Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

Can't take this seriously
You don't want to take it seriously because doing so leads to an inescapable conclusion. X amount of deaths are attributable to Trump's late response despite being given ample warning of how serious the outbreak would be based on observational evidence taking place in other parts of the world.
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There goes another leftist false talking point .Nobody is talking anarchy....We are talking limited government know the line...Dedicated to Life,LIBERTY and the pursuit of happiness.....government control is not is fascism,marxism,and communism.
In the mind of the TDS moron, anything short of stalinism is anarchy. There is no power they don't believe government should have.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.
That's utter horseshit.
Can't take this seriously
You don't want to take it seriously because doing so leads to an inescapable conclusion. X amount of deaths are attributable to Trump's late response despite being given ample warning of how the outbreak would be based on observational evidence taking place in other parts of the world.

Translation: I didn't bother to read the paper, because I am a partisan man who has TDS, that is why I am angry with President Trump, he refuses to cure me!
We are now just shy of 97,000.
Pick a number. Depending on how much earlier the response occurred, thousands of those deaths could have been prevented. The data suggests 10,000 at a minimum.
This many lives could have been saved if social distancing had started 1 week earlier
New research from Columbia University found that the US could have prevented nearly 36,000 deaths from COVID-19 if social distancing tactics were put in place one week earlier in March.

One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths, Say Experts
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

Estimates vary for how many lives would have been saved if the guy who thought it was "all going to be fine" and that COVID was "under control" had taken the risk of a pandemic seriously early on. To be sure, precisely defining the number is impossible. Just as it is impossible to define how much of an impact Russia's interference in the 2016 election had on actual votes.

However, we should not interpret the imprecision of the studies linked to above as being a reason to discount them. The message is clear. Due to the exponential spread of this virus if earlier measures were taken to slow the spread the health and economic impact would be far less than it is today. That's not a partisan observation, it's one founded in science.

I don't think anyone expects the government's response to a crisis to be perfect. Errors in judgement, in the execution of plans, unexpected turns of events, are inevitable consequences of a crisis. Moreover, the federal government is not alone in its missteps to respond in an efficient way in order to minimize the damage from COVID-19.

However, there are a plethora of ways the federal response could have and should have been better. Ways that have been discussed on this board endlessly. The responsibility for the deficiency in the federal response falls on the head of the government. Responsibility our president has sought to put on the shoulders of others. But there is no escaping accountability. No amount of spin can change an essential truth.

By virtue of his poor decisions, whatever their motives or reasons, thousands of lives and trillions of dollars of wealth lost are his burden to bear. He was not just a victim of circumstance. His actions, and lack thereof, made this crisis worse than it needed to be. If there is no reckoning for his failures the country has no chance of healing itself any time soon.
Just reading the premise of your first sentence, and no more, you are fundamentally wrong.
Keeping infected patients from returning to the nursing homes could have saved thousands upon thousands of lives, comrade.
The states that did that seem entirely run by democrats, (go figure)
I need not go into any more of your drivel
Well, according to their logic if we had of gone with the Democrat open border then over 120,000 more would have died.

Stupid libtardos, arrogance blinds them from the obvious.
I’ve never actually met anybody that believes in open borders?
But I think we have seen people that believe in shooting joggers if they’re black.

Because you don't pay attention. There's millions here that want open borders and I've seen in the last month a black man kill an elderly white couple at a cemetery just for kicks. You have no moral high ground petunia. It's not Republicans trying to give illegal aliens free money.
Translation: I didn't bother to read the paper
I highlighted the part you referenced in post #85. Unlike Trumpleheads I do research before writing posts. You're going to need another line of deflection.
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Now I could have sworn Trump had authorized the States to handle their responses to the outbreak........after he had tried to shut down travel and other forms of containing the virus, that he got hell for doing from the Democrats that insisted on everyone coming out, enjoy life and keep doing all the normal stuff
Well, that's a lie.

And just what part is a lie????

He did give it to the states to handle the responses.
He did want to shut down international travel, China specifically...…...but was called racist for doing so
and the Democrats were telling everyone get out & about.

So again...…….what part is a lie??????
Your post. That's a lie.
Translation: I didn't bother to read the paper
I highlighted the part you referencedin post #85. Unlike Trumpleheads I do research before writing posts. You're going to need another line of deflection.
Ha ha ha, your TDS in full swing, you are going to IGNORE the Abstract which tells us they use a Model and a bunch of scenarios for their "evidence" (which doesn't exist) which is why you and the easy to fool media are all over this.

You have yet to show their Modeling construct is robust.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016......
Now I could have sworn Trump had authorized the States to handle their responses to the outbreak........after he had tried to shut down travel and other forms of containing the virus, that he got hell for doing from the Democrats that insisted on everyone coming out, enjoy life and keep doing all the normal stuff
Well, that's a lie.

And just what part is a lie????

He did give it to the states to handle the responses.
He did want to shut down international travel, China specifically...…...but was called racist for doing so
and the Democrats were telling everyone get out & about.

So again...…….what part is a lie??????

He didn’t “give” the states anything. It is their constitutional responsibility. He didn‘t have the power to do otherwise, but he did initiate tweet storms supporting demonstrators against those states who were following public health guidelines Didn’t he? And attacking a governor who has something like 75% approval from her state for her handling of covid?

I don’t recall anyone calling him racist for the temporary travel ban from China, even though I keep hearing the claim. Who are all these people who called him

....Democrats telling everyone to get out and about? You mean like Florida’s governor, keeping beaches open for spring break? Oh wait...he was a Republican.

Some people seem to have a difficult time grasping the idea that this isn’t a partisan issue despite our presidents bleatings.
This virus shows no signs of slowing down
The GOP that you hate so passionately knows that we cannot stay at home till the chinese disease goes away

because it may be with us from now on

but if you kill the economy as dems are trying to do you lose the ability to help anyone
That's the goal.
As long as dems are in power they dont care how many innocent people they have to hirt

they are clones of the CCP
Can't take this seriously
You don't want to take it seriously because doing so leads to an inescapable conclusion. X amount of deaths are attributable to Trump's late response despite being given ample warning of how serious the outbreak would be based on observational evidence taking place in other parts of the world.

I do not think you can say for sure how many deaths like that. For one, it is a tough tough call to make: when close down the economy. I do think he can be fairly criticized for a chaotic, inconsistent response, inconsistent non-fact based messaging leaving state governors and business with unclear guidelines and conflict between the president and the infectious disease experts.
Ha ha ha, your TDS in full swing, you are going to IGNORE the Abstract which tells us they use a Model and a bunch of scenarios for their "evidence" (which doesn't exist) which is why you and the easy to fool media are all over this.
Congrats. You've found another path to denial by ignoring the actual data used to model different scenarios.

As I noted in the OP, the lack of an ability to be absolutely precise in calculating numbers does not detract from the usefulness of the study. You know for a certainty, based on how other countries were more successful than we were in preventing COVID from spreading, that measures like social distancing and wearing masks works. They took steps to employ those methods of prevention early on. We did not. The fault for that lies with Trump. The extent of the outbreak was preventable. Full stop.
The Obama/Biden administration went through three epidemics.
Bush had an epidemic.

Epidemics have gone through America more than once.

The truth is that this epidemic was the first real test Trump had in his presidency and he failed miserably. He failed the country and he failed the world.

Ha ha ha, your TDS in full swing, you are going to IGNORE the Abstract which tells us they use a Model and a bunch of scenarios for their "evidence" (which doesn't exist) which is why you and the easy to fool media are all over this.
Congrats. You've found another path to denial by ignoring the actual data used to model different scenarios.

As I noted in the OP, the lack of an ability to be absolutely precise in calculating numbers do not detract from the usefulness of the study. You know for a certainty, based on how other countries were more successful than we were in preventing COVID from spreading, that measures like social distancing and wearing masks works. They took steps to employ those methods of prevention early on. We did not. The fault for that lies with Trump. The extent of the outbreak was preventable. Full stop.

You still haven't shown that their modeling/scenarios exercise are robust.

You keep ignoring what the abstract states, which is why you are failing to understand that their paper is based on Model outputs.

Heck, you can't even prove how many "additional" deaths were generated at all, using their modeling construct, since the results are not based on real outputs, but on assumptions of a Model.

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