NBC/WSJ poll: Obama bouncing back

But after a five-week stretch that included bipartisan legislative achievements in the lame-duck session of Congress, mostly positive economic news and Obama’s well-received speech honoring the victims of the tragic shootings in Arizona, the political world has taken an abrupt turn in direction.

According to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Obama’s approval rating has surged above 50 percent; confidence in the economy also has spiked; and the Democratic Party — but not the GOP — now enjoys a net-positive rating from the American public.


NBC/WSJ poll: Obama bouncing back - Politics - More politics - msnbc.com

I don't know why we are surprised by this anymore. It's a pretty regular trend in politics.

President get's elected and same party holds house and senate. People unhappy and vote out the majority party in midterms. President approval rating starts to climb and he wins re-election.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Common sense.

please explain it to me.

Voters throw out the incumbents when they're unhappy with the economy. Did they throw out Democrats because of the healthcare bill?

Hardly. 2 out 3 House Democrats who voted AGAINST the healthcare bill lost their re-election bids.

Why? Because they were in swing districts, and the districts swung back to the GOP. Their votes didn't save them because it was throw the incumbents out time, because of the economy.

Seven out of the ten Democrats who voted AGAINST the stimulus bill also lost.

As a Democrat, you had a better odds of getting re-elected if you voted for healthcare and for the stimulus.

humm, you said-

More evidence that the election wasn't a rejection of Obama policy, Democratic policy, liberalism, or anything of the sort. It was a vote against the slowness of the economic recovery.

I don't find that......


4 Votes That Doomed the Democrats - Derek Thompson - Politics - The Atlantic


4 votes that doomed the Democrats | Saint Petersblog
How pathetic do you have to be to make the Excuse that this HISTORIC ass kicking of the Democrats, wasn't because it WAS THEIR POLICIES..

And fer sure it wasn't some SORT OF MANDATE, like when the Obama and the Democrats won and started shoving all kinds of shit policies down the peoples throats.:lol:
But after a five-week stretch that included bipartisan legislative achievements in the lame-duck session of Congress, mostly positive economic news and Obama’s well-received speech honoring the victims of the tragic shootings in Arizona, the political world has taken an abrupt turn in direction.

According to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Obama’s approval rating has surged above 50 percent; confidence in the economy also has spiked; and the Democratic Party — but not the GOP — now enjoys a net-positive rating from the American public.


NBC/WSJ poll: Obama bouncing back - Politics - More politics - msnbc.com

Not surprising.

The election has forced Obama to the center, it has put the Republicans more in the spotlight, the economy is improving, and he has appeared Presidential around this Tucson tragedy.

But there is still a long, long way to go.
More evidence that the election wasn't a rejection of Obama policy, Democratic policy, liberalism, or anything of the sort. It was a vote against the slowness of the economic recovery.


And Dems just happened to lose Congress.

It was all a coincidence.:eusa_whistle:

That's not what I said, idiot.

It seems I touched a nerve.


If it makes you feel any better, I today heard CBS's George Stephanopolis describing Ariz.Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' recovery; "Her eyes opened....AFTER PRESIDENT OBAMA's VISIT!!!"

No doubt in Stephanoplis' next report he'll decribe, "OBAMA'S SHOCKING WALK ACROSS WATER!!" and get his poll rating up even higher.
How pathetic do you have to be to make the Excuse that this HISTORIC ass kicking of the Democrats, wasn't because it WAS THEIR POLICIES..

And fer sure it wasn't some SORT OF MANDATE, like when the Obama and the Democrats won and started shoving all kinds of shit policies down the peoples throats.:lol:
What would you call the results of the 2006 and 2008 elections? A stunning embrace of Republican policies? No mandate to the victorious Democrats?

How soon we forget.
How pathetic do you have to be to make the Excuse that this HISTORIC ass kicking of the Democrats, wasn't because it WAS THEIR POLICIES..

And fer sure it wasn't some SORT OF MANDATE, like when the Obama and the Democrats won and started shoving all kinds of shit policies down the peoples throats.:lol:
What would you call the results of the 2006 and 2008 elections? A stunning embrace of Republican policies? No mandate to the victorious Democrats?

How soon we forget.

Did anyone claim that either the 2006 or 2008 elections were "a stunning embrase of Republican Policies?"

Try reading the thread for a change, Nosmo.

The claim was made that it was not Dem Policies that caused their 2010 defeat, and Obama's unpopularity, but instead simply a bad economy, a, "vote against a slow recovery."

This absurdly retarded notion seemed to make Repubs immune to defeat!
I today heard CBS's George Stephanopolis describing Ariz.Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' recovery; "Her eyes opened....AFTER PRESIDENT OBAMA's VISIT!!!"

That is factually correct. Is that why you have a problem with it? The 'facts' part?

I don't have a problem with the facts.

I have a problem with a bias media source: Prior to Gifford's eyes opening, she did have other visitors. Why not mention them?

Its pretty clear Stephanolpolis et al are trying to improve Obama's popularity.
If there is any truth to the murmering that he is contemplating cuts to Social Security it will ensure that he won't have another term, which I believe is okay with him. I don't believe he's ever wanted another term. I believe he has other plans.

I think you're right, I think hes bored, he looking for the next mountain to climb, but alas, there isn't one.

He'll be twice as miserable when he leaves office than he is now. And he'll make us suffer for it too.
Obama is a young man with a young family to which he is plainly devoted. That is his primary interest -- which is understandable. He is not a rich man with a fortune or a family dynasty to fall back on after leaving Office.

It is clear (to me) that he has bent over backward to accommodate the banking and finance industries and to avoid offending the Skull and Bones clique. I'm sure the reason for this is concern for his future, which could be in the fields of law, finance or education, either of which could be negatively affected if he were to act on behalf of the American People and thereby piss off the power core. In short, he is vulnerable.

This is why it's best to elect an older person with a matured family and independent wealth as President. It is why FDR was able to act against the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

I believe it was a serious mistake to bypass Ross Perot. He knew exactly what was wrong and he seemed motivated to do something about it.

What are your thoughts?
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The hardest part for the Republicans is they lack a viable candidate for 2012. They will run a sacraficial candidate (Huckabee or Romney) in 2012 and hold back their better candidates (Rubio, Christie, Brown) for 2016.

The interesting contest will be the House and Senate
Wait a second, Rightwinger: Rubio doesn't have any executive experience, so wingnuts will not nominate him. Same with Brown.

They wouldn't flip-flop on that all-important qualification, would they?
How pathetic do you have to be to make the Excuse that this HISTORIC ass kicking of the Democrats, wasn't because it WAS THEIR POLICIES..

And fer sure it wasn't some SORT OF MANDATE, like when the Obama and the Democrats won and started shoving all kinds of shit policies down the peoples throats.:lol:

Because the so-called 'blue dogs' who opposed Obama on many issues including healthcare were more likely to lose their seats than the liberals who supported all the stuff the wingnuts were crying about.
please explain it to me.

Voters throw out the incumbents when they're unhappy with the economy. Did they throw out Democrats because of the healthcare bill?

Hardly. 2 out 3 House Democrats who voted AGAINST the healthcare bill lost their re-election bids.

Why? Because they were in swing districts, and the districts swung back to the GOP. Their votes didn't save them because it was throw the incumbents out time, because of the economy.

Seven out of the ten Democrats who voted AGAINST the stimulus bill also lost.

As a Democrat, you had a better odds of getting re-elected if you voted for healthcare and for the stimulus.

humm, you said-

More evidence that the election wasn't a rejection of Obama policy, Democratic policy, liberalism, or anything of the sort. It was a vote against the slowness of the economic recovery.

I don't find that......


4 Votes That Doomed the Democrats - Derek Thompson - Politics - The Atlantic


4 votes that doomed the Democrats | Saint Petersblog

Sorry but your first link supports ME.

And Dems just happened to lose Congress.

It was all a coincidence.:eusa_whistle:

That's not what I said, idiot.

It seems I touched a nerve.


If it makes you feel any better, I today heard CBS's George Stephanopolis describing Ariz.Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' recovery; "Her eyes opened....AFTER PRESIDENT OBAMA's VISIT!!!"

No doubt in Stephanoplis' next report he'll decribe, "OBAMA'S SHOCKING WALK ACROSS WATER!!" and get his poll rating up even higher.

Trajan inadvertently proved my point with his links.

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