NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
How many girls' records did Jackie Robinson demolish while playing ladies' baseball, again?


The Left are insane and evil.

No doubt the comparison will be warmly embraced by the Black community.

Not !! ... :cuckoo: :laugh:
You people sow your hate every day while you pray to Jesus, what a bunch of hypocrites.
Why is it Hatred to say a man abusing women is violence against women? Why is it hatred to say that a man playing women's sports is an attack on Title IX and is an attack on Women's Sports? Why are you for the oppression of women by men?

It's your DemNazi Fascist Ideology and your religion of Hate and Mental Illness that is waging war against women, that is trying to pervert their biology, and trying to enslave them economically, remove them from the home, and take their children from them, and indoctrinate them in to believing they are simply sexual play things for the alphabet soup predators that want to prey upon them.

You hate women, and you hate the children they bear.
They need to establish a category with transgendered athletes only.
So create a Title 10?

There aren't enough bathroom confused individuals in America to field a basketball team for most colleges. They should compete based on Chromosomal Identity.
We didn’t want to spend any time on it. You morons made us have to say something about it when you decided there were 900 genders.
I have never made any rules or statements about the number of genders there are. Just like the black race that was hated by white people, a transgender has just as much of a right to exist in the US as you white males.
So create a Title 10?

There aren't enough bathroom confused individuals in America to field a basketball team for most colleges. They should compete based on Chromosomal Identity.
Women have contended that they are equal to a man, yet they cry when a man beats them at sports.
Women have contended that they are equal to a man, yet they cry when a man beats them at sports.
Women contended? No, you, The Soviet Union and your DemNazi Party contended they were equal with men.

So you want to PUNISH women for wanting equality with men?
Same as you punished them and permanently psychologically damaged them when you conned them in to thinking they could abort their children and be free from responsibility and guilt.

The bullshit originated with your party and was a lie.

It was born of misogyny.

Women used to be treated with a higher level or respect.
Women also used to act like ladies and were more virtuous.
Now they are bitches and hoes who have to "compete with men" instead of being loved by men, respected by men, cared for and provided for by men and protected by men.

It used to take 1 income to raise a family. Now the whole family is enslaved to your economic debt system. No father in the home, and now no mother in the home either. The Commie Tard state is raising our children to be good little commie tard slaves.

Your party has turned women in to a bunch of angry confused whores as intended.

Congratulations, you destroyed The Family Unit, and the glue that holds a nation together.

Mission Accomplished, Comrade Moonglow.
Women contended? No, you, The Soviet Union and your DemNazi Party contended they were equal with men.

So you want to PUNISH women for wanting equality with men?
Same as you punished them and permanently psychologically damaged them when you conned them in to thinking they could abort their children and be free from responsibility and guilt.

The bullshit originated with your party and was a lie.

It was born of misogyny.

Women used to be treated with a higher level or respect.
Women also used to act like ladies and were more virtuous.
Now they are bitches and hoes who have to "compete with men" instead of being loved by men, respected by men, cared for and provided for by men and protected by men.

Your party has turned women in to a bunch of angry confused whores as intended.

Congratulations, you destroyed The Family Unit, and the glue that holds a nation together.

Mission Accomplished, Comrade Moonglow.
Most of the above is true. However your blame is misplaced. It was women, and the weak men who couldn’t stand up to them who are responsible for this outcome. They asked for it. And now they’ve gotten it.
I have never made any rules or statements about the number of genders there are. Just like the black race that was hated by white people, a transgender has just as much of a right to exist in the US as you white males.
Nobody said they couldn’t exist. They just don’t get to force their way in to anything.

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