NC Newspaper: Young Girls Must Overcome “Discomfort” of Seeing Naked Male Genitalia in Locker Rooms

unreal, one of the advocates that is pushing for transgender access to restrooms in North Carolina is a convicted sex offender

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.
unreal, one of the advocates that is pushing for transgender access to restrooms in North Carolina is a convicted sex offender

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.

I reiterate that if we would execute sex offenders, this wouldn't be a problem.
They're immoral democrats. That's what is wrong. They relish in degeneracy. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
We are WAYY too uptight as a country when it comes to nudity in general. Funny how we have no problem gunning each other down to the tune of 10,000 corpses annually, but we're afraid our kids will be ruined for life if they catch sight of a penis.

Fucking weird ass country.
Transgenders are pervs that LARPd successfully to dim witted rich people and convinced these rich, dumb leftards they're not nuts. This is funny because the left attacks the rich yet they couldn't live without them.

Leftism is political parasitism.
unreal, one of the advocates that is pushing for transgender access to restrooms in North Carolina is a convicted sex offender

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.

I reiterate that if we would execute sex offenders, this wouldn't be a problem.
You have potential, Bill O'Reilly.
unreal, one of the advocates that is pushing for transgender access to restrooms in North Carolina is a convicted sex offender

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina - Breitbart

Sevearance and his group have taken a lead role in seeking the right to allow males to use the restrooms and showers of females, including those of little girls, which is described by advocates as nothing more than nondiscrimination measures. Sevearance was quoted in the Charlotte Observer saying that because a recent bathroom “nondiscrimination ordinance” bill did not pass, “someone can ask me to leave a restaurant because I’m presumed to be gay or transgender.”

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years. His most recent mug shot and registration took place at the end of last year.

I reiterate that if we would execute sex offenders, this wouldn't be a problem.
You have potential, Bill O'Reilly.

Dude, you have no idea how many people I believe are oxygen thieves who should be exterminated as the vermin that they are.
We are WAYY too uptight as a country when it comes to nudity in general. Funny how we have no problem gunning each other down to the tune of 10,000 corpses annually, but we're afraid our kids will be ruined for life if they catch sight of a penis.

Fucking weird ass country.
We need to be in a situation where degenerate leftists are dangling from lamposts from ropes, with their legs kicking and their hands grabbing at and their fingers working overtime trying to untie the knot wrapped tightly around their subhuman unamerican throats..while their flesh turns blue as they head towards their last breath.
Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.

This is that bullshit lol. My goodness, there is one person out there with an opinion thats stupid.

Ask any progressive if they agree with this. Hell, ask all of them and see what you find out.
The transgendered are just being used as the beard. The real intent is to get pedophiles alone with children. That's why liberal media like Salon is having so many sympathetic pieces towards pedos.

If you really think that people are just being all uptight for no reason, then just stop some random Dad on the street and tell him that you think his ten year old daughter should get comfortable with nude adult men in her changing and locker room and showers. Take his advice.
Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.

This is that bullshit lol. My goodness, there is one person out there with an opinion thats stupid.

Ask any progressive if they agree with this. Hell, ask all of them and see what you find out.

Unfortunately, there are people who are that stupid man. I've read the posts on this board. It's unreal how dumb some people are.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The sight of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today. However, don't worry the chance of your daughter seeing a male penis in the locker room is pretty slim since Obama's directive only applies to transgender students, less than one per thousand plus that student is most likely going to change in a stall.
Born male you are male. Transgender is a symptom of the gay mental disorder.
The transgendered are just being used as the beard. The real intent is to get pedophiles alone with children. That's why liberal media like Salon is having so many sympathetic pieces towards pedos.

If you really think that people are just being all uptight for no reason, then just stop some random Dad on the street and tell him that you think his ten year old daughter should get comfortable with nude adult men in her changing and locker room and showers. Take his advice.
The transgendered are just being used as the beard. The real intent is to get pedophiles alone with children.

:lmao::lol: And they want to eat puppies, kill Santa, loathe Rainbows, despise sunshine :lol:

Puppies are delicious when served with a little guacamole and creme freche, fuck santa, and I hate rainbows b/c they mean the rain is over and that god damned sunshine is coming back.
Liberals want perverts in with kids because liberals hate kids even their own. Thats the best boogey man story you can come up with?
Liberals want perverts in with kids because liberals hate kids even their own. Thats the best boogey man story you can come up with?

LOL you gotta admit , some of your brethren liberals have never met a loon they wouldn't defend (well unless that loon is a Christian, then they want that motherfucker killed b/c his thoughts are a danger to our very country)

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