Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

Libertarians are Right Wing Hippies.

The Libertarians

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Libertarians

They got their libertarian knowledge
On a Pell Grant at State College
Becoming anti-statist 'cudas
Smoking dope from Aqua-Buddha

They were open to the wonderment
Of hating federal government
They learned equality and integration
Were just unnecessary regulation

Their frat house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Libertarians

(living Von Miserly)
(Loving Ayn Randily)

So get a witches shawl on
A soapbox you can crawl on
So you can spew your gall on
Exactly like Rand Paul on
The Libertarians

While libertarians study economics, LOLberals spend their time this way. Then wonder why all their ideas are failures.

What country do Libertarians control? What country has ever been successful with Von Mises economics?

Their philosophies could not exist except in already economically and democratically developed countries. They are the true ideological moochers that they so despise, living off the largess of their successful benefactors.
Obviously no one is obliged to do anything. I would consider it a favor if someone chooses to address it:

Where do libertarians and neo-confederates differ? The cross-pollination between the two groups does make it a legitimate question imho.

Tell you what - I've got a few things to do so I'm gonna bail for a bit and give you a chance to muster up a real response if anyone would care to. I'll check back later.

Have a great day.

I would consider it a favor if you would give us an example of a "neo-confederate libertarian," or at least where you think libertarians and neo-confederates are the same.

Rand Paul is an example of a neo-confederate libertarian. I posted that further back. Maybe you weren't around.
But that is beside the point. And it doesn't matter is you agree with that assessment or not. It has absolutely nothing to do with the question.

The question is:
Where do the political philosophies of libertarianism and neo-confederatism differ.

It's really is a simple question.

It's a little scary that all I seem to be getting are non-answer insults.
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Obviously no one is obliged to do anything. I would consider it a favor if someone chooses to address it:

Where do libertarians and neo-confederates differ? The cross-pollination between the two groups does make it a legitimate question imho.

Tell you what - I've got a few things to do so I'm gonna bail for a bit and give you a chance to muster up a real response if anyone would care to. I'll check back later.

Have a great day.

I would consider it a favor if you would give us an example of a "neo-confederate libertarian," or at least where you think libertarians and neo-confederates are the same.

Rand Paul is an example of a neo-confederate libertarian. I posted that further back. Maybe you weren't around.
But that is beside the point. And it doesn't matter is you agree with that assessment or not. It has absolutely nothing to do with the question.

The question is:
Where do the political philosophies of libertarianism and neo-confederatism differ.

It's really is a simple question.

It's a little scary that all I seem to be getting are non-answer insults.

Actually you did get an answer, and there were no insults.

As for you providing an example, or at least defining the term, it has everything to do with the question. You say Rand Paul is an example, but refuse to back that up. Where has Rand Paul ever proclaimed his support for the Confederate government? If you can't define the term or give a proper example with evidence then how can anybody have a proper discussion on the issue?
I already responded, Dullard. First why dont you lay out the groundwrok of WHAT a neo-condeferate is. Then we'll see where in lies the difference since it is you that is making the assertion that there is cross-pollination between the two "groups".

In your response you noted yourself that slavery was probably not favored by neo-confederates. So the libertarian anti-slavery position can't be a divergence now can it?

If you don't know what a neo-confederate is, then why are you reacting so childishly to the question? You may LIKE neo-confederate positions if you find out what they are, right?

I am only left to conclude that insult is just your default setting when you don't understand what is being discussed.

Have a nice day.
The Libertarians

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Libertarians

They got their libertarian knowledge
On a Pell Grant at State College
Becoming anti-statist 'cudas
Smoking dope from Aqua-Buddha

They were open to the wonderment
Of hating federal government
They learned equality and integration
Were just unnecessary regulation

Their frat house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Libertarians

(living Von Miserly)
(Loving Ayn Randily)

So get a witches shawl on
A soapbox you can crawl on
So you can spew your gall on
Exactly like Rand Paul on
The Libertarians

While libertarians study economics, LOLberals spend their time this way. Then wonder why all their ideas are failures.

What country do Libertarians control? What country has ever been successful with Von Mises economics?

Their philosophies could not exist except in already economically and democratically developed countries. They are the true ideological moochers that they so despise, living off the largess of their successful benefactors.

Liberatrians aren't into the whole control thing. That's why since the founder's time we've had nothing but Statist Authhoritarians in "control" of this coutnry. But the original idea was libertarian. The Founders were radical libertarians of their time.

The US was developed under the principles of libertariansim. Now, i realize you're going to want to rebuttal this and starta long, drawn out debate about whether what I say is true. But I'm not going to bite. Go read the history books instead.
I already responded, Dullard. First why dont you lay out the groundwrok of WHAT a neo-condeferate is. Then we'll see where in lies the difference since it is you that is making the assertion that there is cross-pollination between the two "groups".

In your response you noted yourself that slavery was probably not favored by neo-confederates. So the libertarian anti-slavery position can't be a divergence now can it?

If you don't know what a neo-confederate is, then why are you reacting so childishly to the question? You may LIKE neo-confederate positions if you find out what they are, right?

I am only left to conclude that insult is just your default setting when you don't understand what is being discussed.

Have a nice day.

So neo-confederacy is whatever I say it is? Fine. Then libertarians have nothing in common with the Gnome people that ride unicorns. Also known as neo-confederates.
I would consider it a favor if you would give us an example of a "neo-confederate libertarian," or at least where you think libertarians and neo-confederates are the same.

Rand Paul is an example of a neo-confederate libertarian. I posted that further back. Maybe you weren't around.
But that is beside the point. And it doesn't matter is you agree with that assessment or not. It has absolutely nothing to do with the question.

The question is:
Where do the political philosophies of libertarianism and neo-confederatism differ.

It's really is a simple question.

It's a little scary that all I seem to be getting are non-answer insults.

Actually you did get an answer, and there were no insults.

As for you providing an example, or at least defining the term, it has everything to do with the question. You say Rand Paul is an example, but refuse to back that up. Where has Rand Paul ever proclaimed his support for the Confederate government? If you can't define the term or give a proper example with evidence then how can anybody have a proper discussion on the issue?

I apologize for assuming that you were familiar with the neo-confederate movement.
I also assumed that you are familiar with Rand Paul's associations with that movement.

And you did provide a point of divergence - the support of the Confederate government.

So, is that it?
Is there really no liberty in the USA?

There's tons of liberty in the U.S. and in other countries as well.

What you find NOWHERE is a Libertarian government.

250 years ago you never found a democracy either. I guess that means democracy sucks, right?

The first democracy was Athenian, which predates ours by more than a thousand years. Unfortunately Athenian democracy fell, the way all democracies fall. From within.
Rand Paul is an example of a neo-confederate libertarian. I posted that further back. Maybe you weren't around.
But that is beside the point. And it doesn't matter is you agree with that assessment or not. It has absolutely nothing to do with the question.

The question is:
Where do the political philosophies of libertarianism and neo-confederatism differ.

It's really is a simple question.

It's a little scary that all I seem to be getting are non-answer insults.

Actually you did get an answer, and there were no insults.

As for you providing an example, or at least defining the term, it has everything to do with the question. You say Rand Paul is an example, but refuse to back that up. Where has Rand Paul ever proclaimed his support for the Confederate government? If you can't define the term or give a proper example with evidence then how can anybody have a proper discussion on the issue?

I apologize for assuming that you were familiar with the neo-confederate movement.
I also assumed that you are familiar with Rand Paul's associations with that movement.

And you did provide a point of divergence - the support of the Confederate government.

So, is that it?

It's now clear that you're just making all of this up as you go along. No evidence and no explanation means you're simply trolling.
There's tons of liberty in the U.S. and in other countries as well.

What you find NOWHERE is a Libertarian government.

250 years ago you never found a democracy either. I guess that means democracy sucks, right?

The first democracy was Athenian, which predates ours by more than a thousand years. Unfortunately Athenian democracy fell, the way all democracies fall. From within.

Yes, Democracies fall when a group of minorities becomes powerful enough to not have to listen to the majority anymore.
I already responded, Dullard. First why dont you lay out the groundwrok of WHAT a neo-condeferate is. Then we'll see where in lies the difference since it is you that is making the assertion that there is cross-pollination between the two "groups".

In your response you noted yourself that slavery was probably not favored by neo-confederates. So the libertarian anti-slavery position can't be a divergence now can it?If you don't know what a neo-confederate is, then why are you reacting so childishly to the question? You may LIKE neo-confederate positions if you find out what they are, right?

I am only left to conclude that insult is just your default setting when you don't understand what is being discussed.

Have a nice day.

So neo-confederacy is whatever I say it is?

Where did you get that?

I also noted in my responses that I dont know what you're considering a neo-confederate. It's, first and foremost, perjorative. it attempts to describe a large section of individuals into a group (groupthinkers always do this) who hold either the traditions, the soldiers or culture of the southern confederacy with pride or positively. Or simply viewing the North's aggression and Lincoln's policies as distasteful or the stuff of tyrants.

I'm sure there are a number of "neo-confederates" amongst the democrats, the republicans, the constitutional party, etc...

it's not a clean line that can be drawn and there is no overlap, or compare contrast and then find diverging data regarding.
Actually you did get an answer, and there were no insults.

As for you providing an example, or at least defining the term, it has everything to do with the question. You say Rand Paul is an example, but refuse to back that up. Where has Rand Paul ever proclaimed his support for the Confederate government? If you can't define the term or give a proper example with evidence then how can anybody have a proper discussion on the issue?

I apologize for assuming that you were familiar with the neo-confederate movement.
I also assumed that you are familiar with Rand Paul's associations with that movement.

And you did provide a point of divergence - the support of the Confederate government.

So, is that it?

It's now clear that you're just making all of this up as you go along. No evidence and no explanation means you're simply trolling.

So you don't know of any differences between neo-confederates and libertarians other than support of the confederate government - because libertarians don't support any government??

Ok, thanks.

I don't expect anyone one or two people to be the know-all, end-all source to answer the question, so I'll keep listening. Have a great day.

If you are interested in the topic - I'd suggest a couple of google searches. That way you can judge the source materials for yourself.
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I apologize for assuming that you were familiar with the neo-confederate movement.
I also assumed that you are familiar with Rand Paul's associations with that movement.

And you did provide a point of divergence - the support of the Confederate government.

So, is that it?

It's now clear that you're just making all of this up as you go along. No evidence and no explanation means you're simply trolling.

So you don't know of any differences between neo-confederates and libertarians other than support of the confederate government - because libertarians don't support any government??

Ok, thanks.

I don't expect anyone one or two people to be the know-all, end-all source to answer the question, so I'll keep listening. Have a great day.

If you are interested in the topic - I'd suggest a couple of google searches. That way you can judge the source materials for yourself.

"I don't want to backup my claims, so why don't you Google it and do it for me?"
It's now clear that you're just making all of this up as you go along. No evidence and no explanation means you're simply trolling.

So you don't know of any differences between neo-confederates and libertarians other than support of the confederate government - because libertarians don't support any government??

Ok, thanks.

I don't expect anyone one or two people to be the know-all, end-all source to answer the question, so I'll keep listening. Have a great day.

If you are interested in the topic - I'd suggest a couple of google searches. That way you can judge the source materials for yourself.

"I don't want to backup my claims, so why don't you Google it and do it for me?"

still no asnwer. deflection and disappointment.

I make no claim to back up.

I am asking a simple question.

It is very disappointing that no one here can come up with an answer.

very Disappointing.

I'll check in later. Have a great day.
I gave you an answer. That you ignore it is your choice. And yes you are making a claim. That there is a cross-pollination between neo-confederates adn libertarians.

And I addressed this as well.
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My - no claims question.

Where does libertarian and neo-confederate differ.

I got ONE answer about libertarians not supporting government at all.

That's it.

I'm wondering if that's all there is or if those who have responded are just poor representatives of libertarianism.

I'll check back later.
It's already been answered, Dullard. Why not come in again and ask another time? Sure, come on back later and make the same erroneous claim you've made several times now. Nothing beats a good game of repeater.

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