NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier

They used to say the same when interracial marriages were allowed or when whites could no longer hold blacks in a separate but equal society.

Now you are just being stupid. You are comparing apples to atomic bombs.
"How does one advocate for equitable treatment while also adhering to the notion of biological difference? If separate is not equal in the case of schools, bathrooms, restaurants or other social institutions, can separate ever truly be equal in the case of sports?"

Hahahaha. No. Why? Because they are not equal in sports.

It's nonsense to claim equality in sports performance
The laws are there to support people not your religious or political ideology.

And they should support these people. Allowing them to compete against biological females is not part of that. It is patently unfair to them
There is no law saying that there has to be women's sports. Teach them to make sandwiches instead. ;)
If you knew the laws in the US you would see how you be wrong, but you are a stubborn old fool who thinks the world should exist according to your rules only.
The Laws of Science and of God are in agreement with each other.

Your Theoretical Woke Bullshit is the problem here.

You are mentally and spiritually ill.

What is your definition of a woman?

Would you know one if you met one?
The Laws of Science and of God are in agreement with each other.

Your Theoretical Woke Bullshit is the problem here.

You are mentally and spiritually ill.

What is your definition of a woman?

Would you know one if you met one?
And yet the Constitution is above them all...Sorry, you came in last.

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