Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

If it promotes numerous positions that support their cause - then yeah, it sure smacks of support. So where do libertarians and neo-confederates diverge?

I know it's difficult to grasp that one can dislike the policies of both Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate government, but it's possible. You presumably supported the 13 Colonies in their seceding from Great Britain, but do you support everything that they stood for such as slavery? Probably not. It's possible to say that the Colonies, and, by extension, the Confederacy, had the right to secede, but to also say that they enacted plenty of policies you find abhorrent.

Really? Stemming the spread of slavery to the new territories is bad policy?

Unlike you, I realize that Lincoln did other things in office as well.
I know it's difficult to grasp that one can dislike the policies of both Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate government, but it's possible. You presumably supported the 13 Colonies in their seceding from Great Britain, but do you support everything that they stood for such as slavery? Probably not. It's possible to say that the Colonies, and, by extension, the Confederacy, had the right to secede, but to also say that they enacted plenty of policies you find abhorrent.

Logic is not welcome here. Just stop it.
If you dont have a valid debate do us all a favor and keep the ignorant quips to yourself.

This thread wasn't "valid" in the first place.
Perhaps you never read history?

Perhaps you've huffed enough spray paint for one day?

The Antebellum South was a terrible place. A feudal system where the lives of men were not valued. Black men were treated as property, and many whites as far less than that. A ruling Aristocracy kept a boot on the neck of 90% of the population.

Sound like I'm defending the South, moron?
Give an example of my posting anything that says the Confederacy was made up of great people or that I wish the Confederacy existed today.

No you instead support the effort they did in history. You honestly think they were for state rights.

I think they were for many things. Not all of which were good, and not all of which were bad.

They were for one thing.... Keeping slaves. They used states rights to try and keep them. Like all democrats they used things to subjugate others.
Perhaps you never read history?

Perhaps you've huffed enough spray paint for one day?

The Antebellum South was a terrible place. A feudal system where the lives of men were not valued. Black men were treated as property, and many whites as far less than that. A ruling Aristocracy kept a boot on the neck of 90% of the population.

Sound like I'm defending the South, moron?

Dont know are you? Do you think this flag
stands for States rights and liberty?
No you instead support the effort they did in history. You honestly think they were for state rights.

I think they were for many things. Not all of which were good, and not all of which were bad.

They were for one thing.... Keeping slaves. They used states rights to try and keep them. Like all democrats they used things to subjugate others.

Then why did Virginia and several other states only secede after Lincoln implemented his illegal blockade of southern ports? If they were only worried about slavery they would have seceded with the rest of them.
Perhaps you never read history?

Perhaps you've huffed enough spray paint for one day?

The Antebellum South was a terrible place. A feudal system where the lives of men were not valued. Black men were treated as property, and many whites as far less than that. A ruling Aristocracy kept a boot on the neck of 90% of the population.

Sound like I'm defending the South, moron?

Dont know are you? Do you think this flag
stands for States rights and liberty?

A Primer On the Confederate Flag | Mere Liberty
Only to those with weak minds like you.

Yes, it's weak-minded to realize that "Lincoln good, south bad" is a pretty stupid idea.

I think Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents we ever had. He was a true republican. Republicans were and are the abolitionist party.

Lincoln wasn't an abolitionist. :lol:

Nor were abolitionists even a strong enough demographic for politicians to pander to in the first place. Genuine abolitionists were few and far between.
Perhaps you've huffed enough spray paint for one day?

The Antebellum South was a terrible place. A feudal system where the lives of men were not valued. Black men were treated as property, and many whites as far less than that. A ruling Aristocracy kept a boot on the neck of 90% of the population.

Sound like I'm defending the South, moron?

Dont know are you? Do you think this flag
stands for States rights and liberty?

A Primer On the Confederate Flag | Mere Liberty
Not what I asked was it? You keep parroting others. Have you know thoughts of your own?
Yes, it's weak-minded to realize that "Lincoln good, south bad" is a pretty stupid idea.

I think Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents we ever had. He was a true republican. Republicans were and are the abolitionist party.

Lincoln wasn't an abolitionist. :lol:

Nor were abolitionists even a strong enough demographic for politicians to pander to in the first place. Genuine abolitionists were few and far between.

He was. How do I know? Because he was a republican you fucking dummy! He didn't want to start a war over it! He didn't have to ether because the confederate democrats did it anyway.
Dont know are you? Do you think this flag
stands for States rights and liberty?

I think that you're an ignorant buffoon with scant education and even less intellect.

First off, THIS is the Confederate flag;


The Virginia Battle Flag was just that.

Secondly, I already stated my opinion of the Antebellum South.

However, since I have a brain, I can recognize that they were a Feudal shit hole AND that Lincoln was a tyrant who did immeasurable damage to the Constitution.
Dont know are you? Do you think this flag
stands for States rights and liberty?

I think that you're an ignorant buffoon with scant education and even less intellect.

First off, THIS is the Confederate flag;


The Virginia Battle Flag was just that.

Secondly, I already stated my opinion of the Antebellum South.

However, since I have a brain, I can recognize that they were a Feudal shit hole AND that Lincoln was a tyrant who did immeasurable damage to the Constitution.
How was that? By fighting a war that the confederates started? Or by winning it?
I think Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents we ever had. He was a true republican. Republicans were and are the abolitionist party.

Lincoln wasn't an abolitionist. :lol:

Nor were abolitionists even a strong enough demographic for politicians to pander to in the first place. Genuine abolitionists were few and far between.

He was. How do I know? Because he was a republican you fucking dummy! He didn't want to start a war over it! He didn't have to ether because the confederate democrats did it anyway.

You're such a flaming retard. Lincoln wasn't an abolitionist, Corky. Go back to convenience store package ingredient pronunciation.


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