Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

So you think the Democrats 'error in judgement' is ok...…..but Trumps response is responsible for thousands of deaths?????
Not what I said. Dems are to blame for their own failures just as Trump is to blame for his.

Politicians are not 'gods'. They are not omniscient, or something. This is why so many left-wingers live in misery and unhappiness for life. You sit around waiting for politicians to fix everything... as if they could.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.
So you're saying that thousands of lives could have been saved if Coumo had shut down the crowded subways, and not sent Covid 19 patients into the nursing homes???

As of Friday morning, there have been more than 361,313 cases of the coronavirus in New York, including more than 200,507 in New York City. More than 28,663 people with COVID-19 have died in the state, including people with probable, but not confirmed, cases of the virus.
..he's not responsible for any lives--plain and simple
Just take a moment and consider the absurdity of that statement. Cultists want me to believe he saved lives by enacting the China travel restriction but he isn't responsible for lives lost due to inaction.

Like him you want to have it both ways.

No, we're just pointing out your leftist hypocrisy and faux outrage.
Just take a moment and consider the absurdity of your OP
You want me to believe he saved lives by enacting the China travel restriction but he isn't responsible for lives lost due to inaction. That makes you a hypocrite.
..again, you people fkd yourselves in 2016 when you CRIED and went berserk when he was all of your arguments now are tainted and HAVE to be taken with a grain of salt
So you think the Democrats 'error in judgement' is ok...…..but Trumps response is responsible for thousands of deaths?????
Not what I said. Dems are to blame for their own failures just as Trump is to blame for his.

and yet your whole statement was about 'making mistakes' and not faulting anyone for them...……...well, except Trump of course
Social distancing has had no effect on this virus one way or the other.

I can't see any statistical Covid-19 difference at all, between states, or countries that engaged in social distancing, and those that did not. Can anyone point to a single example where there is a clear benefit to social distancing?
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.
Fake news.
what failure is that?
The failure to live up to any prez's primary protect the American people from harm.

Early was a FLU outbreak, during normal FLU season, so there was little need to do anything about it.....and still isn't btw.

So tell us all...………….just what would you have had Trump do as a response...and please be specific
Just take a moment and consider the absurdity of your OP
You want me to believe he saved lives by enacting the China travel restriction but he isn't responsible for lives lost due to inaction. That makes you a hypocrite.
Trump left the actions to the governors, since THEY were deemed to be more knowledgeable of the conditions in their states...

And the Democrats failed miserably!!!

Your chance of dying from COVID-19 is notably higher if you live in a blue state.

In our 26 red states, the average coronavirus death rate per million is about 82. In the 24 blue states, plus the District of Columbia, it’s about 235. On average, then, you are about 2.9 times more likely to die of COVID-19 if you live a blue state than if you live in a red state. But averages mean little in the real world. If you live in New York, your chance of dying of coronavirus is 11 times higher than if you live in Georgia. The numbers change depending on the relative states, of course, but the most predictive factor is whether you prefer blue or red. The former preference appears to be bad for your health.
what failure is that?
The failure to live up to any prez's primary protect the American people from harm.

Early was a FLU outbreak, during normal FLU season, so there was little need to do anything about it.....and still isn't btw.

So tell us all...………….just what would you have had Trump do as a response...and please be specific
these people just HATE Mr Trump
..AND, like a lot of other subjects and issues, they think in very unrealistic terms...they think it's like the movies or tv
what failure is that?
The failure to live up to any prez's primary protect the American people from harm.

Early was a FLU outbreak, during normal FLU season, so there was little need to do anything about it.....and still isn't btw.

So tell us all...………….just what would you have had Trump do as a response...and please be specific
these people just HATE Mr Trump
..AND, like a lot of other subjects and issues, they think in very unrealistic terms...they think it's like the movies or tv

Yeah, they keep expecting Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest to go riding off into the sunset...……...dream on, baby, dream on

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