NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier

Women contended? No, you, The Soviet Union and your DemNazi Party contended they were equal with men.

So you want to PUNISH women for wanting equality with men?
Same as you punished them and permanently psychologically damaged them when you conned them in to thinking they could abort their children and be free from responsibility and guilt.

The bullshit originated with your party and was a lie.

It was born of misogyny.

Women used to be treated with a higher level or respect.
Women also used to act like ladies and were more virtuous.
Now they are bitches and hoes who have to "compete with men" instead of being loved by men, respected by men, cared for and provided for by men and protected by men.

It used to take 1 income to raise a family. Now the whole family is enslaved to your economic debt system.

Your party has turned women in to a bunch of angry confused whores as intended.

Congratulations, you destroyed The Family Unit, and the glue that holds a nation together.

Mission Accomplished, Comrade Moonglow.
I have no "DemNaziParty" affiliation, I have told you so repeatedly but you are deaf, blind, and dumb since you keep on doing it. Women are not confused and they damn sure do not want a society like what used to exist in which women were the possession of men and had less freedom.
I have four kids and a wife so your lies again are just that, lies. You, the so-called religious nutzie who bears false witness are a joke at best.
Most of the above is true. However your blame is misplaced. It was women, and the weak men who couldn’t stand up to them who are responsible for this outcome. They asked for it. And now they’ve gotten it.
They may have accepted the idea, but they did not originate the idea. The Idea came from The DemNazi Fascist Globalist Party and they sold it, preached it and indoctrinated children in schools with it, spread the message on radio, TV, in movies, books and elsewhere.

It was a war on The Feminine, a War on Gender, a War on Women. That WAR continues today!

Society in general deserves some blame, men and women alike for believing in a lie, but the core blame lies with The Party that Created The War on Women, and that is the party that women and society should retaliate against for bringing us to this point.
They need to establish a category with transgendered athletes only.
Nope, the liberals asked for it so they are getting it.....Good-n-hard.

Remember a decade or two ago the hub-bub over parity in women's sports? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Just wait till colleges start really recruiting the freaks.....That should be good for a lot of rendered garments.
They don’t have a constitutional right to compete against women. WTF are you talking about.
The 14th Amendment provides, in part, that no state can "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Title IX specifically prohibits sex discrimination.
He's mentally ill and bathroom confused. He is only regurgitating what his fellow mental patients have regurgitated to him.
If you knew the laws in the US you would see how you be wrong, but you are a stubborn old fool who thinks the world should exist according to your rules only.
As much as it pains me, I have to agree with the masses here, this is just stupid.

Wrong on so many levels.

First this would not be an example of betaking the gender barrier since Lia claims her gender is female.

Second, Lia was not the first, just the first to win an NCAA Medal.

Third, anyone that says being a biological male is not an advantage in sport is just pandering to something. My 800 meters time in high school was faster than the women's world record till even 10 years after I graduated.
Nope, the liberals asked for it so they are getting it.....Good-n-hard.

Remember a decade or two ago the hub-bub over parity in women's sports? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Just wait till colleges start really recruiting the freaks.....That should be good for a lot of rendered garments.
That is my opinion according to the law they can be allowed into any sports activity they wish.
I have no "DemNaziParty" affiliation, I have told you so repeatedly but you are deaf, blind, and dumb since you keep on doing it. Women are not confused and they damn sure do not want a society like what used to exist in which women were the possession of men and had less freedom.
I have four kids and a wife so your lies again are just that, lies. You, the so-called religious nutzie who bears false witness are a joke at best.
Okay, enough about you and your hysterical non-sequiturs, let's get back to reality.
As much as it pains me, I have to agree with the masses here, this is just stupid.

Wrong on so many levels.

First this would not be an example of betaking the gender barrier since Lia claims her gender is female.

Second, Lia was not the first, just the first to win an NCAA Medal.

Third, anyone that says being a biological male is not an advantage in sport is just pandering to something. My 800 meters time in high school was faster than the women's world record till even 10 years after I graduated.
They used to say the same when interracial marriages were allowed or when whites could no longer hold blacks in a separate but equal society.

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