NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

The Confederacy, dipshit. Pretty comical that you can’t grasp that.
Oh the irrelevant crap that you are using to deflect from the topic? BTW, more Americans WERE killed in that war. Because you are too shallow to grasp it, they were ALL Americans. Now that we've settled the irrelevant crap, would you like to address the topic?
Oh the irrelevant crap that you are using to deflect from the topic? BTW, more Americans WERE killed in that war. Because you are too shallow to grasp it, they were ALL Americans. Now that we've settled the irrelevant crap, would you like to address the topic?

Claiming people engaged in treason against the United States, fighting to protect slavery, were Americans is a stretch at best.

More tearful blubbering from you, as usual.
More tearful blubbering from you, as usual.
You really are a product of the public education system in CA. The only blubbering I'm hearing is yours. "Oh poor me, I'm so put upon because a war was fought 150 years ago that has had no effect on my life, but I'm going to throw a fit on a social media board until someone recognizes me like my mommy did." You would say your daddy if you could find him, eh, lefty? ROTFLMAO!
Slavery was seen as a moral good in the South. Fighting to defend it was seen as fighting to defend southern culture.
Tell us all about it junior. You didn't learn anything else in school--why should we give you any credence for understanding social norms 150 years ago. You don't even know what social norms were in 1998.
You really are a product of the public education system in CA. The only blubbering I'm hearing is yours. "Oh poor me, I'm so put upon because a war was fought 150 years ago that has had no effect on my life, but I'm going to throw a fit on a social media board until someone recognizes me like my mommy did." You would say your daddy if you could find him, eh, lefty? ROTFLMAO!
Aww, some whiskey tango loser is having a meltdown because the very thought of people not celebrating the South’s war to save slavery makes him cry.
Tell us all about it junior. You didn't learn anything else in school--why should we give you any credence for understanding social norms 150 years ago. You don't even know what social norms were in 1998.

Go look up George Fitzhugh and Sociology of the South, dipshit.
Oh the irrelevant crap that you are using to deflect from the topic? BTW, more Americans WERE killed in that war. Because you are too shallow to grasp it, they were ALL Americans. Now that we've settled the irrelevant crap, would you like to address the topic?
Kind of hard to claim you're American when you denounce your American citizenship and secede from the Union.

It is incredibly important that black Americans and white Americans respect each other‘s history. Any other ideology will make men weak like for example if you expect a white man to agree With the view that the “white man held down the black man” it will make white men weak, if we expect Black people to say that the black man held down the white man in Africa in North Africa it will make Black people weak. It’s insane to think like this it’s a disgrace to our ancestors. And of course many of our ancestors never even owned slaves. African Black people engaged in the slave trade, they engaged in expansionist warfare just like white men of history.

Most of America is white we cannot have a young white population who is a bunch of weak soy boys weak pro LGBT type men who are feminine and effeminate and who would wear a BLM shirt we cannot have that…. we already have a problem with our military not being able to recruit enough men, we have a huge problem in America where many Americans are out of shape they’re eating fast food all the time. The last thing we need is for young white men to hate this country and believe that their oppressors because of their skin color ….

The ancestors of white Americans and black Americans owned slaves and engaged in the slave trade and some of these ancestors were slaves themselves whether white or black. So if we don’t have mutual respect in America we have a very problematic ugly society which is what we have today. We didn’t have that even during the presidency of Obama this whole thing started in 2020 with the BLM summer riots which lead to insane things like Democrats and the Republican supporters thinking it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom, thinking it’s OK to destroy a statue of Christopher Columbus which is denigrating Italian Americans. We have statues of Black people and Indians who owned slaves in America nobody has destroyed them nor should they. We need to respect history and that’s it…. Common sense goes a long way
She’s right you know!

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