Neil Cavuto interrupts Trump live feed to fact check on the spot - Fox?

I like Cavuto.
He's always been a Trump hater. Not as much as Shepherd Smith. Cavuto is roundly hated by his viewers. When he was gone for a few weeks and returned, he made a point of reading some of his emails on the air. They trashed him pretty severely.

I don't like listening to him because of his voice. It sounds all the time like his throat is full of phlegm and he won't clear it.
Neil Cavuto yesterday interrupts Trump’s live campaign speech, I mean White House address, to fact check his characterization of Obama’s economy and regulations. Adds perspective and truth. On Fox no less. Total bitch slap to the President. Fair and and balanced.

Another journalist at Fox News. A rare species.
Well it's really irrelevant who you support. You still have TDS, and it's getting worse.

Meanwhile, Trump is enjoying more support than he's ever had.

I don't know what you are drinking but it is 100 proof.
The issues will be China, the economy and sovereignty of your southern border which protects jobs and minority communities from illegal workers.

None of this other stuff matter. Whoever wins on these issues will win the WH in my estimation. I'm thousands of miles away and I can see this.

Boy are you clueless. The coronavirus and race relations will be the issues.
He's always been a Trump hater. Not as much as Shepherd Smith. Cavuto is roundly hated by his viewers. When he was gone for a few weeks and returned, he made a point of reading some of his emails on the air. They trashed him pretty severely.

I don't like listening to him because of his voice. It sounds all the time like his throat is full of phlegm and he won't clear it.

I guess if you are a real journalist, you are a Trump hater. Cavuto told the exact truth. Trump was the liar.
Let's be frank. If China is allowed to go back to pilfering your jobs and wealth, all the other issues are just band-aids while the cut runs deeper. Four more years of Trumps would allow Trump the opportunity to do to China what Reagan assisted in doing to Russia. China relies on Western wealth and weak foreign leaders to turn a blind eye to their abuses, sacrificing their nation and citizens for a few bucks.

You are a idiot first class. People are dying and you are worried about China. You have a strange sense of priorities.
Well it's really irrelevant who you support. You still have TDS, and it's getting worse.

Meanwhile, Trump is enjoying more support than he's ever had.
Good point! His approval rating is somewhere around 39%; best it's ever been! Bigly!!!
Neil Cavuto yesterday interrupts Trump’s live campaign speech, I mean White House address, to fact check his characterization of Obama’s economy and regulations. Adds perspective and truth. On Fox no less. Total bitch slap to the President. Fair and and balanced.

In another thread I kept asking the OP to post the unemployment numbers when Obama first came into Office vs when he left. Then do the same for when Trump came into Office until whenever was the lowest amount thus far.


This snippet sums up why exactly.

Obama. Was. A . VERY. Good. President.

Economically and otherwise.

Republicans hate that fact.

Powerful thread OP. Powerful!
Neil Cavuto yesterday interrupts Trump’s live campaign speech, I mean White House address, to fact check his characterization of Obama’s economy and regulations. Adds perspective and truth. On Fox no less. Total bitch slap to the President. Fair and and balanced.

Nothing new.
Except for Sean Hannity and maybe Lou Dobbs, none of the other Fox contributors kiss Trump's ass no matter what he does or says.
Nothing new.
Except for Sean Hannity and maybe Lou Dobbs, none of the other Fox contributors kiss Trump's ass no matter what he does or says.
That's the way journalists should be.

Problem with CNN and the rest is they spend so much time sucking Michelle Obama's dick that they come off as a bunch of sycophants.
I guess if you are a real journalist, you are a Trump hater. Cavuto told the exact truth. Trump was the liar.
Cavuto had a habit of focusing on negative stories in the Washington Compost never questioning their content.
You are stupid enough to believe that. I didn't vote for Obama but he committed no crime.
You made my point leftist controlled mainstream media fed you a load of shit and said it was cotton candy
You are stupid enough to believe that. I didn't vote for Obama but he committed no crime.
Yeah, cept he was selling missles to our enemies in Syria and Libya.
One of them shot down a Chinook in Afghanistan. Damned idiot forgot to set the fuse and it didn't blow up so they got the serial number off of it.
They blackmailed Obama and talked him into trading 5 terrorists for one deserter. Then Obama tried getting the missiles back and 4 civilians got killed in a peaceful protest over a disgusting video.
After that Obama gave $162 billion to Iran and flew a Top Secret Drone which landed in an Iranian airfield I guess they figured he had paid enough blackmail money.
Not to mention the fact that Obama used a EO to create an unconstitutional amnesty program called DACA.
Any one of these illegal acts would have caused an impeachment if Trump had done them. Trump can't even make a friggen phone call without being impeached.

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