Needed: Universal privatization of schools

Yep cut off federal education funding and watch your property taxes raise.

My property taxes go up, and my federal taxes go down corrspondingly? Hmmm ... seems like a wash. Also, my proposal in the OP includes that all but poor parents pay their own education bills.
Why do right wingers care so much about school? So many of them dropped out. So many of their kids drop out.

I hold three degrees.

They bad mouth education constantly.

No, we badmouth failed >>GOVERNMENT SCHOOL<< "education" constantly.

And they want to ruin it with mysticism and rewritten history.

:D Can someone decipher that for me?
Patrick, you are lying and you know it, unless your three degrees are primary, elementary, and middle school. The wack far right has never been allowed to rewrite and revise history without being exposed for their out right perversions and lies.

The Pity-Pats are simply losers.
A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it.

This is a myth.

The problem is for almost 30 years now schools were forced to deal with social issues and public policy that were originally addressed by local government social services; schools were thus compelled to address issues having nothing to do with education. We need to refund local government programs which deal with problems associated with poverty and violence and get schools out of doing social work and back to educating.
A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it.

This is a myth.

The problem is for almost 30 years now schools were forced to deal with social issues and public policy that were originally addressed by local government social services; schools were thus compelled to address issues having nothing to do with education. We need to refund local government programs which deal with problems associated with poverty and violence and get schools out of doing social work and back to educating.
If schools are gubmint-run institutions, they will always be testing grounds for social engineering by politically motivated people.

As long as politicians have a nexus with education, then education will always be politicized.
Oddball, you are obviously a product of social engineering that test null potential. Congrats.
A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it.

This is a myth.

The problem is for almost 30 years now schools were forced to deal with social issues and public policy that were originally addressed by local government social services; schools were thus compelled to address issues having nothing to do with education. We need to refund local government programs which deal with problems associated with poverty and violence and get schools out of doing social work and back to educating.
If schools are gubmint-run institutions, they will always be testing grounds for social engineering by politically motivated people.

As long as politicians have a nexus with education, then education will always be politicized.

And this is different in what way from private schools?
You best take that up with the Roberts Court, Oddball. If you do, you will be sorely disappointed.
Unlike you, I am a grown American veteran and lifelong Republican, who remains aghast of the Far Extremist Right Fascism that is swamping the far right on the party. They have no intention of allowing any libertarian any freedom as you suppose. Every vote for them as opposed to responsible Republicans is a not only a vote against your liberty but also against your ultimate safety. You need to wake up.
You are a confirmed liar and a thread hijacker.

The topic of the thread is the merits of turning education over to the private sector, rather than operating it under a defacto gubmint monopoly.

Since anything you would have to say on that topic would only confirm what a poseur you are, it only follows that you'd go after people like me personally.

But thanks for playing...Johnny has a case of Bardahl for you as a parting gift.
We just need to get rid of the teachers unions and set higher standards of teaching. A teacher's success should be based on the students test scores. Test standards should also be raised. A teachers politics should also be left out of the classroom. Discussing politics in a non political class should be immediate termination.

[ame=]&#x202a;School Children Taught to Praise Obama&#x202c;&rlm; - YouTube[/ame]
Patrick, you are lying and you know it, unless your three degrees are primary, elementary, and middle school.

No, I'm not lying and I highly resent your gratuitous insult. You know nothing about me.

The wack far right has never been allowed to rewrite and revise history without being exposed for their out right perversions and lies.

What in the world are you talking about??
A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it.

This is a myth.

Uh, no it isn't.

The problem is for almost 30 years now schools were forced to deal with social issues and public policy that were originally addressed by local government social services; schools were thus compelled to address issues having nothing to do with education. We need to refund local government programs which deal with problems associated with poverty and violence and get schools out of doing social work and back to educating.

That is correct, but you'll never do that with the government school monopoly. The leftwingers have politicized every aspect of education - they ARE the problem. They are NEVER going to be the solution.
Unlike you, I am a grown American veteran and lifelong Republican, who remains aghast of the Far Extremist Right Fascism that is swamping the far right on the party.

Where do you get this "fascist" rant? There's NOTHING the republican party is doing, not even the RINO establishment, that remotely resembles fascism. By contrast, the obama regime, which draws ever more power into the executive branch, and with their policies with regard to eg the auto industry which appears very much like corporatism, seems like something approaching fascism as time goes on.

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