Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

Trump was trying to save lives while democrats were impeaching him.
I've already seen that bullshit excuse/assertion.

Trump did not act aggressively enough when he had ample reason to do so based on the information at his disposal. That makes him responsible for the consequences of inaction. HE'S THE FUCKING PREZ FOR GOODNESS SAKE.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.

And the answer is..... Zero.
Moving on.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.

How many lives did he save by shutting down the borders?
Trump was trying to save lives while democrats were impeaching him.
I've already seen that bullshit excuse/assertion.

Trump did not act aggressively enough when he had ample reason to do so based on the information at his disposal. That makes him responsible for the consequences of inaction. HE'S THE FUCKING PREZ FOR GOODNESS SAKE.
yes, he did act properly
Trump was trying to save lives while democrats were impeaching him.
I've already seen that bullshit excuse/assertion.

Trump did not act aggressively enough when he had ample reason to do so based on the information at his disposal. That makes him responsible for the consequences of inaction. HE'S THE FUCKING PREZ FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

Every idiot with 20/20 hind sight, says "He didn't do enough"... and that just makes you a ball-less coward, who can claim they would have done better. No you would not. You are just a childish coward, who can sit at a computer, pretending they know everything.
..he's not responsible for any lives--plain and simple
Just take a moment and consider the absurdity of that statement. Cultists want me to believe he saved lives by enacting the China travel restriction but he isn't responsible for lives lost due to inaction.

Like him you want to have it both ways.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

That's funny, this article you link says, "...the US may have prevented more than 700,000 confirmed cases and 35,927 deaths nationwide as of May 3..."

NOT that the US could have prevented more than 700,000 confirmed cases and 35,927 deaths nationwide as of May 3 as you claim it said.

EDIT: My bad, you didn't make the claim, the title of the article you linked made the claim. So the publisher lied in their title... very credible...

And before you start, I don't like the current tempo in the oval office.
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This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.

Funny stuff!!
Calling this study........................

New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March. The study found that social distancing measures put in place after March 15 “effectively reduced rates of COVID-19 transmission in the focus metropolitan areas,” but if measures were made sooner– between March 1 and March 8 – the US may have prevented more than 700,000 confirmed cases and 35,927 deaths nationwide as of May 3.

.................funny is just another form of denial.

No, we're able to point out the liberal rag hypocrisy coming from such biased leftist studies.
Every idiot with 20/20 hind sight, says "He didn't do enough"
There is a reason for that. He didn't do enough when he should have. That isn't opinion. It's fact.

America's response to COVID is among the worst in the world. That fact, and having an incompetent prez, is not a coincidence.
And you completely ignore the Democrats responsibility in it all.
Paragraph 3 of the OP.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

Yeah and????

So you think the Democrats 'error in judgement' is ok...…..but Trumps response is responsible for thousands of deaths?????

Tell ya what...….....if you think really hard, back to the beginning in late January...….and thru it all till now (yes it's a tall order for the blind) BUT, don't you think it odd how BOTH the president and the left have flip-flopped their responses, with only a very brief 'come together in agreement', somewhere around late Feb/early March...before taking up opposing sides again???

Don't you ever question the narrative being shoved down your throat, regardless of it's author??? Or do you just keep swallowing what the Left media shovels at you?????
Trump was trying to save lives while democrats were impeaching him.
I've already seen that bullshit excuse/assertion.

Trump did not act aggressively enough when he had ample reason to do so based on the information at his disposal. That makes him responsible for the consequences of inaction. HE'S THE FUCKING PREZ FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

Every idiot with 20/20 hind sight, says "He didn't do enough"... and that just makes you a ball-less coward, who can claim they would have done better. No you would not. You are just a childish coward, who can sit at a computer, pretending they know everything.
I'm sure he was one of the ones that called Trump racist for stopping travel from china.
..he's not responsible for any lives--plain and simple
Just take a moment and consider the absurdity of that statement. Cultists want me to believe he saved lives by enacting the China travel restriction but he isn't responsible for lives lost due to inaction.

Like him you want to have it both ways.

He's not. And yes, you can have it both ways in this case.

Trump did not create the virus. Trump didn't kill anyone. Trump didn't cause people to get the virus.

The virus killed people. Not Trump.

Trump can give recommendations to reduce the spread of the Virus, and he did.
Trump can put in place travel restrictions as President, and he did.

But Trump is not a dictator, and we are not his subjects. This is a country based on freedom, not tyranny.

It is up to us as individuals to make wise choices about how to live our lives.

Trump does not have the constitutional authority, to mandate lock downs, or prevent me from leaving my house. Yes, I know Trump has indicated he does in some cases, and he's wrong.

Trump is not responsible for everyone's lives. You are wrong on that.
China is responsible for COVID deaths, no one else.
China is responsible for many things. Trump's failure to respond in a way that could have saved lives based on information available to him isn't one of them.

You should probably worry about your blue states where the virus is raging. The governors have them all locked down and more people are contracting the virus and more deaths.
Trump was trying to save lives while democrats were impeaching him.
I've already seen that bullshit excuse/assertion.

Trump did not act aggressively enough when he had ample reason to do so based on the information at his disposal. That makes him responsible for the consequences of inaction. HE'S THE FUCKING PREZ FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

Every idiot with 20/20 hind sight, says "He didn't do enough"... and that just makes you a ball-less coward, who can claim they would have done better. No you would not. You are just a childish coward, who can sit at a computer, pretending they know everything.
I'm sure he was one of the ones that called Trump racist for stopping travel from china.
they prove their hypocrisy all the time
Just take a moment and consider the absurdity of your OP
You want me to believe he saved lives by enacting the China travel restriction but he isn't responsible for lives lost due to inaction. That makes you a hypocrite.

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