Neil Cavuto interrupts Trump live feed to fact check on the spot - Fox?

Pretty good photoshop. ( is it still called that ?}
The question to me is, the problem is, how far we have chosen to lower our standards, and whether we can recover them.

We won't know until after he's gone.
Because Joe the puppet Biden is a higher standard. What a pathetic response from a pathetic poster.
Unfortunately, Trump has made lies easy to spot. If he is talking, he is lying.
After watching Hillary, Biden, and Obama lie for the last 12 years, your comments don't come from a position of strength to say the least.
Christ, after the whoppers they told about not supporting same-sex marriages, not being socialists, and that Benghazi was about a disgusting video, your post just seems to me to be extremely hilarious. But I think you really believed that hogwash.
Who is your choice for president?

I don't want to vote for Biden either but the republicans leave me no other choice.

I don't believe that Biden is as bad as trump. I believe he will at least get a handle on the virus and try to clean up the mess trump has left behind.

He did it with Obama after the bush boy so he has a track record that shows me he can get the job done.

I don't trust him with banking and Wall Street. The man is bought by big banks and Wall Street.
I won’t be voting. It clearly is a waste of time, yet Americans think they live in a democracy.

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