Needed: Universal privatization of schools

The majority full well know your small minority will only enslave the majority: they will not permit it.

Do you realize how FUNNY you sound with your emo rhetoric? :D


Pat, you know as well as I do that your rhetoric is adding fluff to a non-issue. Your kind will never change the public ed system the way you wish. The majority will never permit it.

The fact that almost EVERYONE recognizes that the schools have failed, that the US regularly ranks way back in international science and math test score is a NON-ISSUE?? Take off your blinders.
Private Schools got real popular when public schools started there interacial busing programs.
The majority full well know your small minority will only enslave the majority: they will not permit it.

Do you realize how FUNNY you sound with your emo rhetoric? :D


Oh, it's way more fun than that, Patrick! Wait until you crack the Jake Code

The jakecode is necearry for unraveling Fascist Code Talk of Frank, Pat, and others.

For instance, when those fools talk about dems using public ed as slavish breeding grounds, they really mean the rural districts public ed districts that breed little TPbots. But the nice thing is the little freakbots go to the big universities and get reprogrammed.

In the meantime, we responsible Republicans are stuck with the pretends like Frank, Zander, House, and other fascist wannabees. A never ending battle against "Evil of the TPbots", but we keep them down here, and I understand other GOP safe districts are minimizing TP influence. Thank heavens.
Do you realize how FUNNY you sound with your emo rhetoric? :D


Oh, it's way more fun than that, Patrick! Wait until you crack the Jake Code

The jakecode is necearry for unraveling Fascist Code Talk of Frank, Pat, and others.

For instance, when those fools talk about dems using public ed as slavish breeding grounds, they really mean the rural districts public ed districts that breed little TPbots. But the nice thing is the little freakbots go to the big universities and get reprogrammed.

In the meantime, we responsible Republicans are stuck with the pretends like Frank, Zander, House, and other fascist wannabees. A never ending battle against "Evil of the TPbots", but we keep them down here, and I understand other GOP safe districts are minimizing TP influence. Thank heavens.

Patrick, notice how Jake always has to highlight the "fact" that's he's a "Republican"

You have to check your local government because "Republicans" like Jake are actively engaged in local politics. We're starting to weed them out here.
Don't need to highlight anything other than counter your lies about socialists, and martians, and commies, and heavens knows what else.

Frank, you yahoos are not going to take over until you give up some of your wack ideas.

We are not going to have a bunch of little wack Frank and Pat and Benny clones telling the rest of us how to live our lives. Why? You don't have and cannot get the votes.
Privatization of the school system means profit . . . over education. Nope, never going to happen. Though possibly we can make private education illegal to make sure Righty Extremist Facists and Supposed Christians won't be able to indoctrinate our children.
The only way they can make profit is by providing education people will buy. In other words, only the best education can make profit. You misunderstand the profit motive. Profit is not earned at the expense of education, it is earned as a reward for providing successfully. Also note that private schools in the US outperform public schools, on average.
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Don't need to highlight anything other than counter your lies about socialists, and martians, and commies, and heavens knows what else.

Frank, you yahoos are not going to take over until you give up some of your wack ideas.

We are not going to have a bunch of little wack Frank and Pat and Benny clones telling the rest of us how to live our lives. Why? You don't have and cannot get the votes.

Jake, I don't give a fuck how you live your life.
The jakecode is necearry for unraveling Fascist Code Talk of Frank, Pat, and others.

This groundless "fascist" charge of your is highly ironic, since the large use of corporatism by the leftwing in the last couple decades is right out of the 1930s fascist playbook.
When you folks support corporatism, you support fascism. When you support privatization taking government service contracts, you support fascism. When you support one-party totalitarianism, you support fascism. The Far Righty Extremist Fascists support the ultimate statism.

"Far Righty Extremist Fascists" are Islamic terrorists, who want to control everything from education and religion from childhood as well as through adulthood. We conservatives are fighting a war against those people.

Leftists on the other hand, sympathize with Islamists and share many of the same goals: A large overbearing government that controls every aspect of people's lives.

American conservatives are centrists that want a small government incapable of ruling over our lives in the way both Islamic fascists and Leftist socialists/communists want.

"Far Righty Extremist Fascists" are wannabee Americans terrorists who share many of the same goals of the Islamofascists. American Righty Extremist Fascists are not centrists, are not mainstream, a group of freaks who want to control how America lives. Ultimate statism.

Funny how you didn't even attempt to back up your claims with examples.

Strange how the current Republicans want to instil 'fascism' by drastically cutting the government, and yet Democrats want to increase spending ten fold in order to....keep the government out of our lives? :lol:
Oh, it's way more fun than that, Patrick! Wait until you crack the Jake Code

The jakecode is necearry for unraveling Fascist Code Talk of Frank, Pat, and others.

For instance, when those fools talk about dems using public ed as slavish breeding grounds, they really mean the rural districts public ed districts that breed little TPbots. But the nice thing is the little freakbots go to the big universities and get reprogrammed.

In the meantime, we responsible Republicans are stuck with the pretends like Frank, Zander, House, and other fascist wannabees. A never ending battle against "Evil of the TPbots", but we keep them down here, and I understand other GOP safe districts are minimizing TP influence. Thank heavens.

Patrick, notice how Jake always has to highlight the "fact" that's he's a "Republican"

You have to check your local government because "Republicans" like Jake are actively engaged in local politics. We're starting to weed them out here.

He's a republican like I'm the Grand Duke of Lichtenstein. :lol:
Don't need to highlight anything other than counter your lies about socialists, and martians, and commies, and heavens knows what else.

Frank, you yahoos are not going to take over until you give up some of your wack ideas.

We are not going to have a bunch of little wack Frank and Pat and Benny clones telling the rest of us how to live our lives. Why? You don't have and cannot get the votes.

You've made this same post about five times - quit cluttering the thread.
Privatization of the school system means profit . . . over education. Nope, never going to happen. Though possibly we can make private education illegal to make sure Righty Extremist Facists and Supposed Christians won't be able to indoctrinate our children.
The only way they can make profit is by providing education people will buy. In other words, only the best education can make profit. You misunderstand the profit motive. Profit is not earned at the expense of education, it is earned as a reward for providing successfully. Also note that private schools in the US outperform public schools, on average.
Profit is to liberoidal douchebags like Jake the Fake what garlic is to vampires....Unless, of course, they're profiting off of big gubmint.
You, Oddball, have profited from gubmint, big and little: defense, infrastructure major and minor, LEO, fire protection, sanitation, sewage, water, energy, and so forth and so on.

You are merely a dribble on the trousers of America. Pathetic little man, so afraid to give back in return for all the opportunity you have had as an American. Shameful, utterly shameful.
You, Oddball, have profited from gubmint, big and little: defense, infrastructure major and minor, LEO, fire protection, sanitation, sewage, water, energy, and so forth and so on.

What you just cited are some of the legitimate tasks of government. It's the "so forth" that's the problem.
You are merely a dribble on the trousers of America. Pathetic little man, so afraid to give back in return for all the opportunity you have had as an American. Shameful, utterly shameful.
You perfectly illustrate the difference between a street thug and a socialist political hack: The mugger will only steal from me once and won't wag his finger at me about how greedy I am, to want to keep what belongs to me.

Fuck you, looter.
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False logic. Taxation is lawful, the Americans social compact is moral, and you will contribute. To be given the opportunities that you have received and turn your back still points you out as found wanting. Shameful.

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