NC Newspaper: Young Girls Must Overcome “Discomfort” of Seeing Naked Male Genitalia in Locker Rooms

Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
Just because all the women/girls you know are total sluts doesn't mean that others haven't been raised to be decent, modest people.
Hell, just let these pervs hose themselves off on the street. That might provide them the exposure they seem to crave.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
They'll faint from seeing a pecker getting shot off or sliced off.

Girls don't need to see that either. Drag the Œdipus-complex-afflicted male offspring of a female dog out of the locker room, and out of the sight of the girls, and then cut off h'orsh'/it's “Flopper”.
I can fix that naked male genitalia thing...I have a perfect hunting knife that will fulfill these head-case perverts' fervent wish to become "women".
Seriously, why isn't the Hildabeest on this like stink on shit? I mean, don't women and girls have any expectation of privacy and protection from these male perverts?

You are talking, of course, about the woman who, by all evidence, was a willing accessory to the crimes of a serial rapist and sexual abuser, to whom she is married.
Yeah, I suppose you have a point. Hildabeest obviously has no problem with sexual exploitation and abuse of women, as long as they pose only a minor obstacle to her meteoric rise to the ruling class.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
Just because all the women/girls you know are total sluts doesn't mean that others haven't been raised to be decent, modest people.
Hell, just let these pervs hose themselves off on the street. That might provide them the exposure they seem to crave.
Take the whole LGBTPQBBQXYZers and toss them on an island, seal it off so they can't leave.
Better yet...Make sure we get all these filthy scumbag leftist traitors on the Mexican side of the border just before the Trump wall is finished being built. Let Mexico see what we have to deal with, since we've had to deal with many of their lower dredges of society for quite awhile now.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
Just because all the women/girls you know are total sluts doesn't mean that others haven't been raised to be decent, modest people.
Hell, just let these pervs hose themselves off on the street. That might provide them the exposure they seem to crave.
Now those are some pretty dumb statements. Seeing a penis today does not make a girl a slut. In fact, most kids see penises in sex education often in elementary schools. Furthermore a transgender male does not show off their penis. They try to hide there genitals.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
Just because all the women/girls you know are total sluts doesn't mean that others haven't been raised to be decent, modest people.
Hell, just let these pervs hose themselves off on the street. That might provide them the exposure they seem to crave.
Now those are some pretty dumb statements. Seeing a penis today does not make a girl a slut. In fact, most kids see penises in sex education often in elementary schools. Furthermore a transgender male does not show off their penis. They try to hide there genitals.
You say that as if you know this for a fact.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
Just because all the women/girls you know are total sluts doesn't mean that others haven't been raised to be decent, modest people.
Hell, just let these pervs hose themselves off on the street. That might provide them the exposure they seem to crave.
Now those are some pretty dumb statements. Seeing a penis today does not make a girl a slut. In fact, most kids see penises in sex education often in elementary schools. Furthermore a transgender male does not show off their penis. They try to hide there genitals.
You say that as if you know this for a fact.
I read. Try it; you might find it helpful. Gender Identification Disorder has been well documented in a number of studies.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The site of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today.
Just because all the women/girls you know are total sluts doesn't mean that others haven't been raised to be decent, modest people.
Hell, just let these pervs hose themselves off on the street. That might provide them the exposure they seem to crave.
Now those are some pretty dumb statements. Seeing a penis today does not make a girl a slut. In fact, most kids see penises in sex education often in elementary schools. Furthermore a transgender male does not show off their penis. They try to hide there genitals.
You say that as if you know this for a fact.
I read. Try it; you might find it helpful. Gender Identification Disorder has been well documented in a number of studies.
I read more than you obviously.

"Transwomen & Sexualized Violence

There are numerous other reported incidents (assaults on women and children, indecent exposure, public masturbation, covert photography etc.) by disordered “transgender” men (When is 90% not Substantially ALL?); there are over 250 media reported stories at this link alone.

From that link:

88% of the transgender population, those people who are protected by gender identity and gender expression laws, are, as reported by their own advocacy organizations, males with a psychosexual disorder. (1)

Many men with psychosexual disorders practice their fetish in the privacy of their own homes. But as many as 13,946,348 of them in the US, at the time of this writing, will be free to practice their fetish in public, in front of your children, in women’s locker rooms, in the girls bathroom at school. (2) This will be enabled by current and pending transgender legislation throughout the US. (3).

Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior.

This is what transgender does:

rape and kill 6 year old girls http://maleviolence.files.wordpress...r-17-who-raped-and-killed-her-mail-online.pdf

are sexual predators Levandus Gacutan and http://maleviolence.files.wordpress...lly-assaulting-of-boy-nbc-10-philadelphia.pdf

T. rape women Crossdresser cabbie convicted of rape

TW rape women Cross-dresser jailed for raping bondage partner - National - NZ Herald News

TW rape women

TW rape women The 'Cambridge Rapist' is dead

Dallas: Convicted serial child rapist Paul Ray Witherspoon was reported to law enforcement by a woman who was frightened by him in a hospital restroom designated for use by women and girls. Witherspoon was wearing earrings and a skirt and a large bulky ankle GPS device worn by paroled felons deemed likely to re-offend. His parole had been previously revoked at least twice: in 2007 when Witherspoon was charged with assault and returned to prison until 2010, and again when he was arrested in 2011 for sending out pornographic photos of himself over the internet.

Transgender Woman: Convictions Irrelevant

California: Male rapist claiming “transgender” status placed in CA WOMEN’S prison:–Male-rapist-put-into-women-s-prison#

David Megarry (“Sandy Jo Battista”), a convicted sex offender who has molested girls, expects tax payers to pay for his feminizing hormones.

Kenneth Hunt (“Katheena Soneeya”), who was trying to get the State of Massachusetts to pay for hair removal and sex reassignment surgery was convicted of murdering two women. v spencer et al memo.pdf

Robert Kosilek (“Michelle Lynn” Kosilek), then 39, was already transitioning when he killed his wife, Cheryl McCaul, during an argument. He strangled her to death, nearly decapitating her in the Mansfield, Massachusetts home they still shared.

truTV | Reality TV | Comedy

Other “transgender” males presenting as women claiming access to women’s restrooms:

Transwomen & Sexualized Violence
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Now those are some pretty dumb statements. Seeing a penis today does not make a girl a slut. In fact, most kids see penises in sex education often in elementary schools. Furthermore a transgender male does not show off their penis. They try to hide there genitals.
You say that as if you know this for a fact.

They don't call him “Flopper” for nothing.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The sight of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today. However, don't worry the chance of your daughter seeing a male penis in the locker room is pretty slim since Obama's directive only applies to transgender students, less than one per thousand plus that student is most likely going to change in a stall.
The directive applies to any man who can claim that he feels like a woman at any given period of time.
Where have you been for the last 50 years? The sight of a male's penis is not exactly going result in fainting spells in the girl's locker rooms today. However, don't worry the chance of your daughter seeing a male penis in the locker room is pretty slim since Obama's directive only applies to transgender students, less than one per thousand plus that student is most likely going to change in a stall.
The directive applies to any man who can claim that he feels like a woman at any given period of time.
This "Flopper" guy is a little too comfortable with this whole thing.
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I'm confused. Girls's bathrooms have separate areas for peeing. Girls probably don't see other girls's vaginas, so why would they see penises in a girls bathroom?

I'm confused. Girls's bathrooms have separate areas for peeing. Girls probably don't see other girls's vaginas, so why would they see penises in a girls bathroom?
They're going to have to build stalls for pre-ops in the Ladies Room, you dipshit.

Did you really think that was an intelligent question?

I'm confused. Girls's bathrooms have separate areas for peeing. Girls probably don't see other girls's vaginas, so why would they see penises in a girls bathroom?
They're going to have to build stalls for pre-ops in the Ladies Room, you dipshit.

Did you really think that was an intelligent question?

Wow, an insult.....

I'm confused. Girls's bathrooms have separate areas for peeing. Girls probably don't see other girls's vaginas, so why would they see penises in a girls bathroom?
Your reading comprehension is a little off. Read it again.

I'm confused. Girls's bathrooms have separate areas for peeing. Girls probably don't see other girls's vaginas, so why would they see penises in a girls bathroom?
Your reading comprehension is a little off. Read it again.

No, my reading comprehension isn't off.

I just made a point, that is a perfectly valid point. Go on, why don't you have a try answering it?
Fuck these people. Bring on the Right Wing Death Squads!

That's pretty funny, but I do understand the outrage. The thing that bothers me most, the federal government should butt the hell out of It, let each state decide how they want to deal with the issue. Instead they use financial coercion to force their agenda. Hey, that maybe fine when you agree with them, but every buddy gets a turn to get shit on by the government, so cheer the lost rights of others one day, but be prepared to cry when yours vanish the next. I think boys and girls should have different bathrooms.

I'm confused. Girls's bathrooms have separate areas for peeing. Girls probably don't see other girls's vaginas, so why would they see penises in a girls bathroom?
Your reading comprehension is a little off. Read it again.

No, my reading comprehension isn't off.

I just made a point, that is a perfectly valid point. Go on, why don't you have a try answering it?

The point of the editorial frigidweirdo is that girls need to get used to seeing male junk in the bathroom. They have already torn down the stalls, so to speak.

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