NC public school says it’s looking to ‘revise campus policies’ after student straddled by drag queen

There's proof of a full grown man (pretending to be a woman) straddling a young girl. Why do you need more than that?

Seriously, sticking up for pedo's seems to be the in thing right now.

You're not a real American unless you approve of Tranny crotch in our kid's faces.
This is the new standard.
There's proof of a full grown man (pretending to be a woman) straddling a young girl. Why do you need more than that?

Seriously, sticking up for pedo's seems to be the in thing right now.

Okay, now we are getting places. That young girl is a student at an adults college therefore she is of age. She could have elected to just leave the room but decided, instead, to participate. Again, while in poor taste for all, it's not ready for prime time witch burning on the cross quite yet.
Okay, now we are getting places. That young girl is a student at an adults college therefore she is of age. She could have elected to just leave the room but decided, instead, to participate. Again, while in poor taste for all, it's not ready for prime time witch burning on the cross quite yet.

There's two high schools on campus, dumbass.

You're looking ridiculous. The college is revising policy... they know they fckd up
Yeah, well my record here of opposing Trump is very lengthy. But it's for legit reasons. The lame reasons you leftards come up with.

LOL, I happen to be an old style Republican and I can tell a fruitcake MAGAt when I see one, pervert. While you do deny being a MAGAt, you don't seem to deny being a pervert.
There's two high schools on campus, dumbass.

You're looking ridiculous. The college is revising policy... they know they fckd up

And this brings down the Earth and stops it's rotation how? Just how hard IS your pecker thinking about this, perv.
LOL, I happen to be an old style Republican and I can tell a fruitcake MAGAt when I see one, pervert. While you do deny being a MAGAt, you don't seem to deny being a pervert.

You're not looking at me when you say that. Because I'm a fiscal conservative, not a Republican. And damn sure not a Trump supporter.

"If you have to lie to prove a point, then you don't have one. "
Okay, now we are getting places. That young girl is a student at an adults college therefore she is of age. She could have elected to just leave the room but decided, instead, to participate. Again, while in poor taste for all, it's not ready for prime time witch burning on the cross quite yet.

Thr college itself disagrees with you and will be changing their rules going forward to ensure minors no longer attend this event.

Students as young as 14 and older than 65 years old attend the public community college.
That's all the libs do anymore. They support weirdo trannys, homless druggies and violent thugs. I remember when the democrats used to stand up for the working class stiffs. Now to them, we're dirt.

Dimm's idea of social justice GONE WILD!!
There we go. See how quickly you went there. That's going to hurt for as long as you call an exit an entrance. By the way amart is joining you to deal with the mean lefty. Gallant Ole apart comes to your rescue. Make sure ya thank him. Maybe the two of ya can discuss butt hurt and how to give it to each other. Make sure he gives ya a reach around though. You strike me as a catcher. Let him know the key to satisfaction is being thoughtful of your partner.

It’s fun when a gay poster accuses a straight poster of being gay!

Outted another one!

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