Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

If there is a point, he probably lacks the ability to make it.

I suppose one could erroneously argue that some people who's rhetoric includes phrases like "Texas should secede from the Union," could be argued as people pushing for a neo-confederacy. I've also herd rhetoric from time to time proclaiming that the red and blue states should just split up and go their merry way.

However, his attempt to tie secession with slavery and the confederate flag, really just makes him out to be a nut case.
So you don't know of any differences between neo-confederates and libertarians other than support of the confederate government - because libertarians don't support any government??

Ok, thanks.

I don't expect anyone one or two people to be the know-all, end-all source to answer the question, so I'll keep listening. Have a great day.

If you are interested in the topic - I'd suggest a couple of google searches. That way you can judge the source materials for yourself.

"I don't want to backup my claims, so why don't you Google it and do it for me?"

still no asnwer. deflection and disappointment.

I make no claim to back up.

I am asking a simple question.

It is very disappointing that no one here can come up with an answer.

very Disappointing.

I'll check in later. Have a great day.

While libertarians study economics, LOLberals spend their time this way. Then wonder why all their ideas are failures.

What country do Libertarians control? What country has ever been successful with Von Mises economics?

Their philosophies could not exist except in already economically and democratically developed countries. They are the true ideological moochers that they so despise, living off the largess of their successful benefactors.

Liberatrians aren't into the whole control thing. That's why since the founder's time we've had nothing but Statist Authhoritarians in "control" of this coutnry. But the original idea was libertarian. The Founders were radical libertarians of their time.

The US was developed under the principles of libertariansim. Now, i realize you're going to want to rebuttal this and starta long, drawn out debate about whether what I say is true. But I'm not going to bite. Go read the history books instead.

History will tell me that The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971, and that the only successful politicians from that party are the Paul family, who must hitch a ride on a Republican's back to get anywhere.

The more Republican and less Libertarian the Pauls are, the more successful they are. And the successes they've had, have been in the South.

What does that tell you about your movement?
What country do Libertarians control? What country has ever been successful with Von Mises economics?

Their philosophies could not exist except in already economically and democratically developed countries. They are the true ideological moochers that they so despise, living off the largess of their successful benefactors.

Liberatrians aren't into the whole control thing. That's why since the founder's time we've had nothing but Statist Authhoritarians in "control" of this coutnry. But the original idea was libertarian. The Founders were radical libertarians of their time.

The US was developed under the principles of libertariansim. Now, i realize you're going to want to rebuttal this and starta long, drawn out debate about whether what I say is true. But I'm not going to bite. Go read the history books instead.

History will tell me that The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971, and that the only successful politicians from that party are the Paul family, who must hitch a ride on a Republican's back to get anywhere.

The more Republican and less Libertarian the Pauls are, the more successful they are. And the successes they've had, have been in the South.

What does that tell you about your movement?

Can you give us an example of what you're talking about? Ron Paul's most successful states in the 2012 Presidential Primary in terms of actual votes were Iowa, Washington, and Maine, and he won the delegations from Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, and Louisiana. So on what basis can you say the only victories for the Pauls have come from the south?
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The ass_natos knew that. he is jjust a miserable scumbag troll.


I never said all libertarians are Confederates just the ones who really are democrats

Well you've recently referred to me as a Democrat, and yet I just pointed out that there is no logic behind accusing libertarians of "supporting" the Confederacy.
You think the Confederates were states rights heroes and Lincoln was a evil tyrant so of course you're a democrat.... Racism has a way of making you that.
Hint: Not liking Abraham Lincoln's policies during the Civil War and believing that secession was perfectly legal does not mean one "supports" the Confederacy.

If it promotes numerous positions that support their cause - then yeah, it sure smacks of support. So where do libertarians and neo-confederates diverge?

I know it's difficult to grasp that one can dislike the policies of both Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate government, but it's possible. You presumably supported the 13 Colonies in their seceding from Great Britain, but do you support everything that they stood for such as slavery? Probably not. It's possible to say that the Colonies, and, by extension, the Confederacy, had the right to secede, but to also say that they enacted plenty of policies you find abhorrent.

Really? Stemming the spread of slavery to the new territories is bad policy?
If it promotes numerous positions that support their cause - then yeah, it sure smacks of support. So where do libertarians and neo-confederates diverge?

I know it's difficult to grasp that one can dislike the policies of both Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate government, but it's possible. You presumably supported the 13 Colonies in their seceding from Great Britain, but do you support everything that they stood for such as slavery? Probably not. It's possible to say that the Colonies, and, by extension, the Confederacy, had the right to secede, but to also say that they enacted plenty of policies you find abhorrent.

Logic is not welcome here. Just stop it.
If you dont have a valid debate do us all a favor and keep the ignorant quips to yourself.
[ame=]ZoNATION: The Confederate flag: An Instrument of Sabotage or Suicide for Conservatives. - YouTube[/ame]

Good video
I am tired of the neo-confederate libertarians acting like they are conservatives. They are not. They honor this flag
Which is the flag of Anti-American democrat slave owners. I know the Noe-Confeds will rush in here and say it is about states rights.... Like Alfonzo Rachele said "States rights to do what? Own Slaves!" That flag goes against the very fiber of conservatism which is the ideology of CONSERVING the republic. Neo-confeds like to believe their stance on taxes means they are not liberal when they really are. They dont care if there is slavery, abortion, drug abuse, hookers, crime, murder, rape, arson as long as they dont have to pay taxes to stop it. Thats not conservative that selfish like any other liberal.

Okay I can accept your premise here.

How about they all unite under a Secessionist banner and fight off the Globalists who are imploding our economy by design and getting ready to declare martial law ?

Secessionists are all about preserving the US Constitution and the Federal Republic, even if we have to establish a new one and issue new currency.

Secessionists are not pro-corruption. Look at America today we have more of that stuff due to Globalist FED activity.

Secessionists are very anti-NWO.

26 Tenets of the New World Order:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens’ private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can’t be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization.

26) Use estrogens & femicals to drive males gay and the female population insane thereby insuring the destruction of the family, hence more governmental dependency.

We want to rid America of Globalists and their martial law plans.
I am tired of the neo-confederate libertarians acting like they are conservatives. They are not. They honor this flag
Which is the flag of Anti-American democrat slave owners. I know the Noe-Confeds will rush in here and say it is about states rights.... Like Alfonzo Rachele said "States rights to do what? Own Slaves!" That flag goes against the very fiber of conservatism which is the ideology of CONSERVING the republic. Neo-confeds like to believe their stance on taxes means they are not liberal when they really are. They dont care if there is slavery, abortion, drug abuse, hookers, crime, murder, rape, arson as long as they dont have to pay taxes to stop it. Thats not conservative that selfish like any other liberal.

Okay I can accept your premise here.

How about they all unite under a Secessionist banner and fight off the Globalists who are imploding our economy by design and getting ready to declare martial law ?

Secessionists are all about preserving the US Constitution and the Federal Republic, even if we have to establish a new one and issue new currency.

Secessionists are not pro-corruption. Look at America today we have more of that stuff due to Globalist FED activity.

Secessionists are very anti-NWO.

26 Tenets of the New World Order:

1) Men are inclined to evil rather than good.

2) Preach Liberalism.

3) Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars.

4) Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified.

5) Believe their rights lie in force.

6) The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it.

7) Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses

8 ) Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9) Seize citizens’ private property by any means necessary.

10) The use of slogans such as equity, liberty, and fraternity are used on the masses as psychological warfare.

11) War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences are designed so that neither combatant retain territory rights.

12) Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen to public office who would be obedient to their demands, and would be used as pawns in the game by the men behind the scenes. The advisors will have been bred, reared, and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13) Control the press, and hence most of the information the public receives.

14) Agents and provocateurs will come forward after creating traumatic situations, and appear to be the saviors of the masses, when they are actually interested in just the opposite, the reduction of the population.

15) Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food, use these events to control the masses and mobs, and use them to wipe out those who stand in the way.

16) Infiltrate Freemasonry which is to be used to conceal and further objectives.

17) Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases, advocate lavish sounding promises to the masses even though they can’t be kept.

18) The art of street fighting is necessary to bring the population into subjection.

19) Use agents as provocateurs and advisers behind the scenes, and after wars use secret diplomacy talks to gain control.

20) Establish huge monopolies towards world government control.

21) Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by controlling raw materials, organized agitation among the workers, and subsidizing competitors.

22) Build up armaments with police and soldiers who can protect and further the New World Order's interests.

23) Members and leaders of the one world government will be appointed by the director of the New World Order.

24) Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of teaching the youth in the schools theories and principles known to be false.

25) Create and use national and international laws to destroy civilization.

26) Use estrogens & femicals to drive males gay and the female population insane thereby insuring the destruction of the family, hence more governmental dependency.

We want to rid America of Globalists and their martial law plans.
Perhaps you never read history?

Zo is usually on target. But not this time. I said it once, I'll say it a thousand times. I'm a southerner and proud of it. I've never owned a slave, never wanted to own a slave, and never will own a slave. To my knowledge none of my ancestors ever owned a slave. The confederate flag represents my relatives who were murdered by the Northern army at the order of Lincoln, because they seceded from the Union which was their right. I would never fly the confederate flag or the state of texas flag over the Union Jack. But if you try to take my confederate flag or state of texas flag down, you'll loose your hand, and likely lucky to get off my property. My dogs are usually pretty hungry.
I never said all libertarians are Confederates just the ones who really are democrats

Well you've recently referred to me as a Democrat, and yet I just pointed out that there is no logic behind accusing libertarians of "supporting" the Confederacy.
You think the Confederates were states rights heroes and Lincoln was a evil tyrant so of course you're a democrat.... Racism has a way of making you that.

Except I don't think the Confederates were heroes.

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