NBC poll show that most Americans believe society should be promoting greater respect for traditional , social and moral values

Was the US Army acting like ISIS when it blew up all those Nazi monuments?
We conquered the Nazis. Are you saying they should have gone unmolested?

Little shits like you haven’t won a damned thing. You are just rampaging, trying to shove your beliefs down the throats of Americans…At some point they won’t put up with your tantrums.
We conquered the Nazis. Are you saying they should have gone unmolested?

Little shits like you haven’t won a damned thing. You are just rampaging, trying to shove your beliefs down the throats of Americans…At some point they won’t put up with your tantrums.
We crushed the Confederacy. There is absolutely no reason for there to be statues celebrating a regime which went to war to try and save slavery.

Americans are fed up with Lost Cause bullshit, sorry.
Was the US Army acting like ISIS when it blew up all those Nazi monuments?
Your argument doesn’t make any sense because you’re brainwashed by the far left… you’re comparing Christopher Columbus to the Nazis…. by default would mean you’re comparing Africans, Arabs and Jews of the same time period That profited from the slave trade or expansionist warfare… to the third reich.

Columbus was a great man who has had much propaganda written by including by English protestants simply out of a religious division due to his Catholicism to his Italianism. It’s something known as the black legend.

Most importantly most Americans don’t agree with your worldview or whatever people in the media and in the news have compelled you to make these anti-American anti-white statements.

I see in this thread the far left resorts to making up the views of other people calling them “lost causers”, saying that anybody who might admire confederate people are somehow wishing for a return to the confederate states or something absurd. While nothing is said about black nation of Islam leaders or black supremacists in America who believe Black people are born supreme to white people you don’t comment on those things

As for the confederate states yes they’re comparable to any Jewish state of history and there was a Jewish kingdom in Yemen in the sixth century for example, or really it’s comparable any black African Christian or Muslim state throughout the ages where slavery was practiced.

by the way of course Black Lives Matter terrorists destroyed statues of great men of history that had nothing to do with the confederate states , people like St. Louis… in 1860 there was a brutal level of the caste system in India, slavery being practiced trough the Middle East and an African states. Jews profited from the slave trade so did blacks. So your premise is wrong you’re singling out the Confederate states because it practiced slavery. While other countries of the world including black countries also fought for the ability to keep slaves and they literally gained land and took slaves.
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Your argument doesn’t make any sense because you’re brainwashed by the far left… you’re comparing Christopher Columbus to the Nazis…. by default would mean you’re comparing Africans, Arabs and Jews of the same time period That profited from the slave trade or expansionist warfare… to the third reich.

Columbus was a great man who has had much propaganda written by including by English protestants simply out of a religious division due to his Catholicism to his Italianism. It’s something known as the black legend.

Most importantly most Americans don’t agree with your worldview or whatever people in the media and in the news have compelled you to make these anti-American anti-white statements.

I see in this thread something off in the far left resorts do that you’re resorting to, making up the views of other people calling them lost causers, saying that anybody who might admire confederate people are somehow wishing for a return to the confederate states or something absurd. While nothing is said about black nation of Islam leaders or black supremacists in America who believe Black people are born supreme to white people you don’t comment on those things

As for the confederate states yes they’re comparable to any Jewish state of history and there was a Jewish kingdom in Yemen in the sixth century for example, or really it’s comparable any black African Christian or Muslim state throughout the ages where slavery was practiced.

And right back to trying to defend the CSA crying “but the rest of the world“. A) The Confederates weren’t living in the Sixth Century; and B) claiming opposing the celebration of the Confederacy is “anti white” is simply idiotic given how many US servicemen lost their lives crushing the slavers.
We crushed the Confederacy. There is absolutely no reason for there to be statues celebrating a regime which went to war to try and save slavery.

Americans are fed up with Lost Cause bullshit, sorry.
Jesus, come into this century for Christ sake….The thing to do would have been for these communities to hold a referendum on them, and if they voted them to come down so be it.

But, you people didn’t do that did you? No. You rioted, vandalized, and terrorized these communities, and took these actions on yourselves…That’s far from American.
Jesus, come into this century for Christ sake….The thing to do would have been for these communities to hold a referendum on them, and if they voted them to come down so be it.

But, you people didn’t do that did you? No. You rioted, vandalized, and terrorized these communities, and took these actions on yourselves…That’s far from American.


The Boston Tea Party not ringing a bell? If anything, their actions were as American as it gets.
And right back to trying to defend the CSA crying “but the rest of the world“. A) The Confederates weren’t living in the Sixth Century; and B) claiming opposing the celebration of the Confederacy is “anti white” is simply idiotic given how many US servicemen lost their lives crushing the slavers.
You’re going on a bad argument here. Never addressing any facts of what’s being said. You’re just singling out the confederacy because they fought and upheld slavery and it’s no different than a black country in Africa during the same time fighting to hold onto slaves and literally fighting expansion as warfare to gain slaves. It’s clear you don’t understand history or have any care to understand the context of history in the time period that you’re talking about.

You’re the one singling out white people and also your apparent support of destruction of statues of Christopher Columbus is an abomination…. you’re no different than people who want to destroy statues of Indians or Black people that are all over the world because they might have owned slaves or engage in expansionist warfare. Your arguments don’t make any sense man.
You’re going on a bad argument here. Never addressing any facts of what’s being said. You’re just singling out the confederacy because they fought and upheld slavery and it’s no different than a black country in Africa during the same time fighting to hold onto slaves and literally fighting expansion as warfare to gain slaves.

You’re the one singling out white people and also your parents support of destruction of statues of Christopher Columbus is an abomination…. you’re no different than people who want to destroy statues of Indians or Black people that are all over the world because they might have owned slaves or engage in expansionist warfare. Your arguments don’t make any sense man.

Guess what? Crying about some African country doesn’t excuse celebrating the CSA.

Figure it out.
You snotty little SJWs want to act like ISIS go right ahead. We see you.
The punk has barely graduated from high school--maybe. He's 24 and according to Eddie Murphy isn't old enough to know how to fuck yet and he's trying to make people think he's an influencer who can't figure out topics. These type of people are those who would send American values and culture and history right into the crapper.
Only if the Boston Tea Party qualified as such 🙄😂
The Tea party was a revolt against British taxation…you idiots was just an epic tantrum….Mommy probably breastfed you for too long, and there was no strong male role model in the household…
The punk has barely graduated from high school--maybe. He's 24 and according to Eddie Murphy isn't old enough to know how to fuck yet and he's trying to make people think he's an influencer who can't figure out topics. These type of people are those who would send American values and culture right into the crapper.

Always hilarious watching morons like you cry about how celebrating a regime which killed more American servicemen than almost anyone else is “American values”.
The punk has barely graduated from high school--maybe. He's 24 and according to Eddie Murphy isn't old enough to know how to fuck yet and he's trying to make people think he's an influencer who can't figure out topics. These type of people are those who would send American values and culture and history right into the crapper.
He’s a “Biden bro”…..Paid to spew this bs.
The Tea party was a revolt against British taxation…you idiots was just an epic tantrum….Mommy probably breastfed you for too long, and there was no strong male role model in the household…

The Tea Party destroyed the equivalent of over a million pounds worth of tea. By your “logic” that’s “terrorism“ 😂.
Always hilarious watching morons like you cry about how celebrating a regime which killed more American servicemen than almost anyone else is “American values”.
LMAO. You've been spending too much time across the bay. What "regime" would that be, moron? Enlighten me. You've only been alive for four, five if you count the imposter in DC. Tell me what branch did you serve in keyboard warrior? I'll wait for your answer to the regime question--can't wait to hear what nonsense you are going to try to pass off as being on topic to this thread.

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