NBC: We Should Celebrate "Lia" Thomas for Breaking the Gender Barrier Like We Celebrate Jackie Robinson for Breaking the Color Barrier

The funding is only part of Title IX I suggest you read it and find out.
Already did, already lived it, have witnessed it’s effect and it has absolutely zero with endorsing, permitting or even suggesting that males be allowed to compete against females.
Not going to repeat myself.
I am sure they can, all it takes is money and an attorney.
Just more proof that you have ZERO Boundaries and NO COMMON SENSE.
Why not just get rid of Title IX if Biological Males can now dominate Women's Sports?
You are just running a scam.
There are no protections for women now in your world under your warped mentally ill, spiritually ill dogma.

Let's agree to get rid of TITLE IX because lefty says there is no differences between men and women.
Where is the hate in not wanting college women athletes to get screwed out of their accomplishments by some dude who says he is a woman?
It is all in the laws of our nation, whether you hate them or love them.
Already did, already lived it, have witnessed it’s effect and it has absolutely zero with endorsing, permitting or even suggesting that males be allowed to compete against females.
Not going to repeat myself.
Leftists hate women, that is why they try to kill their children in Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers.
They also try to completely change the very definition of a woman to fit their hatred for them, and to create economic slaves out of women.
Now after destroying their femininity, killing their children, preventing them from raising their children that survived, and wrecking their homes, they want to completely dominate women in sports further humiliating them and subjugating them to men.

George Orwell was warning us about people just like Moonglow and his "friends".

Everything with Leftists is Opposite.

Affordable Care Act.
They didn't care and it wasn't affordable.

I can go on and on.
Just more proof that you have ZERO Boundaries and NO COMMON SENSE.
Why not just get rid of Title IX if Biological Males can now dominate Women's Sports?
You are just running a scam.
There are no protections for women now in your world under your warped mentally ill, spiritually ill dogma.

Let's agree to get rid of TITLE IX because lefty says there is no differences between men and women.
I have no power to do anything you command so you must live with it.
Moonglow has no clue what genitals are nor can he tell the difference between a vagina and a penis.
Like I said Mentally and Spiritually Ill.
There you go, sinning again by bearing false witness. You seem to follow Satan more than Jesus.
The 14th Amendment provides, in part, that no state can "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Title IX specifically prohibits sex discrimination.
How is it discrimination to say a dude needs to play against other dudes, Dipshit?
I have no power to do anything you command so you must live with it.
You have all the power in the world to accept truth and to reject the lies you are living by.
Hatred and lies meet always with a bad end, and bad Karma.
There is no Nirvana for such people.
Quit hating women, and start cherishing them.
If you knew the laws in the US you would see how you be wrong, but you are a stubborn old fool who thinks the world should exist according to your rules only.
Cite the law stating dudes have to be allowed to play women’s sports.
How is it discrimination to say a dude needs to play against other dudes, Dipshit?
Mental Illness-Spiritual Illness does not recognize facts or biology.

Ask the Leftist SCOTUS Nominee.

She says you have to be a biologist to know what a female is.

Isn't she a female? She doesn't know what the Hell she is.

No way should that mentally ill woke whack job sit on the bench.
The barrier wasn't broken, it was created repeatedly over fifty times.

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