograms on cave walls.
"Climate Science"? What is that? Even Neanderthals were aware that the climate changed. Now the (unproved) theory is an extortion scam dedicated to getting democrats rich and back in power.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

Obviously Chuck Toad has never visited the Arc Encounter. Of COURSE it's real! :)

(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
No wonder this country is failing in science and math. Look at this, a poster is blowing a gasket over Noah's ark while blasting climate science in other threads.. Of course this is why this country is so messed up. These folks want to take us back to the middle ages. No..no..that is not fair to the middle ages as there were scientific advances then. The poster and those like the poster want to take us back the times of the Neanderthals when we wrote pictograms on cave walls.
We understand GOD makes you uncomfortable. Don't worry. He's coming home soon

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