NBC News: Trump Having Dinner Without Press Shows Lack of Transparency


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
After 8 years of the least transparent administration in history without a peep from the MSM, this is what we get.
Good morning all you anti-war, transparency-demanding, constitution-loving liberals who have been asleep for the last 8 years! Welcome back! lol
After eight years of the most untransparent administration in history. I doubt anyone will notice if Trump has dinner without the press.
They better get used to it. Like Trump said he has Twitter and Facebook to go AROUND the lying media. You can't treat Trump like shit for 18 months then all of a sudden want to be on the inside covering him now that he beat YOU and the establishment but its the media we know that's what they think.WE the people LOVE THIS!
After 8 years of the least transparent administration in history without a peep from the MSM, this is what we get.
View attachment 98705
The liberal media better watch out. When they blatantly supported the failed vagina candidate, they are lucky the FCC doesn't shut down their corrupt organizations. But keep pressing him, like good like Eichmans, just makes more "normal" people hate them even more.
Bitchin about him going to dinner. Wow. The corrupt MSM really has lost it. I do love it though. ;)
I never knew the press corps skulked after the Pres everytime he stepped outside. That's almost creepy. Who pays for THEIR dinner, I wonder? Bet it was a pricey steakhouse.
After 8 years of the least transparent administration in history without a peep from the MSM, this is what we get.
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I DEMAND to know what he had for supper! This is supposed to be a democracy!
Now that We the People have been save from a fate worse than Venezuela, you can bet Donald isn't going to eat the food of Obama. Shame that the grocery stores, don't serve registered Democrats the Obama meal, while the rest of US would eat steak. The liberals do want to collapse the US, so get them ready for what it would be like for them, if they succeed. And PETA could provide those meals since they execute millions of animals each year.

Obama Ate Dog, And He'd Do It Again To Remind You Of Seamus Romney (VIDEO) | The Huffington Post
When conservatives discovered that President Obama admitted to having eaten dog meat as a child when he lived in Indonesia.

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The news spinners jumped the shark long ago and are too impressed with themselves to have noticed.
After 8 years of the least transparent administration in history without a peep from the MSM, this is what we get.
View attachment 98705
I DEMAND to know what he had for supper! This is supposed to be a democracy!
Now that We the People have been save from a fate worse than Venezuela, you can bet Donald isn't going to eat the food of Obama. Shame that the grocery stores, don't should serve registered Democrats the Obama meal, while the rest of US would eat steak. The liberals do want to collapse the US, so get them ready for what it would be like for them, if they succeed. And PETA could provide those meals since they execute millions of animals each year.

Obama Ate Dog, And He'd Do It Again To Remind You Of Seamus Romney (VIDEO) | The Huffington Post
When conservatives discovered that President Obama admitted to having eaten dog meat as a child when he lived in Indonesia.

View attachment 98708
I haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about. So what if he ate dog, btw? Flesh is flesh. We eat cow, which would be repellent to many of the inhabitants of India and elsewhere. But that digresses from the OP.
After 8 years of the least transparent administration in history without a peep from the MSM, this is what we get.
View attachment 98705
I DEMAND to know what he had for supper! This is supposed to be a democracy!

WTF is wrong with "supper?"
Baaack in myyy day, theeeere were orraange treees, aaaas faaaaaar as the eeeyees could seeeeee.


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