
Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

This man is looking for the same path, back.

Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....

Ok but what you're not getting is that we aren't talking about some 5% lead here. Republican approval ratings are abysmal by comparison. Democrats may be unpopular, but if the country had to choose one of these parties to lead the country, people would overwhelming choose democrats at this point.

A third party is a popular idea, but the chances are pretty damn slim that an actual third party could possibly rise to power.
it's really funny, I haven't heard the GOP say "We will not negotiate" not once. however that's been the mantra of obama and his minions.

Of course not, you only watch Fox and are therefore not informed.

Come back when you are.
In the end it will be your dear non-leaders legacy that will suffer, no one will remember who was in congress in the long run.

Obama's legacy will be scrutinized as well as the leaders of the TPM revolt that he crushed.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

Rocks give me a break....the Democrats ratings are nothing to brag about....matter of fact the Roaches probably rate higher than both parties.....

Ok but what you're not getting is that we aren't talking about some 5% lead here. Republican approval ratings are abysmal by comparison. Democrats may be unpopular, but if the country had to choose one of these parties to lead the country, people would overwhelming choose democrats at this point.

A third party is a popular idea, but the chances are pretty damn slim that an actual third party could possibly rise to power.

Yet republicans are leading in generic polls, go figure.
In the end it will be your dear non-leaders legacy that will suffer, no one will remember who was in congress in the long run.

Obama's legacy will be scrutinized as well as the leaders of the TPM revolt that he crushed.

You really are delusional, the only thing your dear non-leader is crushing is the middle class and the economic standing of blacks.
Negotiate? Really? There hasn't been a surrender like that since Hirohito.
The GOP got nothing and gave up everything. Time for a new party at this point.
In the end it will be your dear non-leaders legacy that will suffer, no one will remember who was in congress in the long run.

Obama's legacy will be scrutinized as well as the leaders of the TPM revolt that he crushed.

You really are delusional, the only thing your dear non-leader is crushing is the middle class and the economic standing of blacks.

And your reactionary far right delusions continue, just like in 2008, last November, and now.

The TPM has shot is bolt.
I thought negotiating was what we hired these people to do. If they can't negotiate a budget, give 'em each a rifle and send 'em to Afghanistan.
The country is not going to negotiate on ACA or the debt.

There is plenty else Pubs and Dems can negotiate.
Yeah lefties. Keep reading Huffington for your only news source. Radical leftie junk passes for fair and balanced in the unstable left wing mind. Barry Hussein's approval rating is a point higher than George Bush at his worst and Hussein has the full support of almost the entire media. Put his approval rating at about 8% if the media was honest. That's why the W.H. is willing to negotiate.
You really are delusional, the only thing your dear non-leader is crushing is the middle class and the economic standing of blacks.

And your reactionary far right delusions continue, just like in 2008, last November, and now.

The TPM has shot is bolt.

Can you translate that to English?

You can figure it out.

When I heard GOP conservatives in University Park, Dallas, and in East Texas say they could not support Cruz, I realized he has no chance to run for president, and will have to scramble to survive his next senatorial run as Dewhurst, Abbott, Perry, and the Bush family find the money to fund primary challengers.
Now the GOP, with ratings in the polls down there with cockroachs, wants to negotiate. Where were they for the last six months? And what are they going to do if President Obama looks at their demands, and tells them to go to hell? Shut down the government?

The GOP played it's major card for zero gain, the ACA is law, and is not going to be defunded. And now they are looking like two year olds that have been spanked, and are trying to figure out how to get back in the good graces of the public.

I must be getting senile, I thought Obama and Reid were Democrats.

B y the way, has anyone else noticed that Reid is not part of the negotiations? Is that because Obama finally realized that he is supposed to be the President of the United States, not just the OFA?
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