Neither party has a coherent, long term plan for COVID

Yep. The death rate of the flu is 0.1%. COVID is around 1.2%.
You are mistaken

at worst the chinese disease only kills .2 to .4%

so it is slightly more deadly than the flu

but not much

and since both virus target the same people so they are in a race to see which one kills first
I just provided proof in an earlier post the death rate is 1.3. Facts are what they are.
Base don the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.

You're a douchebag pumping out hysteria.
Your link was to people who had reported symptoms in hospitals. You’re an idiot if you think that reflects the actual death rate
No, that's what your figure is based on, you stupid fucking moron.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.
Lol quit pretending you know what you are talking about.

“This parameter is not necessarily equivalent to the number of reported deaths per reported cases, because many cases and deaths are never confirmed to be COVID-19, and there is a lag in time between when people are infected and when they die,” the CDC added.”
Reported cases is a small fraction of the number of actual cases. All you are saying is that your figure is based on ignorance. The number of COVID deaths is grossly exaggerated.
The number of people with the virus is way underreported
Yes, which is why your figure for the death rate is far higher than the actual number.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Yep. The death rate of the flu is 0.1%. COVID is around 1.2%.
You are mistaken

at worst the chinese disease only kills .2 to .4%

so it is slightly more deadly than the flu

but not much

and since both virus target the same people so they are in a race to see which one kills first
I just provided proof in an earlier post the death rate is 1.3. Facts are what they are.
Base don the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.

You're a douchebag pumping out hysteria.
Your link was to people who had reported symptoms in hospitals. You’re an idiot if you think that reflects the actual death rate
No, that's what your figure is based on, you stupid fucking moron.
Lol um no it’s not. It is the total death rate worldwide.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.
Lol quit pretending you know what you are talking about.

“This parameter is not necessarily equivalent to the number of reported deaths per reported cases, because many cases and deaths are never confirmed to be COVID-19, and there is a lag in time between when people are infected and when they die,” the CDC added.”
Reported cases is a small fraction of the number of actual cases. All you are saying is that your figure is based on ignorance. The number of COVID deaths is grossly exaggerated.
The number of people with the virus is way underreported
Yes, which is why your figure for the death rate is far higher than the actual number.
Here are more facts to beat your head on;

That’s the death rate in the US alone.
No one rational has any agenda to kill the economy.
Maybe dems tell themselves they dont want kill the economy but rather just keep it in a coma till trump leaves office

but they are living in la la land
Without people there is no economy.

democrats have been saying what we need to do is test and do contact tracing. With the proper testing from the beginning, we could’ve figured out where the hotspots are, who has the virus, quarantine them and save the economy.

but seriously, Trump is not a president, he’s a racist reality TV show star. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He keeps trying to push hydroxychloroquine and they just came out with a study saying that if you take it while you have coronavirus you’re three times more likely to die.

View attachment 339545
If Republicans didn’t believe the testing did any good, then why are Donald Trump and Mike Pence getting tested together, 14 times a week. I can’t even get one.
What you want to do is quarantine everyone

the fact is that most people will have the chinese disease without being sick at all

but if you quarantine heathy people on the off chance they may have been near some who does have the virus the economy will never recover
Of course, I agree. Quarantining healthy people is ridiculous. I don’t know anybody who wants to do that. I don’t even know anybody who would accuse somebody of wanting to do that. What we wanna do is test test test and find out who has the virus and quarantine them so they don’t give it to other people who have been tested and don’t have the virus.

we can all agree that’s the only thing that makes sense.
Most people who test positive will be in good health

many would not even know they are infected without the test

but under the lib plan as I understand it they would be quarantined
The lib plan is not let them die. Do you know anybody who’s saying we don’t care, let them die?
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Wrong. The death count is the death count. It's not an estimate or a sample. It's an actual count. Furthermore, it's over reported. If the number of cases is under-reported, that means the number of actual cases is larger. That's the number in the denominator of the death rate. That means the actual death rate is lower.

It's pathetic that I have to explain basic math to you.

A 10-year-old could do this math.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.
Lol quit pretending you know what you are talking about.

“This parameter is not necessarily equivalent to the number of reported deaths per reported cases, because many cases and deaths are never confirmed to be COVID-19, and there is a lag in time between when people are infected and when they die,” the CDC added.”
Reported cases is a small fraction of the number of actual cases. All you are saying is that your figure is based on ignorance. The number of COVID deaths is grossly exaggerated.
The number of people with the virus is way underreported
Yes, which is why your figure for the death rate is far higher than the actual number.
Here are more facts to beat your head on;

That’s the death rate in the US alone.
I've already explained that this number is horseshit. The death rate in the US is the death rate in the US. Deaths in foreign countries have no affect on our death rate, you fucking moron.
Yep. The death rate of the flu is 0.1%. COVID is around 1.2%.
You are mistaken

at worst the chinese disease only kills .2 to .4%

so it is slightly more deadly than the flu

but not much

and since both virus target the same people so they are in a race to see which one kills first
I just provided proof in an earlier post the death rate is 1.3. Facts are what they are.
Base don the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.

You're a douchebag pumping out hysteria.
Your link was to people who had reported symptoms in hospitals. You’re an idiot if you think that reflects the actual death rate
No, that's what your figure is based on, you stupid fucking moron.
Lol um no it’s not. It is the total death rate worldwide.
As I already explained to you, your figure is horseshit.
Liberal bed wetters, democrat dummkopfs, statist shitstains, and progressive pole smokers should ALL continue on voluntary lockdown while the normal people go back to normal lives.

Problem solved!
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Wrong. The death count is the death count. It's not an estimate or a sample. It's an actual count. Furthermore, it's over reported. If the number of cases is under-reported, that means the number of actual cases is larger. That's the number in the denominator of the death rate. That means the actual death rate is lower.

It's pathetic that I have to explain basic math to you.

A 10-year-old could do this math.
Lol this logic is pretty simple. If the total cases are underreported, the total number of deaths are underreported as wel.
Yep. The death rate of the flu is 0.1%. COVID is around 1.2%.
You are mistaken

at worst the chinese disease only kills .2 to .4%

so it is slightly more deadly than the flu

but not much

and since both virus target the same people so they are in a race to see which one kills first
I just provided proof in an earlier post the death rate is 1.3. Facts are what they are.
Base don the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.

You're a douchebag pumping out hysteria.
Your link was to people who had reported symptoms in hospitals. You’re an idiot if you think that reflects the actual death rate
No, that's what your figure is based on, you stupid fucking moron.
Lol um no it’s not. It is the total death rate worldwide.
As I already explained to you, your figure is horseshit.
Lol no it isn’t. Yours is the narrow scope of reported symptoms in a hospital setting. You’re just pretending my stat is invalid but you aren’t fooling anyone.

How about this? My stat says 1.3 and your narrow stat says .4. Let’s say the true stat is somewhere in the middle at .9. That’s still 9x higher than the flu lol
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.

I've noticed that many PROGS entertain themselves with the idea of high death counts to please themselves. I know a guy who posts Trump this & that on Facebook. Dude is 60 years old and still a leftist, some people just don't mature. Like you, EVERYTHING he says is a thought that belongs to someone else, and he's too lazy or scared to look up the facts for himself. In other terms, he'd rather be wrong than admit he's wrong. On occasion I intervene with a slice of rational thought. Like all leftists, he finds rational thought an inconvenience to be ignored, so know what his go to is? "Just wait, many will die the second wave", which has NOTHING to do with his agenda for attacking Trump, but he pretends it is anyhow.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Wrong. The death count is the death count. It's not an estimate or a sample. It's an actual count. Furthermore, it's over reported. If the number of cases is under-reported, that means the number of actual cases is larger. That's the number in the denominator of the death rate. That means the actual death rate is lower.

It's pathetic that I have to explain basic math to you.

A 10-year-old could do this math.
Lol this logic is pretty simple. If the total cases are underreported, the total number of deaths are underreported as wel.
Hmmm, wrong, shit for brains. No deaths in this country go unreported.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Wrong. The death count is the death count. It's not an estimate or a sample. It's an actual count. Furthermore, it's over reported. If the number of cases is under-reported, that means the number of actual cases is larger. That's the number in the denominator of the death rate. That means the actual death rate is lower.

It's pathetic that I have to explain basic math to you.

A 10-year-old could do this math.
Lol this logic is pretty simple. If the total cases are underreported, the total number of deaths are underreported as wel.
Hmmm, wrong, shit for brains. No deaths in this country go unreported.
No that’s just you making shit up.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.

I've noticed that many PROGS entertain themselves with the idea of high death counts to please themselves. I know a guy who posts Trump this & that on Facebook. Dude is 60 years old and still a leftist, some people just don't mature. Like you, EVERYTHING he says is a thought that belongs to someone else, and he's too lazy or scared to look up the facts for himself. In other terms, he'd rather be wrong than admit he's wrong. On occasion I intervene with a slice of rational thought. Like all leftists, he finds rational thought an inconvenience to be ignored, so know what his go to is? "Just wait, many will die the second wave", which has NOTHING to do with his agenda for attacking Trump, but he pretends it is anyhow.
Billy is a moron who believes thousands of deaths are going unreported. Apparently he believes the staff in hospitals are ignoring dead people who are occupying their beds.
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Wrong. The death count is the death count. It's not an estimate or a sample. It's an actual count. Furthermore, it's over reported. If the number of cases is under-reported, that means the number of actual cases is larger. That's the number in the denominator of the death rate. That means the actual death rate is lower.

It's pathetic that I have to explain basic math to you.

A 10-year-old could do this math.
Lol this logic is pretty simple. If the total cases are underreported, the total number of deaths are underreported as wel.
Hmmm, wrong, shit for brains. No deaths in this country go unreported.
No that’s just you making shit up.
Really? So where are these dead people who haven't been reported? Are you saying hospitals don't report all the deaths that occur there? Nursing homes? Where are these deaths?
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
how can you say that???

trump has said how a slow reopening could happen and laid out a plan and the dems have said they chose the fascist route and want to keep people locked down for their own good,,,

the trump route is viable with precautions and the dems route is sure to cause thousands of more deaths and economic devastation,,,
What fucking plan are you talking about. Trump just said “hey let’s reopen the economy. Derp.” That isn’t a plan. Trump is too fucking stupid to come up with a coherent plan. Mostly because his dumbass will contradict himself within a week.
OH I'm sorry I thought you were up to date on things,,,

when you get educated come on back and we can discuss things,,,
Okay lay out Trump’s plan for me. Step by step.

Right here dumb ass...

Oh you are laughable. The White House website?Lol none of this bullshit is happening right now. None of it was even written by Trump. There’s no evidence any of this shit is happening. Trump himself has said NOTHING about it. All this crap is is guidelines for states to follow. Meanwhile, Trump contradicts all of it lol

Yes the White House. Where else would the President put his official policy? Damn you libs are so dumb...
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.
Wrong. The death count is the death count. It's not an estimate or a sample. It's an actual count. Furthermore, it's over reported. If the number of cases is under-reported, that means the number of actual cases is larger. That's the number in the denominator of the death rate. That means the actual death rate is lower.

It's pathetic that I have to explain basic math to you.

A 10-year-old could do this math.
Lol this logic is pretty simple. If the total cases are underreported, the total number of deaths are underreported as wel.
Hmmm, wrong, shit for brains. No deaths in this country go unreported.
No that’s just you making shit up.
Really? So where are these dead people who haven't been reported? Are you saying hospitals don't report all the deaths that occur there? Nursing homes? Where are these deaths?
The GOP and Trump have their thumbs up their assess as usual. This virus shows no signs of slowing down and the GOP response to this is “Derp. Meh. What does this have to do with sucking corporate lobbyist dick? What’s in it for us?”

They’re fucking useless.

The democrats House Bill is a step in the right direction, but it lacks any long term strategy. It’s just a band-aid. It doesn’t address how to stop the virus for the months to come.

Now some governors have more effective strategies for their states. Social distancing and contact tracing are key, but without real federal help, it won’t amount to much.

We are on our own folks.
What's the Dim long term strategy for the flu?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who thinks that COVID is like the flu.
It is a virus that can kill weak or elderly people just like the flu

what is the difference?
The death rate is at least 10x higher and the potential hospital stay is twice as long.

Best Estimate is 0.4 Percent Death Rate for COVID-19 Patients With Symptoms: CDC

Keep in mind that rate is among people who show symptoms. The rate for all people who are infected is much lower.

That's bullshit based on the number of people tested, not the number of people infected.
Lol If it didn’t include the total number of infection (Which is true) then the death count is higher than that. Duh.
Wrong, dumbass, it's lower. The number of infected is in the denominator.

Do you know any math at all?
Uh no. If the total cases are underreported, obviously the total death count is going to be higher. This isn’t hard to figure out. The death toll from the flu was what, 80k last year? A higher number of deaths then the usual death average. We are now at 90k deaths and the coronavirus is not slowing down any time soon. That number is WITH social distancing. We don’t do those measures with the flu.

I've noticed that many PROGS entertain themselves with the idea of high death counts to please themselves. I know a guy who posts Trump this & that on Facebook. Dude is 60 years old and still a leftist, some people just don't mature. Like you, EVERYTHING he says is a thought that belongs to someone else, and he's too lazy or scared to look up the facts for himself. In other terms, he'd rather be wrong than admit he's wrong. On occasion I intervene with a slice of rational thought. Like all leftists, he finds rational thought an inconvenience to be ignored, so know what his go to is? "Just wait, many will die the second wave", which has NOTHING to do with his agenda for attacking Trump, but he pretends it is anyhow.
Billy is a moron who believes thousands of deaths are going unreported. Apparently he believes the staff in hospitals are ignoring dead people who are occupying their beds.
When people die from COVID, they are dying from a complication it causes like respiratory issues. That means if the person is not tested for the virus, they are part of the statistic of the underreported statistics. Duh.

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