Nearing a labor surplus

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Figuratively by not letting illegals cross over and literally by finishing the wall trump started.
You really are a collossal fool.
I have lived on the U.S./Mexico border in one place or another almost all my life.
That is how when I see someone say something as stupid as "not letting illegals cross over" I know they are way out of their depth and don't really have any idea wtf they are really talking about.
Nobody does or ever has "let illegals cross over" but plenty of them do anyway.
In spite of massive and constant Border Patrol and other LEA measures they still come.
And in spite of what the rest of the country may hear and think about the situation, other than more drug trafficking things haven't changed much down here on the southern border in the last 50 years.
It doesn't really matter who sits in The White House in D.C.
Trump never made the border any more "secure" either.
That was just hype for gullible suckers to swallow.
In reality Trump's border policies were basically Obama's....and Biden's haven't changed much from Trumps.
It's always been pretty much the same old same old around here.
And as for Trump's "wall?"
That was NEVER gonna happen!
Again....just hype for gullible suckers.
Such a structure, as anybody who knows the border knows, is physically and logistically impossible.
But hey! Mexico's gonna pay for it right?
At any rate, the first 250 miles of said wall, the sections built in the EASIEST, most accessible areas that already have roads and infrastructure, are supposedly completed. Of course they are already being knocked down, climbed over, and tunneled under just like all other barriers that have been tried previously.
So....250 miles down....only 1,701 more miles to go through some of the wickedest, wildest, most inhospitable and innaccessible terrain on earth.
And that's BEFORE we even get to the river section south of El Paso!
Now THAT's gonna be a challenge that even the ancient Chinese weren't dumb enough to try. 1,254 miles on the constantly shifting sand right down the middle of a RIVER!
So what do you think, a couple trillion dollars?
Who'se really going to pay for it?
The Participation rate was recovering under Trump but has stagnated under Joe. Try and understand these things.

Trump destroyed it and Biden rebuilt it
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