NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

That way peaked around 1970 or so. The Great Society programs, Social Security, the demise of electronic, auto, and steel manufacturing industries sent overseas, a lot to Japan sent a monkey wrench to us. Employees in many of these industries received nice pensions and payouts while others not so fortunate. Taxes increased in a huge way in the 1970's. Compare just the federal tax code for peasants in 1980 and after the Reagan tax cuts. Today we really would be under oppressive living.
I Agree, But I Don't See How Reagan Is the One to Blame for the Decline
You snotty little SJWs want to act like ISIS go right ahead. We see you.
Race Treason Has Snob Value

What makes them act like they are born to rule? Their Daddies' money. The fact that, deep down inside, they know they'd be nobodies without that head start makes them go to extremes to prove it isn't so.
Limit inheritance to $100,000 and eliminate this privileged and dominant class forever. A real man, and a real American, says, "If we have to do it on our own, so must the sons of the rich."
I cant agree with that

Wealthy people are entitled to leave the fruits of their labor to their children

To me thats better than government taking it and giving it away to welfare bums and their children

No one says you have to like the rich, but we must respect their human rights
The Tea party was a revolt against British taxation…you idiots was just an epic tantrum….Mommy probably breastfed you for too long, and there was no strong male role model in the household…
A Communist Is a Capitalist, Jr.

Daddy was too busy getting rich to do much parenting. That negligence and the fact that these brats were set up above the rest of their generation created a clique that wants everything their way, right away.
A Communist Is a Capitalist, Jr.

Daddy was too busy getting rich to do much parenting. That negligence and the fact that these brats were set up above the rest of their generation created a clique that wants everything their way, right away.
Capitalists are just colonizers. Private property can't come about without force.
Race Treason Has Snob Value

What makes them act like they are born to rule? Their Daddies' money. The fact that, deep down inside, they know they'd be nobodies without that head start makes them go to extremes to prove it isn't so.
I actually think that Daddy isn't in the picture....These are single parent kids, that grew up in the public school system, then were told that the were entitled to college, where the real indoctrination ramped up...They never had shit in their childhood, and watched their mom struggle, and accept welfare, so the entitlement process began...They weren't taught values like hard work, respect for others, or any of the other values that made America great, in fact, They think it sucks, and needs to be torn down...

And college is where they are turned into these Marxists assholes and from what I can tell learn nothing but how to be a self absorbed, puke, that is being turned loose to terrorize this country...And they are succeeding...That's the scary part.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.

Kids don't buy it, Bub.

Reddit political leanings vote 2.26.23.jpg

America is over! Reps are too pussified to save it.

we control the world.JPG

After the Fall Came the Darkie Ages

The South defended civilized culture, which we don't have any more, thanks to the Neo-Reconstructionists.
You need to take j-mac advice and stop living off the accomplishments of your forefathers. We don't have the civilization you want because you're too much of a cuck to forge it.
That way peaked around 1970 or so. The Great Society programs, Social Security, the demise of electronic, auto, and steel manufacturing industries sent overseas, a lot to Japan sent a monkey wrench to us. Employees in many of these industries received nice pensions and payouts while others not so fortunate. Taxes increased in a huge way in the 1970's. Compare just the federal tax code for peasants in 1980 and after the Reagan tax cuts. Today we really would be under oppressive living.

In the 1950s and 1960s, when the economy was booming, the wealthiest Americans paid a top income tax rate of 91%. Ronald Reagan destroyed unions and essentially gutted our manufacturing base. Destroying the working class, the backbone of our economy, stripping most Americans of the American dream. Today the American dream is truly just a dream. You have to be asleep to experience it, due to the high cost of living and other expenses.

My mother and her husband, Steve (i.e. my "stepdad"), about 15 years ago when they were in their mid-50s, had to go bankrupt due to medical bills. Steve's body stopped producing cortisol due to a problem with one of his glands, and that led to him gaining 100 pounds and almost dying of heart failure. He was a machinist and CNC programmer, earning $45 hourly. United Healthcare his private health insurance was charging him tens of thousands of dollars in deductibles and copayments. He went to the hospital several times and got admitted at about $18,000 a day. United decided not to pay all of his bills and refused to cover the cost of treatments that he needed to survive. He had to go on Medicaid, forcing him to become dirt poor, relying on SSD i.e. Social Security Disability.

If this can happen to a high-paid machinist and CNC programmer, with an above-average intelligence, can you imagine what will happen to the average Joe? He fully recovered after they removed that gland and he's now 70 years old. He takes cortisol pills daily. Why did he have to go through all of that? Right-wing policies and economics. The so-called "family-friendly party", the Evangelical Christian Republican Party, that serves the rich at the expense of everybody else. At the cost of working-class families. Workers today have fewer rights and power than they did before Reagan's "trickle-down". These conservative Christians have more concerned for the vested interests of the wealthy elites than the working class, who they pretend don't even exist. Is that "family values"? Really?
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Hopefully this serves as a wake up call to NBC, ABC news, CNN and other far left platform which have over these past few years lost quite a few viewers. People want freedom in America they want freedom of thought , freedom of speech ….and the fact that RFK Junior was recently censored on ABC news is not a good look for them.

They do not care about viewers.
They are ideologues.
So I guess supporting someone who has been married three times and paid porn stars for sex, and brags about sexual assault being easy is not adhering to "American Traditions"? What does it say about someone who supports Trump? It probably says that they don't support American Traditions....

It doesn't say that.
I hear what you’re saying brother there’s clearly a sort of monopoly on the mass media in America. Thankfully we do have some alternatives now like independent stations on YouTube. But that is also threatened by the fact that Google has of course censored free-speech on YouTube, they have reportedly messed around with their search algorithms to favor Democrats.

Google of course owns YouTube. Nonetheless there are still dissenting voices on YouTube and now with Elon musk owning Twitter there are perhaps more dissenting voices on Twitter.

We will have to pay attention to the future of youtube because this outlet has a chance to support free speech more and more.

Goggle is probably the largest threat to reacquiring a decent society.

That was the discussion on C-SPAN this morning. That was a great breath of fresh air … most Americans respect Christianity, traditional marriage, the various historical statues in our country. Only a minority of Americans support cancel culture, BLM, the radical trans agenda Including allowing men into ladies bathrooms..

Great job by C-SPAN this morning and you could even hear the people who called into the show ….many of them praising American history and standing by American traditions and Christianity and the values that have shaped our very country to this day. The very values that will keep our country intact as the years go on.
We need to do a lot of things better,
Sort of impossible when you use GOD to promote the hate of those who think differently than your self.
And ignore the teachings of JESUS.
Claiming people engaged in treason against the United States, fighting to protect slavery, were Americans is a stretch at best.

More tearful blubbering from you, as usual.

They were Americans who simply wanted to peacefully secede from the Union.
They were attacked by a government who thought that they could turn property in to people with the stroke of a pen.
Thinking that the ancestors of each could then be forced to live a peaceful existence together was criminally insane.

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