Needed: Universal privatization of schools

The US spends a lot more than most countries on education, and for paltry results. Years ago, we could "afford" an incompetent government school system, because we had no competition in the world. That world is gone - we compete with a unified europe and increasingly india and the PRC. We can no longer be held back by a failed system.

The current government school system is a hundred years old and way obsolete. The liberals have turned US schools into madrassas-lite with political indoctrination. They are bloated with administrators. They retain incompetent older teachers because of the seniority system. They are way overpaid. They've failed at their job.

A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it. The fossilized administrative structure would be a thing of the past. Teachers would have to make good or hit the bricks. Excellent teachers might earn far more than they do now. Schools would become accountable to their customers - parents. Students would no longer be guinea pigs for pedagogical gimmicks like "whole language".

Non-poor parents should pay their own education bills - there's no reason at all why working people should have to subsidize middle class parents in this area with their taxes.

why? so only rich people can go to school??

schools are not businesses and shouldn't be run as businesses.

Nooooooooooo......... read more carefully, please. Middle class and rich people could and would pay their own bills. Poor people can get vouchers from the government. That schools are not run as businesses is EXACTLY what has caused the failure of K12 education in this country. They SHOULD be run as businesses - that would get all the crap out of the system: the incompetence, the politicization, the bloated administrations.

I would support this if our current charters were working.
There are good school models that would work all across the country, but since we have as system where education is local politics, it'll never be implemented.
Anyone else noticing the attempt of the sociofascists accusing those who wish to shut down their indoctrination academies of being the commies and fascists?


And they make it sound like being a communist or fascist is a bad thing. Strange that they would do that. Perhaps there is an inherent knowledge of how evil the systems of government they support are?

Nawwwwwww..... Couldn't be.
There are good school models that would work all across the country, but since we have as system where education is local politics, it'll never be implemented.

That's a government-centric viewpoint. The government school system got started in this country via a national movement. A similar popular movement is needed to unwind it - hopefully before the country collapses due to inferior schools.

Further, a privatized system need only be implemented at the state level.
There are good school models that would work all across the country, but since we have as system where education is local politics, it'll never be implemented.

That's a government-centric viewpoint. The government school system got started in this country via a national movement. A similar popular movement is needed to unwind it - hopefully before the country collapses due to inferior schools.

Further, a privatized system need only be implemented at the state level.
better still... the local level.
There are good school models that would work all across the country, but since we have as system where education is local politics, it'll never be implemented.

That's a government-centric viewpoint. The government school system got started in this country via a national movement. A similar popular movement is needed to unwind it - hopefully before the country collapses due to inferior schools.

Further, a privatized system need only be implemented at the state level.

I'm stating the truth. The public school system started in Massachusetts, but anyway.
There are good school models that would work all across the country, but since we have as system where education is local politics, it'll never be implemented.

That's a government-centric viewpoint. The government school system got started in this country via a national movement. A similar popular movement is needed to unwind it - hopefully before the country collapses due to inferior schools.

Further, a privatized system need only be implemented at the state level.
better still... the local level.

i don't think so. In order to achieve the full effects of such as economies of scale, large corporations need to do the work. McDonalds wouldn't be what it is if it could only operate in one city. The federal government can't order states to privatize, but it can cut off funding. The federal department of education needs to be dissolved.
There are good school models that would work all across the country, but since we have as system where education is local politics, it'll never be implemented.

That's a government-centric viewpoint. The government school system got started in this country via a national movement. A similar popular movement is needed to unwind it - hopefully before the country collapses due to inferior schools.

Further, a privatized system need only be implemented at the state level.

I'm stating the truth. The public school system started in Massachusetts, but anyway.

The federal government keeps the local K12 systems alive, it can cut off funding. States that want to keep the failed systems and pay for them themselves can - I'm guessing they'll be a small minority of states - and probably in places like massachutts.
Yep cut off federal education funding and watch your property taxes raise.
More likely in a privatized system, you would have a large drop in property taxes and you'd find the school you can afford to send your kids to. Very likely a wash. Good schools would have no problem getting paying students. Bad schools would have to up their quality or go out of business. Competition is a healthy thing.
Israel, Switzerland, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Canada seem to be doing well.
Give those countries Americas Black and Hispanic populations and there school systems will collapse too.

Not to mention how many more prisons, courthouses and welfare offices they will need.
Why do right wingers care so much about school? So many of them dropped out. So many of their kids drop out. They bad mouth education constantly. And they want to ruin it with mysticism and rewritten history.
Why do right wingers care so much about school? So many of them dropped out. So many of their kids drop out. They bad mouth education constantly. And they want to ruin it with mysticism and rewritten history.
Hairnet, you're hairnet's on too tight again.

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