NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

That's why it's imperative to stop the browning of America and finish building Trump's border wall. Our White European heritage, culture, and traditions are being threatened. America was created for White citizens only via the founders 1790 Naturalization Act, the first legislation by the first Congress.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 (1 Stat. 103, enacted March 26, 1790) was a law of the United States Congress that sets the first uniform rules for the granting of United States citizenship by naturalization. The law limits naturalization to "free  White person (s) ... of good character", thus excluding Native Americans, indentured servants, enslaved people, free black people, and Asians.

You are a racist pig.
I hear what you’re saying brother there’s clearly a sort of monopoly on the mass media in America. Thankfully we do have some alternatives now like independent stations on YouTube. But that is also threatened by the fact that Google has of course censored free-speech on YouTube, they have reportedly messed around with their search algorithms to favor Democrats.

Google of course owns YouTube. Nonetheless there are still dissenting voices on YouTube and now with Elon musk owning Twitter there are perhaps more dissenting voices on Twitter.

We will have to pay attention to the future of youtube because this outlet has a chance to support free speech more and more.

Google has every right to decide what goes on their property. You want to deny them that right and seize their property. That is what your pal Putin does. They have not censored free speech. Maybe you need to learn about the Constitution.
Well my friend I would as a Catholic as a believer in Jesus not agree with that. I’m not disputing you pointing out the naturalization act. Of course we also have the Bill of Rights the constitution and the Bible itself to support equal rights for all Americans. And there is a threat to traditional American culture there are some Americans who are against Christianity. But most Americans are black and white this is also to your point most Americans are patriots of the country just look at the 1930s for example there were tons of black American factory workers and in the 1950s before the civil rights era of Martin Luther King …Jr. my white grandfather had a black boss at his steel plant.

The sole fact that there are hundreds of millions of practicing Christians living in Africa. Of course remember Saint Matthew traveled to Ethiopia. And the Ethiopians are among the earliest Christians in history these of course are proud black Africans.

I’ve backed up my viewpoints with Christian history with the very essence of the teachings of Jesus.

Worth noting that many European missionaries imposed Christianity on Africans by the force of a gun. In Europe, many people were tortured in the inquisitions because they refused to become Christians. That had nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus said to love your fellow man. He didn't make exceptions for gays and transgenders. Today's Republican Party is not patriotic and you are one of them.
OK the point is that there are black racists and white racists in this world today. More black racist possibly because of the rise of BLM and their outright hatred of European history and culture. And their misrepresentation of white peoples history

The other point is that you had to put slavery into its contacts which was being practiced all over the world at the time that it was in the United States. Our country abolished slavery before many other countries of the world did.

The most important point is the black middle-class has been crushed same with the white middle-class the middle class in general America is not what it used to be that’s the number one issue. Race division in 2023 does nothing to help solve this issue. That’s what the American people want they don’t want to see more culture wars they don’t want to see more racism in America from the left …. The key concerns now are defeating inflation, bringing back higher-paying jobs, lowering the price of homes, lowering the price of groceries and gas.

The average American whether white or black wants a better country, they want to be able to go on vacation, they want more money in their bank staff more resources. The last thing on their mind is this wrong idea that “America is racist or has a racist imperial history.”

The Republican Party is racist and that is why you want people to forget it. The right to vote, the right to free speech and other rights matter to people and that is why Republicans have underperformed in 2018, 2020 and 2022.
The South explicitly stated it was going to war to protect slavery. The ”peculiar institution” was seen as a moral good by Southerners; that’s why you had the appearance of things like Sociology for the South coming out.

About the only Confederates who it’d be okay to honor are people like Longstreet or Billy Mahone, who actually took steps to stand for equality and freedom after the war instead of continuing to do everything in their power to preserve as much of the “good ole days” in the South as possible, which is what most former Confederates did.
You just have no ability whatsoever to address the topic at hand. Maybe you ought to lay off of the drugs.
You can’t actually disprove any of what I pointed out. Noted.
Why would I attempt to disprove something that irrelevant to the topic? Is it getting uncomfortable for you to address the topic? Is that why you're attempting to derail any thread that doesn't fit your narrative? Run along troll. You're more transparent than a freshly washed window.
Your tearful sobbing is noted. Is it uncomfortable for you to face the reality that the South fought to defend slavery? Sure sounds like it.
Listen noob, when you dry behind your ears in life you might be able to carry on a coherent conversation in general. When you have more than 24 hours on this board, you might be able to follow the topic as well. Now, for the last time--stick to the topic -- Here's a reminder --

NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values​

The language is very specific with regards to the role of the Black and the Whites in the future Texas of the Confederacy. It is disingenuous to conflate the small number of Wealthy Black families who own slaves throughout history with the chattel slavery forever, that existed in the early days of our country.

"the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."
With respect to slavery and the struggle of the human person was always a worldwide issue. And this is something that’s not talked about by whatever crowd you’re supporting like that other poster who attempted to claim that blacks had it bad in America he’s wrong. Arguably the caste system in India was much more brutal compared to slavery in America arguably slavery in Ethiopia and all throughout Africa was 100 times more brutal than the slave system in America where at least we did have free blacks in the United States. But it goes back to one single point which is undeniable in which is critically crucial, All of these people who are filling your mind with this view that the black man had it bad and the white man was the master in America they have an agenda. And they go against the liberal values they go against the global values because we don’t live in America only we live in a global world and slavery was a global issue. It’s not a matter of all slavery occurred and other parts of the world is actually just recognizing the facts and trying to figure out which countries of the world at the best rates for minorities throughout its existence in America arguably was that country with the best rights for minorities.

It’s also extremely offensive an inconsiderate for a black man to admonish a white man to attempt to say you know that the whites inflicted horrible pain on Black people in America that is brutally offensive, it is disgraceful it has nothing to do with mutual respect and I don’t fault most Black people who think like this I would actually fault the liberal white man who is so selfish and greedy it is all about making money and staying in power that they talk like that they will say “ The white man oppressed the black man in American history” without talking about the horrors of slavery in Africa with Black people and white people. Without talking about the horrors of the Arab slave trade. Without talking about the fact that in the Jewish holy works in the Old Testament there is approval of slavery. It’s just a shocking thing and it’s Has to stop it doesn’t do anyone any good.

Tiburon as well as yourself are good people. But you folks are being brainwashed by the far left these people don’t care about you one bit they’re not putting more money in your pockets the filling your mind with anti-American and anti-Christian ideology. And it’s incumbent upon us to stand up for American history and to stand up for mutual respect I admire African history and I know many black Americans admire American history and white European history just like I a white man admire African black history and African Christian history. You know most Africans most Black people of the world and most Americans most white people of the world want to get along with each other. We’re in this thing together

Discussing slavery or attempting to argue that the black man was oppressed by the white man in America does nobody any good except for BLM leader ship make millions of dollars off of it. That type of mindset talking like that is not only historically rock it doesn’t give us good jobs it doesn’t bring back the middle class jobs. The black middle-class was stronger in the 1940s and 1950s same with the white middle-class compared to today we have one of the ugliest countries in the world today American society today is so ugly and backwards because of people and politics including Republicans who denigrate American history and who approve of removing or destroying historical statues of great white men who built a civilized world. So we don’t have mutual respect in American history because of Black Lives Matter and their supporters including Republicans but I think in a few years we will have that mutual respect back and we will build up statues of Christopher Columbus that were destroyed and other statues of men like St. Louis that were wrongly destroyed by BLM terrorists. And we will have mutual respect
I don’t expect much from YouTube, though they still have a number of independent voices who can oppose the establishment. I think sites like Rumble and Spotify offer more free speech alternatives.
this is true Glenn Greenwald has a huge following on rumble …he will he provide some of his clips on YouTube. The PBD podcast is a really great podcast on YouTube that supports free speech and free exchange of ideas.

But I hear you rumble is more of a free platform compared to YouTube there’s no doubt about that.

It is incredibly important that black Americans and white Americans respect each other‘s history. Any other ideology will make men weak like for example if you expect a white man to agree With the view that the “white man held down the black man” it will make white men weak, if we expect Black people to say that the black man held down the white man in Africa in North Africa it will make Black people weak. It’s insane to think like this it’s a disgrace to our ancestors. And of course many of our ancestors never even owned slaves. African Black people engaged in the slave trade, they engaged in expansionist warfare just like white men of history.

Most of America is white we cannot have a young white population who is a bunch of weak soy boys weak pro LGBT type men who are feminine and effeminate and who would wear a BLM shirt we cannot have that…. we already have a problem with our military not being able to recruit enough men, we have a huge problem in America where many Americans are out of shape they’re eating fast food all the time. The last thing we need is for young white men to hate this country and believe that their oppressors because of their skin color ….

The ancestors of white Americans and black Americans owned slaves and engaged in the slave trade and some of these ancestors were slaves themselves whether white or black. So if we don’t have mutual respect in America we have a very problematic ugly society which is what we have today. We didn’t have that even during the presidency of Obama this whole thing started in 2020 with the BLM summer riots which lead to insane things like Democrats and the Republican supporters thinking it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom, thinking it’s OK to destroy a statue of Christopher Columbus which is denigrating Italian Americans. We have statues of Black people and Indians who owned slaves in America nobody has destroyed them nor should they. We need to respect history and that’s it…. Common sense goes a long way
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Worth noting that many European missionaries imposed Christianity on Africans by the force of a gun. In Europe, many people were tortured in the inquisitions because they refused to become Christians. That had nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus said to love your fellow man. He didn't make exceptions for gays and transgenders. Today's Republican Party is not patriotic and you are one of them.
For the first few centuries of Christianity, they may have followed that. It got them killed. Then a balance with reality. Which may have caused the dark ages. Then after the dark ages a more powerful church married to the royalty and political leaders of nation states. Comforts for all does not exist. So, whatever you type, that fact means there is turmoil. And the threat of that when things are not as good now. And this is not utopia either.
What, did you get lost coming back from Stormfront or something?
He could be legitimate he could also be an FBI agent or a Democrat posing as a Republican which is what Biff_Poindexter does…. It really should be a dead giveaway to you that you’re probably dealing with a troll in somebody who says it’s OK for water cannons to be used against Black people.

that’s become a problem with what types of resources the FBI is utilizing and how they’re often wasting their time engaging in this search for nothing. There are no white racists in America. There’s maybe 20 of them that’s it.

Either way if you think that the above poster represents most white people you’re just lying to yourself man, it’s no different than me watching a video of a black man from the Nation of Islam saying Black people are supreme to white people and then thinking every black person of the country or most Black people act like that. So it’s just against common sense you see most black Americans and most white Americans want to live together… it is the politicians who try and divide us with their insane Pro BLM and pro trans agenda…. with the destruction of statues of white people with their denigration of American history and most importantly there misrepresentation of history.

It is incredibly important that black Americans and white Americans respect each other‘s history. Any other ideology will make men weak like for example if you expect a white man to agree With the view that the “white man held down the black man” it will make white men weak, if we expect Black people to say that the black man held down the white man in Africa in North Africa it will make Black people weak. It’s insane to think like this it’s a disgrace to our ancestors. And of course many of our ancestors never even owned slaves. African Black people engaged in the slave trade, they engaged in expansionist warfare just like white men of history.

Most of America is white we cannot have a young white population who is a bunch of weak soy boys weak pro LGBT type men who are feminine and effeminate and who would wear a BLM shirt we cannot have that…. we already have a problem with our military not being able to recruit enough men, we have a huge problem in America where many Americans are out of shape they’re eating fast food all the time. The last thing we need is for young white men to hate this country and believe that their oppressors because of their skin color ….

The ancestors of white Americans and black Americans owned slaves and engaged in the slave trade and some of these ancestors were slaves themselves whether white or black. So if we don’t have mutual respect in America we have a very problematic ugly society which is what we have today. We didn’t have that even during the presidency of Obama this whole thing started in 2020 with the BLM summer riots which lead to insane things like Democrats and the Republican supporters thinking it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom, thinking it’s OK to destroy a statue of Christopher Columbus which is denigrating Italian Americans. We have statues of Black people and Indians who owned slaves in America nobody has destroyed them nor should they. We need to respect history and that’s it…. Common sense goes a long way

There, again, is no obligation to ”respect” a regime which killed hundreds of thousands of Americans to try and protect slavery. The idea that acknowledging basic history makes the country “weak” is colossally stupid.

Once again, crying “but somewhere else in the world” does not excuse the Confederacy fighting to defend slavery here.
and they give a voice to Americans on both sides of the aisle.
Mostly Americans on the left side of the isle by a margin of 3 to 2, and some days 2 to 1

The host today named Pedro is a lib’s lib who used to frequently argue with conservatives

So does Greta if she’s still around

Brian Lamb created a great format that libs took over and shit on
The South explicitly stated it was going to war to protect slavery. The ”peculiar institution” was seen as a moral good by Southerners; that’s why you had the appearance of things like Sociology for the South coming out.

About the only Confederates who it’d be okay to honor are people like Longstreet or Billy Mahone, who actually took steps to stand for equality and freedom after the war instead of continuing to do everything in their power to preserve as much of the “good ole days” in the South as possible, which is what most former Confederates did.
The war left both sides more bitter and hardened in their differences than before

The South has moved on but for libs its still 1863
I hear what you’re saying brother there’s clearly a sort of monopoly on the mass media in America. Thankfully we do have some alternatives now like independent stations on YouTube. But that is also threatened by the fact that Google has of course censored free-speech on YouTube, they have reportedly messed around with their search algorithms to favor Democrats.

Google of course owns YouTube. Nonetheless there are still dissenting voices on YouTube and now with Elon musk owning Twitter there are perhaps more dissenting voices on Twitter.

We will have to pay attention to the future of youtube because this outlet has a chance to support free speech more and more.
support anti American subversive lies and total anti-american garbage you mean, conspiracy not job....
support anti American subversive lies and total anti-american garbage you mean, conspiracy not job....
If you don’t have anything to say about the topic why are you in the thread. There is a cultural war in America and most Americans don’t want it. Simply put slavery, bigotry racism is something that is a human trait has nothing to do with the white man or black man. The far left is waging a successful culture war in America with their removal of aunt Jemima, uncle Ben with the mandatory nominations in Academy Awards that some number of minorities have to be nominated, the NFL and tons of major companies in America having minority hiring quotas instead of simply hiring the best person for the job. And of course the greatest one of all the destruction of European white culture and history in America through the 2020 BLM riots which included rampaging and violence 25 murders, billions of dollars for the damage and the destruction of many historical statues that meant a lot to Americans of all types and to world history.

Destroying statues of Christopher Columbus and St. Louis is racist and it’s occurring in the modern time, that should be a great concern to you apparently it’s never been and I wonder why. What’s your agenda on this thing? What’s your argument? The current status quo in the USA against white people it is wrong… along with other various pro BLM measures that various businesses, companies and governments local and state wide have put into place here in America…. it’s dehumanizing and divides people, nobody is destroying statues of black men, Jews or Indians who owned slaves or who engaged in expansion warfare. For w/e reason people like you and your side either support this which is a net negative or you condone it which is equally as bad.

So I will put you on ignore if your responses are nothing but one or two liners it’s just not worth it not worth it for me or you. There are other Democrats and liberals that I speak with and we do so respectfully people like blind boo. But in order to not waste my time or yours if you can’t respond in context without the name-calling, if you cant actually form a coherent argument I don’t want anything to do with your posts .
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