NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

American morals, values, standards and pride is what our country was built on. It was what made us a world super power faster than any other country.

And the country goes to shit once we have social media shitheads and anti American politicians trying to get rid of those things.
American morals, values, standards and pride is what our country was built on. It was what made us a world super power faster than any other country.

And the country goes to shit once we have social media shitheads and anti American politicians trying to get rid of those things.
Well said … Most Americans oppose the far left I’d say … we see this in most recent polls in rising support of Donald Trump. The support for Tucker Carlson has been massive in the wake of his unjust firing from Fox. So the far left is losing that’s a great thing

what the Democrats are trying to argue in this thread and all sorts of other threads …. their justification of BLM as a group and their destruction of historical statues in this country, the removal of statues willingly that are dedicated to European culture and certainly also American culture being forcibly removed by politicians.

There was just a young girl who was brutally injured paralyzed in the right side of her face due to the fact that a man was allowed to compete in a women’s high school volleyball match.

pro BLM and other anti-Americans on the left they either support this or they vote for people who support this…. So that does make them anti-American. That’s just common sense …nobody would’ve ever thought even during the era of Barack Obama that this insanity ie the destruction of statues of white European men who built the civilized world or allowing men to compete in women’s sports would be occurring in 2023….. but that’s the Democrats vision of America that they’re putting into action. It will certainly be reversed because of common sense prevailing in American values, Christian values we are literally seeing this in the NBC news poll and from callers on cspan.. praise God for that.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
I wonder sometimes what they mean by greater tolerance? I think the majority of Republicans also have much more tolerance than the Democrats. Have you ever seen or heard a Democrat tolerant of a Christian or someone who defends women against men beating them in sports and the work place? Certainly in politics these days Republicans are much more tolerant. Democrats never give an inch towards conservative values or economics.
I wonder sometimes what they mean by greater tolerance? I think the majority of Republicans also have much more tolerance than the Democrats. Have you ever seen or heard a Democrat tolerant of a Christian or someone who defends women against men beating them in sports and the work place? Certainly in politics these days Republicans are much more tolerant. Democrats never give an inch towards conservative values or economics.
Yes I agree with you it’s of course true. There are all sorts of BLM people who live all over America in the southern states they can go wear their BLM T-shirts wherever they want. But if you wear a trump hat and you’re a white man or even a white woman Walking around on a college campus in a liberal city or a liberal college you are subject to verbal and even physical assault ..it’s a documented fact

In certain major cities like Chicago, New York City California if you go into a far left enclave wearing a make America great again hat you are certainly subject to verbal assault or even physical assault. There’s no similarity when it comes to Trump supporters or conservatives meeting that they would never attack somebody who wore a Black Lives Matter T-shirt.

of course as you know there are various far left wingers who are against Christmas… who are against Christian traditions they incredibly tie racism into Christmas and all sorts of other nonsensical arguments. they’re often the ones who are most vocal about trying to disassociate Christianity from America which nobody could ever do it is just a part of American culture we have overwhelmingly been Christian for all of our existence including black Christians and white Christians. We are a secular nation we are tolerant of all faiths probably the most tolerant country in world history.
If you don’t have anything to say about the topic why are you in the thread. There is a cultural war in America and most Americans don’t want it. Simply put slavery, bigotry racism is something that is a human trait has nothing to do with the white man or black man. The far left is waging a successful culture war in America with their removal of aunt Jemima, uncle Ben with the mandatory nominations in Academy Awards that some number of minorities have to be nominated, the NFL and tons of major companies in America having minority hiring quotas instead of simply hiring the best person for the job. And of course the greatest one of all the destruction of European white culture and history in America through the 2020 BLM riots which included rampaging and violence 25 murders, billions of dollars for the damage and the destruction of many historical statues that meant a lot to Americans of all types and to world history.

Destroying statues of Christopher Columbus and St. Louis is racist and it’s occurring in the modern time, that should be a great concern to you apparently it’s never been and I wonder why. What’s your agenda on this thing? What’s your argument? The current status quo in the USA against white people it is wrong… along with other various pro BLM measures that various businesses, companies and governments local and state wide have put into place here in America…. it’s dehumanizing and divides people, nobody is destroying statues of black men, Jews or Indians who owned slaves or who engaged in expansion warfare. For w/e reason people like you and your side either support this which is a net negative or you condone it which is equally as bad.

So I will put you on ignore if your responses are nothing but one or two liners it’s just not worth it not worth it for me or you. There are other Democrats and liberals that I speak with and we do so respectfully people like blind boo. But in order to not waste my time or yours if you can’t respond in context without the name-calling, if you cant actually form a coherent argument I don’t want anything to do with your posts .
Being anti columbus is not racist it's anti colonialist. My insults are not personal, they refer to the worst brainwash in the history of our country and the fact that you believe so much that just isn't true And horribly disrespectful of American institutions for no reason. Sorry you can't handle the truth Cheerio..
Yes I agree with you it’s of course true. There are all sorts of BLM people who live all over America in the southern states they can go wear their BLM T-shirts wherever they want. But if you wear a trump hat and you’re a white man or even a white woman Walking around on a college campus in a liberal city or a liberal college you are subject to verbal and even physical assault ..it’s a documented fact

In certain major cities like Chicago, New York City California if you go into a far left enclave wearing a make America great again hat you are certainly subject to verbal assault or even physical assault. There’s no similarity when it comes to Trump supporters or conservatives meeting that they would never attack somebody who wore a Black Lives Matter T-shirt.

of course as you know there are various far left wingers who are against Christmas… who are against Christian traditions they incredibly tie racism into Christmas and all sorts of other nonsensical arguments. they’re often the ones who are most vocal about trying to disassociate Christianity from America which nobody could ever do it is just a part of American culture we have overwhelmingly been Christian for all of our existence including black Christians and white Christians. We are a secular nation we are tolerant of all faiths probably the most tolerant country in world history.
Nobody else is wearing political hats like that. And they unfortunately show a great respect for a mountain of anti-american hateful lies...

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.

Most of the signers of the constitution would today be considered heretics and apostates by most Evangelicals. Jefferson wrote his own bible that lacked all references to miracles. Washington was a 33rd-degree Mason. Washington DC is full of Masonic and occult symbols in its architecture, even to the point of where buildings were built in relation to other buildings in the capital. Several of the founding fathers were admitted Deists, who believed God created the universe and then essentially abandoned it to its natural laws. That hardly seems Christian.

Stop pretending this country is just for white Christians or people who identify as Christians. I do believe in traditional, conservative social family values, but one doesn't have to be a Christian to hold and adhere to such values. Ironically, traditional gender roles are often defended and promoted by Evangelicals, which essentially encourages women to stay at home, raising children and keeping the home beautiful for their husbands and children. The husband is the provider and protector of his wife and children. etc. All very good and dandy (I sincerely support that traditional "arrangement"), but then the same Evangelicals will advance government policies that undermine those traditional family values.

In 2023, over half of America lives paycheck to paycheck and unlike it was before 1981 (i.e. before trickle-down, Reaganomics), a man could work a blue-collar job and support his wife and children and retire after 20 years with a pension. Households between the late 1940s and late 70s could have just one breadwinner, today both the husband and wife, have to work, often over 60 hours weekly to make ends meet. Children are forced into daycare, or to arrive home after school to an empty house, due to their parents still being at work. How does that contribute to "family values"? Ronald Reagan your champion, gutted the working class in the 1980s and our nation's manufacturing base.

You right-wingers talk a lot about "family values" but then create the conditions that undermine those same values.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
Fewer people support the white nationalism and white supremacy you claim to be so called trradiitional values.
It is incredibly important that black Americans and white Americans respect each other‘s history.
American history includes both, as well as Natives, Latinos, Asians.....Knowledge of that history will not make anyone weak. Politicizing it and forcing the actions of our ancestors to somehow fit into today's accepted morals for political purposes makes all of us weaker regardless of which side does it.

While it is true that slavery has existed throughout human history as an institution it rarely reach the level of depravity as the Chattel slavery practiced in the South did in the first half of the 19th century. With the slave trade abolished, breeding of slaves was the only way to sustain their peculiar way of life. Of course they wanted to hold them in bondage in perpetuity, aka, forever and ever........

We didn’t have that even during the presidency of Obama this whole thing started in 2020 with the BLM summer riots which lead to insane things things like Democrats and the Republican supporters thinking it’s OK for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom
On July 21, 2014, President Obama signed Executive Order 13672, adding "gender identity" to the categories protected against discrimination. So BLM did not start the rights for Genderbenders movement.
We crushed the Confederacy. There is absolutely no reason for there to be statues celebrating a regime which went to war to try and save slavery.
There were no statues for Sherman to blow up in his march to the sea. The North may have won the war but they soon got tired of the costs of the occupation. After the federal troops withdrew, the Rebel states all fell to the White Supremist. The feds had no control on what statues the states put up or where they were put for the most part. It's good to see citizens organizing to have them removed and replaced, legally. They should be preserved for the Man's inhumanity to Man museum.
There, again, is no obligation to ”respect” a regime which killed hundreds of thousands of Americans to try and protect slavery. The idea that acknowledging basic history makes the country “weak” is colossally stupid.

Once again, crying “but somewhere else in the world” does not excuse the Confederacy fighting to defend slavery here.
The First Republican President Sent Americans Off to Kill Their Fellow Americans on Behalf of Africans
Most of the signers of the constitution would today be considered heretics and apostates by most Evangelicals. Jefferson wrote his own bible that lacked all references to miracles. Washington was a 33rd-degree Mason. Washington DC is full of Masonic and occult symbols in its architecture, even to the point of where buildings were built in relation to other buildings in the capital. Several of the founding fathers were admitted Deists, who believed God created the universe and then essentially abandoned it to its natural laws. That hardly seems Christian.

Stop pretending this country is just for white Christians or people who identify as Christians. I do believe in traditional, conservative social family values, but one doesn't have to be a Christian to hold and adhere to such values. Ironically, traditional gender roles are often defended and promoted by Evangelicals, which essentially encourages women to stay at home, raising children and keeping the home beautiful for their husbands and children. The husband is the provider and protector of his wife and children. etc. All very good and dandy (I sincerely support that traditional "arrangement"), but then the same Evangelicals will advance government policies that undermine those traditional family values.

In 2023, over half of America lives paycheck to paycheck and unlike it was before 1981 (i.e. before trickle-down, Reaganomics), a man could work a blue-collar job and support his wife and children and retire after 20 years with a pension. Households between the late 1940s and late 70s could have just one breadwinner, today both the husband and wife, have to work, often over 60 hours weekly to make ends meet. Children are forced into daycare, or to arrive home after school to an empty house, due to their parents still being at work. How does that contribute to "family values"? Ronald Reagan your champion, gutted the working class in the 1980s and our nation's manufacturing base.

You right-wingers talk a lot about "family values" but then create the conditions that undermine those same values.
That way peaked around 1970 or so. The Great Society programs, Social Security, the demise of electronic, auto, and steel manufacturing industries sent overseas, a lot to Japan sent a monkey wrench to us. Employees in many of these industries received nice pensions and payouts while others not so fortunate. Taxes increased in a huge way in the 1970's. Compare just the federal tax code for peasants in 1980 and after the Reagan tax cuts. Today we really would be under oppressive living.
Libs who hate white America are the racists
Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore, Despise, Hate, and Fear All Other White People

Liberal comes from a Latin word that implied inheriting the ownership of White slaves. Plebeians were never called "liberales."

All this New Age emphasis on race is nothing more than class warfare. Preppy Progressives pretend to love thugs and moochers in order to get American plebeians to vote for the Democrats' Republican classmates.

Limit inheritance to $100,000 and eliminate this privileged and dominant class forever. A real man, and a real American, says, "If we have to do it on our own, so must the sons of the rich."

Send the HeirHeads, whether they pretend to be on the Left or the Right, back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong.

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