NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier

How many girls' records did Jackie Robinson demolish while playing ladies' baseball, again?

View attachment 620032
The Left are insane and evil.

After 2 years of change drugs as they have to do, they have no advantage. This is the crummy ivy league records you know, brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
Hatred of Sin is Love of what is good and virtuous. If we love sin, and do not stand against it, then we cannot commune with God as He is Holy, so we must be Holy, and we can only be Holy through the Love of Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice.

Stop lying about God's Word, especially since you hate God and don't believe His Word.

What is your definition of a woman?
I speak the truth.

Your true God is an orange blob sitting in Florida.

If you need more Bible education or help shedding your false orange God, hit me up.
Read the thread and see it. I will not post it for the lazy and late a dozen times.

You obviously don't know the difference between "sex" and artificially constructed "genders". You have to look at the definition of "sex" at the time the legislation was passed to determine congressional intent. Hint, these commie invented "genders" weren't part of the discussion.

Women contended? No, you, The Soviet Union and your DemNazi Party contended they were equal with men.

So you want to PUNISH women for wanting equality with men?
Same as you punished them and permanently psychologically damaged them when you conned them in to thinking they could abort their children and be free from responsibility and guilt.

The bullshit originated with your party and was a lie.

It was born of misogyny.

Women used to be treated with a higher level or respect.
Women also used to act like ladies and were more virtuous.
Now they are bitches and hoes who have to "compete with men" instead of being loved by men, respected by men, cared for and provided for by men and protected by men.

It used to take 1 income to raise a family. Now the whole family is enslaved to your economic debt system. No father in the home, and now no mother in the home either. The Commie Tard state is raising our children to be good little commie tard slaves.

Your party has turned women in to a bunch of angry confused whores as intended.

Congratulations, you destroyed The Family Unit, and the glue that holds a nation together.

Mission Accomplished, Comrade Moonglow.
Has to do with the GOP giveaway to the rich the last 40 years and the worst inequality poverty and upward mobility ever, dupe. Plus your tidal wave of hateful bs propaganda...Poor America
I speak the truth.

Your true God is an orange blob sitting in Florida.

If you need more Bible education or help shedding your false orange God, hit me up.
There is no God in Florida. God is Omnipresent and is therefore everywhere. The only place He does not exist is in your soul as you let that ship sail long ago.
Such as you are in life, such as you will be in the afterlife.

Without God and In The Dark
You obviously don't know the difference between "sex" and artificially constructed "genders". You have to look at the definition of "sex" at the time the legislation was passed to determine congressional intent. Hint, these commie invented "genders" weren't part of the discussion.

Commie means psychiatry and science? LOL
You obviously don't know the difference between "sex" and artificially constructed "genders". You have to look at the definition of "sex" at the time the legislation was passed to determine congressional intent. Hint, these commie invented "genders" weren't part of the discussion.

Words are very important yet your outrage is not the right word to use.
Hint, these commie invented "genders" weren't part of the discussion.
Dang you are stupid. I mean, embarrassingly stupid. Just a true embarrassment to yourself and our country.

Before you open your retard mouth again, you should go read what the scientists say.
After 2 years of change drugs as they have to do, they have no advantage. This is the crummy ivy league records you know, brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....

That's pure commie bullshit and has been scientifically proven. Males retain the majority of their physical advantages. Why do you hate women?

How many girls' records did Jackie Robinson demolish while playing ladies' baseball, again?

View attachment 620032
The Left are insane and evil.

Two problems with this thread premise.

First, I don't remember Robinson "breaking the race barrier" by demanding that people accept his identification as white.

Two, how can MR. Thomas "break the gender barrier" if he, as he and his supporters claim, is a woman? In order to be "breaking the gender barrier", he would have to be a man.

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