NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier

hardly can I pretend a law exists and then you see in public people using the law, how stupid...

I see ignorant policies being forced on people, those policies have nothing to do with law.

All I know is a woman who will be seated on the highest court in the land and who also possesses a ivy league education does not know the difference between men and women so that sort of narrows it down on who should be making the sandwiches. ;)

You would actually eat a sandwich she made? My, are YOU trusting.
Excuse me, but when did we ask to be treated as indistinguishable from men, and to have men appropriated our sex to wear as a costume?

What I hear you saying is, "How DARE you uppity bitches think you're people just like us, and think you should be treated as adults and citizens? We'll make you regret it!"
It started long ago. Many were just too short sighted to see where it would lead. And here “we” are.
Sometimes in life… The only thing worse than not getting what you want; is getting exactly what you asked for. And everything that comes with it…
Using your “logic” roughly 15O MILLION men could show up at this school demanding to be on the women’s swim team and they would have to accommodate them.

You are too fucking stupid to realize how dumb you sound,
Umm, I hate to admit it but that may be exactly the case.

Look Moon is a fucking goof but in this case after thinking about it all day he may actually be right. This entire fucking legal circle back may come back on the feminists. Let me elaborate…

Do remember when title 9 was done it was a celebration of women advancing in sports. From there it evolved into having their own leagues and that seemed fine. But then they went after all men golf clubs, remember Augusta? The women were out to destroy Augusta if they didn’t let them in. I have a long list of women inserting themselves in shit like this but to speed it up eventually not even the fucking Boy Scouts we’re allowed to be all boys. It’s all women up in everything all the time.

Then this trans faggot shit started happening and the feminist harpies were the first to jump on board. They fought for their rights and goddamn they weee going to fight for the faggots too. Only they didn’t realize where the faggots we’re going.
The faggots are now in control because the feminists were too fucking stupid to make new laws based on only women getting into places. They used the term gender in every legal filing. Little did they know they were participating in making the term gender to mean anything you want to be.

So now we have the male faggots fucking over the feminist morons. We have Supreme Court nominees that can’t define what a woman is and we have men kicking the fuck out of women in sports. All in the arena feminists built.

When you have won the gender battle so fucking overwhelmingly you can’t even defend yourself against men taking your championships. You have seriously screwed the pooch. The feminists have made so much progress a woman Supreme Court justice nominee refuses to even define what a woman is.

Congrats feminists. You win. LMAO
Umm, I hate to admit it but that may be exactly the case.

Look Moon is a fucking goof but in this case after thinking about it all day he may actually be right. This entire fucking legal circle back may come back on the feminists. Let me elaborate…

Do remember when title 9 was done it was a celebration of women advancing in sports. From there it evolved into having their own leagues and that seemed fine. But then they went after all men golf clubs, remember Augusta? The women were out to destroy Augusta if they didn’t let them in. I have a long list of women inserting themselves in shit like this but to speed it up eventually not even the fucking Boy Scouts we’re allowed to be all boys. It’s all women up in everything all the time.

Then this trans faggot shit started happening and the feminist harpies were the first to jump on board. They fought for their rights and goddamn they weee going to fight for the faggots too. Only they didn’t realize where the faggots we’re going.
The faggots are now in control because the feminists were too fucking stupid to make new laws based on only women getting into places. They used the term gender in every legal filing. Little did they know they were participating in making the term gender to mean anything you want to be.

So now we have the male faggots fucking over the feminist morons. We have Supreme Court nominees that can’t define what a woman is and we have men kicking the fuck out of women in sports. All in the arena feminists built.

When you have won the gender battle so fucking overwhelmingly you can’t even defend yourself against men taking your championships. You have seriously screwed the pooch. The feminists have made so much progress a woman Supreme Court justice nominee refuses to even define what a woman is.

Congrats feminists. You win. LMAO
Just wait till this shit spreads to the “divorce and, family court system”. You’ve not yet heard the howling begin…
Just wait till this shit spreads to the “divorce and, family court system”. You’ve not yet heard the howling begin…
I’m not sure why any man wouldn’t walk into court claiming to be a woman, who the court can’t define, and asking for full custody and alimony from this horrible cis-gender bitch.
All of this stupid shit could end in 24 hours if one party would just state the fucking obvious. There are only two genders, and that gender is assigned at conception.
How about Transgender sports? Be the first to own a team. The big corporations who preach this shit should gladly pay the bills. Can you imagine the ratings?
How about Transgender sports? Be the first to own a team. The big corporations who preach this shit should gladly pay the bills. Can you imagine the ratings?
Why would the faggots do that when they can stay in the news wiping out the womens records. The worst thing to happen to these people is having their own league. They can’t beat the men, but they sure as hell can wipe out the women.
Why would the faggots do that when they can stay in the news wiping out the womens records. The worst thing to happen to these people is having their own league. They can’t beat the men, but they sure as hell can wipe out the women.
But can they beat other trannies? Imagine a medal for the most athletic tranny. That is progress.
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Thanks for showing that "Slippery Slope" is not a fallacy.
So true. So very, very true.

I have enjoyed some truly remarkable slippery slopes over the years and have some very fond memories of my interactions with them.
Well there is a difference between being born black, and a man being born with a dick and saying "I feel like a woman".


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