NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's ark calls it fairy tales

(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
Only children believe in Noah’s ark
Well, that's a lie.

You live in your own little tard bubble
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
Only children believe in Noah’s ark
Well, that's a lie.

You live in your own little tard bubble
No, he is correct, in that your belief in this ridiculous myth is childlike.
Climate Science"? What is that? Even Neanderthals were aware that the climate changed. Now the (unproved) theory is an extortion scam dedicated to getting democrats rich and back in power.
American stupidity, on full display.
You almost gotta laugh that the theory of MMGW has become such a religion to the left that they refuse to argue about the science and instead label anyone else as an "unbeliever" or a heretic.
Climate Science"? What is that? Even Neanderthals were aware that the climate changed. Now the (unproved) theory is an extortion scam dedicated to getting democrats rich and back in power.
American stupidity, on full display.
You almost gotta laugh that the theory of MMGW has become such a religion to the left that they refuse to argue about the science and instead label anyone else as an "unbeliever" or a heretic.
But, that's "science"!
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.

It is a fairy tale, you retard.
No, man. It's not. It's an allegorical account of a historical event.
Whats allegorical about it?
The human story line and God's vengeance.
So you agree (Noahs Ark) is one of many fairy tales made up to try and explain a historical event?
No. I already explained to you that they can't be referred to as fairy tales because that's not what they are. It's how ancient man passed down knowledge of historical events and important wisdom.

The account of Genesis tackles ancient man's understanding of the origin questions.
Climate Science"? What is that? Even Neanderthals were aware that the climate changed. Now the (unproved) theory is an extortion scam dedicated to getting democrats rich and back in power.
American stupidity, on full display.
You almost gotta laugh that the theory of MMGW has become such a religion to the left that they refuse to argue about the science and instead label anyone else as an "unbeliever" or a heretic.
Neato! In my mind, you are neither...you are just an ignorant moron with less than no knowledge about the topic who denies mountains of science due to superstition and politics.
Climate Science"? What is that? Even Neanderthals were aware that the climate changed. Now the (unproved) theory is an extortion scam dedicated to getting democrats rich and back in power.
American stupidity, on full display.
You almost gotta laugh that the theory of MMGW has become such a religion to the left that they refuse to argue about the science and instead label anyone else as an "unbeliever" or a heretic.
But, that's "science"!
And you only deny it because you are in a freakish cult.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
NBC has no problem insulting half the population of the US. I think that is funny. That's really thinking ahead.
NBC has no problem insulting half the population of the US.
And you cultists have no problem insulting iver half of the US on a regular basis. But, like all crybaby bullies, you no likey when you get treated the way you treat everyone.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
No wonder this country is failing in science and math. Look at this, a poster is blowing a gasket over Noah's ark while blasting climate science in other threads.. Of course this is why this country is so messed up. These folks want to take us back to the middle ages. No..no..that is not fair to the middle ages as there were scientific advances then. The poster and those like the poster want to take us back the times of the Neanderthals when we wrote pictograms on cave walls.
"Climate Science"? What is that? Even Neanderthals were aware that the climate changed. Now the (unproved) theory is an extortion scam dedicated to getting democrats rich and back in power.
How am I getting rich on this big scam invented by Al Gore? I must be missing out on something.
Noah's ark is yet another metaphorical story that too many Christians take literally. Christians need to break themselves of this mentality and read between the lines.

The Bible was written to explain our history to a primitive people. What we consider "God" is likely a being that exists beyond the 3 dimensions we occupy. As he would not be bound by the rules of a 3 dimensional universe, he is both impossible for us to perceive while at the same time being what we would consider "almighty". If you look at the Bible from an objective point of view you would see what the flood was all about. God has dissidents on his plane of existence - Satan being a ringleader, as well as Satan's minions. These minions were breeding with humanity and corrupting God's creation.

Genesis 6:4 - "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

This pissed God off something awful and he wiped everything out, starting once again with pure human DNA through Noah and his family. The "ark" was likely a repository of DNA or embryos of all the species of earth. There is simply no way to fit 2 of "every clean" and 7 of "every unclean" animals on a ~400 foot literal boat. Not to mention the food to keep them all alive, or the lack of ability to deal with the noxious fumes created by all of the urine and feces those animals would produce.

The Bible is full of metaphors because, as I said, it was written to explain things to a primitive people. Examples:

1) Adam was created from the dirt of the earth. Well, is that not true of human beings? If you break your body down to it's basic components, are you not the same as dirt? Calcium, carbon, hydrogen, etc?

2) Eve was created utilizing one of Adam's ribs. Does that not sound like.... cloning? Genetic manipulation?

We ourselves employ this same methodology among for all kinds of things. Think of how you wouldn't explain to a child the intricacies of how babies are made - sex, sperm and egg, chromosomes & the exchange of genetic information. We make up stories, such as babies being delivered by a stork, because the child is simply too young and underdeveloped to understand the actual science. This is why the Bible was written the way it was. However all of the information is there if you care to find it.
Noah's ark is yet another metaphorical story that too many Christians take literally. Christians need to break themselves of this mentality and read between the lines.

The Bible was written to explain our history to a primitive people. What we consider "God" is likely a being that exists beyond the 3 dimensions we occupy. As he would not be bound by the rules of a 3 dimensional universe, he is both impossible for us to perceive while at the same time being what we would consider "almighty". If you look at the Bible from an objective point of view you would see what the flood was all about. God has dissidents on his plane of existence - Satan being a ringleader, as well as Satan's minions. These minions were breeding with humanity and corrupting God's creation.

Genesis 6:4 - "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

This pissed God off something awful and he wiped everything out, starting once again with pure human DNA through Noah and his family. The "ark" was likely a repository of DNA or embryos of all the species of earth. There is simply no way to fit 2 of "every clean" and 7 of "every unclean" animals on a ~400 foot literal boat. Not to mention the food to keep them all alive, or the lack of ability to deal with the noxious fumes created by all of the urine and feces those animals would produce.

The Bible is full of metaphors because, as I said, it was written to explain things to a primitive people. Examples:

1) Adam was created from the dirt of the earth. Well, is that not true of human beings? If you break your body down to it's basic components, are you not the same as dirt? Calcium, carbon, hydrogen, etc?

2) Eve was created utilizing one of Adam's ribs. Does that not sound like.... cloning? Genetic manipulation?

We ourselves employ this same methodology among for all kinds of things. Think of how you wouldn't explain to a child the intricacies of how babies are made - sex, sperm and egg, chromosomes & the exchange of genetic information. We make up stories, such as babies being delivered by a stork, because the child is simply too young and underdeveloped to understand the actual science. This is why the Bible was written the way it was. However all of the information is there if you care to find it.
An interesting post. Thank you
I don't see the problem here.

Are you upset that Chuck doesn't buy into your sky-daddy fantasies?

You have a lot to learn. It's always those who think they are oh so smart who are the biggest fools of all.
(OPINION) CP – On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC News anchor Chuck Todd read and endorsed a letter claiming that supporters of Donald Trump “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” such as Noah’s ark.
NBC anchor denigrates those who believe in Noah's Ark, Calls it "fairy tales"

Because when you are a leftist cold-blooded moron what else do you expect these mentally clipped idiots to say.
Only children believe in Noah’s ark
Only infants believe a boy is a girl based on their choosing of the day

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