Needed: Universal privatization of schools

We just need to get rid of the teachers unions and set higher standards of teaching. A teacher's success should be based on the students test scores. Test standards should also be raised. A teachers politics should also be left out of the classroom. Discussing politics in a non political class should be immediate termination.

Nope - the teachers are part of the problem but not all of it. There's the top heavy administrative levels. The Pee See'd curriculum. The politicization. The wasted money. The lack of the salient effects of competition. The government schools are like a ten year old car - when enough things go wrong, and you're fixing the fixes, then you realize you're throwing good money after bad. It's time to rip out the existing failed system, root and branch.
The hell you say?!?!?!?....Money going into the hands of people who work for a living and produce things that others willingly want to buy?!?!?!??

Unlike you, I am a grown American veteran and lifelong Republican, who remains aghast of the Far Extremist Right Fascism that is swamping the far right on the party.

Where do you get this "fascist" rant? There's NOTHING the republican party is doing, not even the RINO establishment, that remotely resembles fascism. By contrast, the obama regime, which draws ever more power into the executive branch, and with their policies with regard to eg the auto industry which appears very much like corporatism, seems like something approaching fascism as time goes on.

When you folks support corporatism, you support fascism. When you support privatization taking government service contracts, you support fascism. When you support one-party totalitarianism, you support fascism. The Far Righty Extremist Fascists support the ultimate statism.
We just need to get rid of the teachers unions and set higher standards of teaching. A teacher's success should be based on the students test scores. Test standards should also be raised. A teachers politics should also be left out of the classroom. Discussing politics in a non political class should be immediate termination.

‪School Children Taught to Praise Obama‬‏ - YouTube
You should have seen the shrine they built to him in the entryway of an AfroIslamist school I drove schoolbus for during the election. Every time that day when the kids saw an Obama sign, they'd start chanting like Pavlov's idiots.

I'm sure their school had NOTHING to do to indoctrinate these children to scream at the mere sight of the "O". The really sad part though? It was a charter school geared towards providing an "Islamic and Afrocentric" education. So calling it a brainwashing academy for religious racists would probably be an accurate description. But at least their kids weren't leaving to join Al Quaeda like another school in the area with a similar curriculum.
Yep cut off federal education funding and watch your property taxes raise.
Yep, watch them rise so the money can go to private corporations.

It's amazing what these people really want.

How did we get to the state in this country where if a corporation makes money, it's a bad thing? Money should only go to the government??
Unlike you, I am a grown American veteran and lifelong Republican, who remains aghast of the Far Extremist Right Fascism that is swamping the far right on the party.

Where do you get this "fascist" rant? There's NOTHING the republican party is doing, not even the RINO establishment, that remotely resembles fascism. By contrast, the obama regime, which draws ever more power into the executive branch, and with their policies with regard to eg the auto industry which appears very much like corporatism, seems like something approaching fascism as time goes on.

When you folks support corporatism, you support fascism. When you support privatization taking government service contracts, you support fascism. When you support one-party totalitarianism, you support fascism. The Far Righty Extremist Fascists support the ultimate statism.

So outsourcing in your mind equals fascism? Then every fedreal administration in history was fascist? But you are confused - the hypothesis of the OP wasn't that the government let contracts for education, but that it get out of the business of education completely, at which it has failed, except for vouchers for poor children.
The US spends a lot more than most countries on education, and for paltry results. Years ago, we could "afford" an incompetent government school system, because we had no competition in the world. That world is gone - we compete with a unified europe and increasingly india and the PRC. We can no longer be held back by a failed system.

The current government school system is a hundred years old and way obsolete. The liberals have turned US schools into madrassas-lite with political indoctrination. They are bloated with administrators. They retain incompetent older teachers because of the seniority system. They are way overpaid. They've failed at their job.

A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it. The fossilized administrative structure would be a thing of the past. Teachers would have to make good or hit the bricks. Excellent teachers might earn far more than they do now. Schools would become accountable to their customers - parents. Students would no longer be guinea pigs for pedagogical gimmicks like "whole language".

Non-poor parents should pay their own education bills - there's no reason at all why working people should have to subsidize middle class parents in this area with their taxes.

You are absolutely right.

Government has no reason to be envolved in education at all. Libs believe in separation of church and state, why not a separation of education and state? Nothing frightens liberals more than parents having many choices of where to send their kids to school. They want the government in control so they can control the agenda being taught.
When you folks support corporatism, you support fascism. When you support privatization taking government service contracts, you support fascism. When you support one-party totalitarianism, you support fascism. The Far Righty Extremist Fascists support the ultimate statism.

"Far Righty Extremist Fascists" are Islamic terrorists, who want to control everything from education and religion from childhood as well as through adulthood. We conservatives are fighting a war against those people.

Leftists on the other hand, sympathize with Islamists and share many of the same goals: A large overbearing government that controls every aspect of people's lives.

American conservatives are centrists that want a small government incapable of ruling over our lives in the way both Islamic fascists and Leftist socialists/communists want.
When you folks support corporatism, you support fascism. When you support privatization taking government service contracts, you support fascism. When you support one-party totalitarianism, you support fascism. The Far Righty Extremist Fascists support the ultimate statism.

"Far Righty Extremist Fascists" are Islamic terrorists, who want to control everything from education and religion from childhood as well as through adulthood. We conservatives are fighting a war against those people.

Leftists on the other hand, sympathize with Islamists and share many of the same goals: A large overbearing government that controls every aspect of people's lives.

American conservatives are centrists that want a small government incapable of ruling over our lives in the way both Islamic fascists and Leftist socialists/communists want.

"Far Righty Extremist Fascists" are wannabee Americans terrorists who share many of the same goals of the Islamofascists. American Righty Extremist Fascists are not centrists, are not mainstream, a group of freaks who want to control how America lives. Ultimate statism.
The US spends a lot more than most countries on education, and for paltry results. Years ago, we could "afford" an incompetent government school system, because we had no competition in the world. That world is gone - we compete with a unified europe and increasingly india and the PRC. We can no longer be held back by a failed system.

The current government school system is a hundred years old and way obsolete. The liberals have turned US schools into madrassas-lite with political indoctrination. They are bloated with administrators. They retain incompetent older teachers because of the seniority system. They are way overpaid. They've failed at their job.

A universal privatized system would bring the efficiencies of the market to a sector that badly needs it. The fossilized administrative structure would be a thing of the past. Teachers would have to make good or hit the bricks. Excellent teachers might earn far more than they do now. Schools would become accountable to their customers - parents. Students would no longer be guinea pigs for pedagogical gimmicks like "whole language".

Non-poor parents should pay their own education bills - there's no reason at all why working people should have to subsidize middle class parents in this area with their taxes.

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Progressive have sabotaged our schools so our children are totally clueless about our history and the greatness of our nation. Moreover, they are indoctrinated and taught not to think or question the status quo. And nowhere is the failure of our schools worse than in minority areas!

It's a system that need to be completed reformed and for his refusal to not only reform it, but allowing that Fat Fucking Murderer from Massachusetts write the No Child Left Educated Bill, it's the Number 1 Reason Id stick Dubya down in the 9th Circle of Hell
That Frankie and Pat are against public education, based on the totality of all their posts on everything, is prima facie evidence that public ed is a good thing and all America must participate.
That Frankie and Pat are against public education, based on the totality of all their posts on everything, is prima facie evidence that public ed is a good thing and all America must participate.

You're all done, Clown.

Public education graduates only 1 out of 6 NY City HS Students even remotely capable of functioning in college, and that's at a cost of $18K per student.

We know what you Progressives have done and we're not going to allow it any more.
Send the private schools all the behavior problems and low performing students. Then lets take a look at their test scores. Did they go down at all? If so, close the whole school down. Sarcasm.
The largest problem is not the downfall of the schools, but the downfall of parenting and lack of parenting. Parents dont want anything to do with their kids and want the schools to fix the incredible number of problems their kids have. Of course nobody can fix those kids, so they blame the schools. Its a vicious cycle.
That Frankie and Pat are against public education, based on the totality of all their posts on everything, is prima facie evidence that public ed is a good thing and all America must participate.

You're all done, Clown.

Public education graduates only 1 out of 6 NY City HS Students even remotely capable of functioning in college, and that's at a cost of $18K per student.

We know what you Progressives have done and we're not going to allow it any more.

Big cities make you stupid, How is that related to public education?
Send the private schools all the behavior problems and low performing students. Then lets take a look at their test scores. Did they go down at all? If so, close the whole school down. Sarcasm.

Under a universal privatized system, schools would be created to handle the market demand for special needs children. They will do better than the government schools for the same reasons as schools for regular students: teachers are paid for performance, not seniority; schools are held strictly accountable and have nobody else to blame for failure, non-performing schools are quickly removed by the market.

The largest problem is not the downfall of the schools, but the downfall of parenting and lack of parenting. Parents dont want anything to do with their kids and want the schools to fix the incredible number of problems their kids have. Of course nobody can fix those kids, so they blame the schools. Its a vicious cycle.

In what other profession could people get away with blaming their failures on someone else? None that I know.
In what other profession could people get away with blaming their failures on someone else? None that I know.

umm politics?

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