Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

Politicians are not 'gods'. They are not omniscient, or something.
No one said they are. But they are fairly expected to act in a timely manner on warnings of grave health consequences for Americans. Trump didn't.
China is responsible for COVID deaths, no one else.
China is responsible for many things. Trump's failure to respond in a way that could have saved lives based on information available to him isn't one of them.

"Saving lives" is a hypothetical partisan bullshit exercise. All deaths are a result of the Wuhan Virus, COVID-19.
You'd be better served getting a better candidate than Joe Biden instead of whining about Trump.
In a head-to-head matchup, Biden comes off as way too stupid to be president.
There goes another leftist false talking point .Nobody is talking anarchy....We are talking limited government know the line...Dedicated to Life,LIBERTY and the pursuit of happiness.....government control is not is fascism,marxism,and communism.
"Saving lives" is a hypothetical partisan bullshit exercise.
Actually, it's a scientific exercise based on data. There is nothing hypothetical about the unequivocal assertion lives would have been saved if safety protocols were put in place earlier. One man is responsible for the delay in protocols being issued. The Orange Fraud.
Assessing the effects of early non-pharmaceutical interventions1-5 on COVID-19 spread in the United States is crucial for understanding and planning future control measures to combat the ongoing pandemic6-10. Here we use county-level observations of reported infections and deaths11, in conjunction with human mobility data12 and a metapopulation transmission model13,14, to quantify changes of disease transmission rates in US counties from March 15, 2020 to May 3, 2020. We find significant reductions of the basic reproductive numbers in major metropolitan areas in association with social distancing and other control measures. Counterfactual simulations indicate that, had these same control measures been implemented just 1-2 weeks earlier, a substantial number of cases and deaths could have been averted. Specifically, nationwide, 61.6% [95% CI: 54.6%-67.7%] of reported infections and 55.0% [95% CI: 46.1%-62.2%] of reported deaths as of May 3, 2020 could have been avoided if the same control measures had been implemented just one week earlier. We also examine the effects of delays in re-implementing social distancing following a relaxation of control measures. A longer response time results in a stronger rebound of infections and death. Our findings underscore the importance of early intervention and aggressive response in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump left the actions to the governors
Check your chronology. But I do understand your desire to believe that false narrative.

Is Trump responsible for one fucking thing?
So are you saying that Trump should have had the federal government take over, and take control of the blue states???

And arrest any Democrat governors that didn't follow his orders???
Politicians are not 'gods'. They are not omniscient, or something.
No one said they are. But they are fairly expected to act in a timely manner on warnings of grave health consequences for Americans. Trump didn't.

Yeah, but there is always a grave warning going on. Every other year, we have an outbreak somewhere.

If our politicians shut down the country every single time something somewhere happened, we'd be a 3rd world country by now, living in caves, and lighting candles.

When the SARS outbreak hit, people were screaming about that. When Ebola hit, people were screaming about that.

If the country went into Panic mode, every time some outbreak hit, we'd have been shut down 5 out of the last 10 years.

All those other outbreaks, from the US perspective, were largely non-events.

The only difference between all of those, and this Corona, is that you arm-chair generals, sitting at your computer, can see with your 20/20 hind sight, that this turned into something bigger than the previous outbreaks.

But no one on capital hill, had any reason to believe that Corona would be any more significant, than any of the others, at that time.

That's why the Democrats intended to repeal Trumps travel ban to China, as being racists. They didn't believe it would be a big deal either. No one did.

So sitting there acting like you would have know what to do... no you are full of crap. If you had been president, and you did not know what would happen in the future, you would not have done any better than Trump. You would have thought, like everyone else, that this Corona thing was a minor issue, likely confined to China, just like all the previous one that stayed largely confined in their local area.

You are just a liar if you think you would have done better, or that anyone else would have done better.

You are wrong.
Yeah, but there is always a grave warning going on. Every other year, we have an outbreak somewhere.
Factually incorrect. Outbreaks of a virus as deadly and easily transmissible as COVID are still infrequent.

Trump had the advantage of seeing how COVID was effecting other countries while he had time to act to prevent the extent of the spread here. He didn't.
Now I could have sworn Trump had authorized the States to handle their responses to the outbreak........after he had tried to shut down travel and other forms of containing the virus, that he got hell for doing from the Democrats that insisted on everyone coming out, enjoy life and keep doing all the normal stuff

Yeah, isn't funny during Chinese New Year Bill de Blasio ya know the Mayor of New York was telling the great people of his City to stay home if sick but the rest to go out and enjoy life while doing your Social Distancing...

I bet the Op'er does not know when the Chinese New Year was or the fact that in late January guidelines from the CDC were already telling people what precautions they should take after the WHO informed the CDC but ya know had we just shut down flights during the Senate Trial the fringe left like the OP would have never said a thing... Yeah right!
So are you saying that Trump should have had the federal government take over
He has the authority to declare a national emergency and in so doing issue mandatory protocols for measures to prevent the spread of deadly diseases. He chose not to do so. That was a fatal mistake for thousands of Americans.

Not to mention that the economic damage would not have been so terrible if he had acted earlier.
Yeah, but there is always a grave warning going on. Every other year, we have an outbreak somewhere.
Factually incorrect. Outbreaks of a virus as deadly and easily transmissible as COVID are still infrequent.

Trump had the advantage of seeing how COVID was effecting other countries while he had time to act to prevent the extent of the spread here. He didn't.

Trump could not do as much as you proclaim without Congress and States approval.

Only so much can be done by the Executive Branch of our Federal Government and you know this.

Even Mario Cuomo admitted the shutting down of his State was his job and never the Federal Government and the CDC along with the WHO were issuing warnings and guidelines since January of this year, and the CDC administration falls under the Oval Office Leadership...

So as you sit there proclaiming so much could have been done the fact remains the U.S. is a REPUBLIC which mean States have certain amount of control within their borders and the President can not shut or reopen a State!
Well, according to their logic if we had of gone with the Democrat open border then over 120,000 more would have died.

Stupid libtardos, arrogance blinds them from the obvious.
I’ve never actually met anybody that believes in open borders?
But I think we have seen people that believe in shooting joggers if they’re black.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.
You are one pathetic piece of shit. All you do is spew garbage, 24/7. I pray you are struck by a speeding car.
Now I could have sworn Trump had authorized the States to handle their responses to the outbreak........after he had tried to shut down travel and other forms of containing the virus, that he got hell for doing from the Democrats that insisted on everyone coming out, enjoy life and keep doing all the normal stuff

Yeah, isn't funny during Chinese New Year Bill de Blasio ya know the Mayor of New York was telling the great people of his City to stay home if sick but the rest to go out and enjoy life while doing your Social Distancing...

I bet the Op'er does not know when the Chinese New Year was or the fact that in late January guidelines from the CDC were already telling people what precautions they should take after the WHO informed the CDC but ya know had we just shut down flights during the Senate Trial the fringe left like the OP would have never said a thing... Yeah right!
More deflection.

Why are you folks incapable of admitting Trump made mistakes?
Well, according to their logic if we had of gone with the Democrat open border then over 120,000 more would have died.

Stupid libtardos, arrogance blinds them from the obvious.
I’ve never actually met anybody that believes in open borders?
But I think we have seen people that believe in shooting joggers if they’re black.
Look in the mirror liar.
So are you saying that Trump should have had the federal government take over
He has the authority to declare a national emergency and in so doing issue mandatory protocols for measures to prevent the spread of deadly diseases. He chose not to do so. That was a fatal mistake for thousands of Americans.

Not to mention that the economic damage would not have been so terrible if he had acted earlier.

And had he done it during January during the Senate Trial you and those like you would have proclaimed the virus was fake and Trump was overthrowing the Federal Government...

So either way you would have bitched about it!
Now I could have sworn Trump had authorized the States to handle their responses to the outbreak........after he had tried to shut down travel and other forms of containing the virus, that he got hell for doing from the Democrats that insisted on everyone coming out, enjoy life and keep doing all the normal stuff
Well, that's a lie.

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