Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

Here is that Model set up I keep talking about, from page 5:

"The metapopulation model We use a metapopulation SEIR model to simulate the transmission of COVID-19 among 3,142 US counties. In this model, we consider two types of movement: daily work commuting and random movement. Information on county-to-county work commuting is publicly available from the US Census Bureau12. We further assume the number of random visitors between two counties is proportional to the average number of commuters between them. As population present in each county is different during daytime and nighttime, we model the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 separately for these two time periods (see supplementary information)..."

bolding, sizing mine


There are more weaknesses to talk about, but this is enough for me.

Assumptions, Simulations, unverified and limited Model parameter, adds up to nothing robust.

Now do you understand why I can't take this paper seriously?
So are you saying that Trump should have had the federal government take over
He has the authority to declare a national emergency and in so doing issue mandatory protocols for measures to prevent the spread of deadly diseases. He chose not to do so. That was a fatal mistake for thousands of Americans.

Not to mention that the economic damage would not have been so terrible if he had acted earlier.
So, if Trump can unilaterally declare a national emergency, and make arrests if anyone doesn't obey his orders, he obviously needs to do so to address the millions of diseased illegals that are invading our country, along with anyone (including state officials) aiding and abetting them...

Here is that Model set up I keep talking about, from page 5:

"The metapopulation model We use a metapopulation SEIR model to simulate the transmission of COVID-19 among 3,142 US counties. In this model, we consider two types of movement: daily work commuting and random movement. Information on county-to-county work commuting is publicly available from the US Census Bureau12. We further assume the number of random visitors between two counties is proportional to the average number of commuters between them. As population present in each county is different during daytime and nighttime, we model the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 separately for these two time periods (see supplementary information)..."

bolding, sizing mine


There are more weaknesses to talk about, but this is enough for me.

Assumptions, Simulations, unverified and limited Model parameter, adds up to nothing robust.

Now do you understand why I can't take this paper seriously?
When they make assumptions, theyā€™re not just pulling them out of the air. Assumptions are based on data.

Itā€™s like the difference between a theory and a scientific theory. Iā€™m not gonna teach a class here, but itā€™s easy to look up the difference.
Now I could have sworn Trump had authorized the States to handle their responses to the outbreak........after he had tried to shut down travel and other forms of containing the virus, that he got hell for doing from the Democrats that insisted on everyone coming out, enjoy life and keep doing all the normal stuff
Well, that's a lie.

And just what part is a lie????

He did give it to the states to handle the responses.
He did want to shut down international travel, China specifically...ā€¦...but was called racist for doing so
and the Democrats were telling everyone get out & about.

So again...ā€¦ā€¦.what part is a lie??????

He didnā€™t ā€œgiveā€ the states anything. It is their constitutional responsibility. He didnā€˜t have the power to do otherwise, but he did initiate tweet storms supporting demonstrators against those states who were following public health guidelines Didnā€™t he? And attacking a governor who has something like 75% approval from her state for her handling of covid?

I donā€™t recall anyone calling him racist for the temporary travel ban from China, even though I keep hearing the claim. Who are all these people who called him

....Democrats telling everyone to get out and about? You mean like Floridaā€™s governor, keeping beaches open for spring break? Oh wait...he was a Republican.

Some people seem to have a difficult time grasping the idea that this isnā€™t a partisan issue despite our presidents bleatings.
sweetie if youre going to live in a closet and ignore all the news you really shouldnt be commenting on any forum,,,

and where in the constitution does it require him to give anything to the states???
Here is that Model set up I keep talking about, from page 5:

"The metapopulation model We use a metapopulation SEIR model to simulate the transmission of COVID-19 among 3,142 US counties. In this model, we consider two types of movement: daily work commuting and random movement. Information on county-to-county work commuting is publicly available from the US Census Bureau12. We further assume the number of random visitors between two counties is proportional to the average number of commuters between them. As population present in each county is different during daytime and nighttime, we model the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 separately for these two time periods (see supplementary information)..."

bolding, sizing mine


There are more weaknesses to talk about, but this is enough for me.

Assumptions, Simulations, unverified and limited Model parameter, adds up to nothing robust.

Now do you understand why I can't take this paper seriously?
When they make assumptions, theyā€™re not just pulling them out of the air. Assumptions are based on data.

Itā€™s like the difference between a theory and a scientific theory. Iā€™m not gonna teach a class here, but itā€™s easy to look up the difference.



4. Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition


You show ignorance openly since you failed to address my central point that the paper isn't robust, since it depends on too many uncertain variables.

You never fail to make a fool of yourself.
Here is that Model set up I keep talking about, from page 5:

"The metapopulation model We use a metapopulation SEIR model to simulate the transmission of COVID-19 among 3,142 US counties. In this model, we consider two types of movement: daily work commuting and random movement. Information on county-to-county work commuting is publicly available from the US Census Bureau12. We further assume the number of random visitors between two counties is proportional to the average number of commuters between them. As population present in each county is different during daytime and nighttime, we model the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 separately for these two time periods (see supplementary information)..."

bolding, sizing mine


There are more weaknesses to talk about, but this is enough for me.

Assumptions, Simulations, unverified and limited Model parameter, adds up to nothing robust.

Now do you understand why I can't take this paper seriously?
When they make assumptions, theyā€™re not just pulling them out of the air. Assumptions are based on data.

Itā€™s like the difference between a theory and a scientific theory. Iā€™m not gonna teach a class here, but itā€™s easy to look up the difference.
Actually, the often are just pulling them out of thin air. That whole facemask brouhaha was total bullshit. They had no idea whether facemaskes helped or not, or they just plain lied about it. The justification for the shutdown was also bullshit.
But I do understand your desire to believe that false narrative.
And the true narrative is Russian collusion BS, Impeachment BS, Green New Deal BS, Free health care BS, open borders BS, and now Trump Corona BS ?????? Thank you for handing Trump a second term!!
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is ā€œDerp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? Whatā€™s in it for us?ā€

Theyā€™re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. Itā€™s just a band-aid. It doesnā€™t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it wonā€™t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What virus? You mean the democrat flu? Fake news.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is ā€œDerp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? Whatā€™s in it for us?ā€

Theyā€™re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. Itā€™s just a band-aid. It doesnā€™t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it wonā€™t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Hey idiot I just said they didnā€™t have one.
Then why do you imagine the GOP should have one for COVID?

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