NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier

I am sure there were transgender people during the time of Jesus yet, he doesn't talk shit about them.

Typical commie, making assumptions that cant be proved. So why do you hate science?

There you go, sinning again by bearing false witness. You seem to follow Satan more than Jesus.
You refuse to answer the question as to what your definition is of a woman. That is a FACT.

The SCOTUS Nominee states that she cannot define a woman, despite the fact she is one, because she would have to be a Biologist to know if she is a woman.

That classifies her as Mentally and Spiritually Ill and she is unfit for The Bench.

What is your definition of a Woman? Does a Woman have a Vagina or a Penis?

You don't know and neither does Kaptain Kangaroo Brown.
You have all the power in the world to accept truth and to reject the lies you are living by.
Hatred and lies meet always with a bad end, and bad Karma.
There is no Nirvana for such people.
Quit hating women, and start cherishing them.
Oh, now you are a Christian and a Buddist...How funny. The law was made when I was a kid I see no reason to change it since the law is just. As far as transgenderism that is up to the individual to determine not me...I believe in the freedom and liberty your so-called God gave us in the establishments of our rights. You seek to take them away because you don't agree with a portion of it. I suggest you seek counseling to manage your anger. I don't hate women you are a liar because I have had a wife and have for many, many years along with children that grew up and show more emotional maturity than you can muster.
Mental Illness-Spiritual Illness does not recognize facts or biology.

Ask the Leftist SCOTUS Nominee.

She says you have to be a biologist to know what a female is.

Isn't she a female? She doesn't know what the Hell she is.

No way should that mentally ill woke whack job sit on the bench.
It was a revealing statement of her pre planned disenguity
Thank you for publishing what I said. Women were determined to be receiving unfair and insufficient funding for sports participation
Had absolutely Zero to do with men competing against women as you are stating
Oh, now you are a Christian and a Buddist...How funny. The law was made when I was a kid I see no reason to change it since the law is just. As far as transgenderism that is up to the individual to determine not me...I believe in the freedom and liberty your so-called God gave us in the establishments of our rights. You seek to take them away because you don't agree with a portion of it. I suggest you seek counseling to manage your anger. I don't hate women you are a liar because I have had a wife and have for many, many years along with children that grew up and show more emotional maturity than you can muster.
There is no such thing as Transgenderism. You cannot change your gender.

It's a made up word like most Leftist Lies are made up words, and made up causes. What Transgenderism represents is Homosexuals who are cowards and who refuse to embrace the fact that they are either mentally defective or genetically defective (born gay or nurtured to be gay)

Just because you eat beans and franks does not mean you are a woman......it means you are a sexually warped pervert addicted to sin and homosexuality. You aren't a woman born in a man's body.

If you cannot define what a woman is, and then on the other hand state that it is perfectly fine for a man to dominate women in sports and in any venue in life, you are not only insane, but you are also cruel and hateful and are a misogynist.
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There is no such thing as Transgenderism. You cannot change your gender. It's a made up word like most Leftist Lies are made up words, and made up causes. What Transgenderism represents is Homosexuals who are cowards and who refuse to embrace the fact that they are either mentally defective or genetically defective (born gay or nurtured to be gay)

If you cannot define what a woman is, and then on the other hand state that it is perfectly fine for a man to dominate women in sports and in any venue in life, you are not only insane, but you are also cruel and hateful and are a misogynist.

Preach it!! :113:

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