Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

Secession isn't insurrection, you half-witted, Dullard.


The southern states were not actively pursuing war with the north until the blockade (and even still, they found a way around it). The northern "federal" government decided it would dictate tot he states that it had the ultimate authority over them, instead of the other way around. When the feds refused to pull their troops and abandon southern states, THE REAL INSURRECTION, the south engaged.

the north was the aggressor.

You're a fool. Stop trying to prretend you know what yo're talking about. You dont.
How was that? By fighting a war that the confederates started? Or by winning it?


By revoking habeas corpus, arresting any reporters critical of his administration, using federal troop to block the Supreme Court from being seated, to start with...

Guess what.

The Constitution allowed him to do all that..and much more if he wanted.

Actually, no. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney, ruled in Ex Parte Merryman that only the Congress could suspend habeas corpus under the Constitution. The President could not do so unilaterally. For this Lincoln issued an arrest warrant for Taney. So that would be incorrect.
And the confederates killed men and women for attempting to leave the south

Oh, sure. That's why Sherman said this:

“We're not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people,” Sherman explained; as a result, they needed to “make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”

By marching through Georgia terroizing the citizens in an attempt to abandon the confederare cause. Burning houses, stealing live stock and produce along the way. Because the North had such a morally correct stance. :rolleyes:

He didn't do enough.

Not by a long shot.

So he should have murdered more innocent civilians and slaves? Kind of a disgusting position, don't you think?
He didn't do enough.

Not by a long shot.

Murder and terror are always a favorite of you Khmer Rouge types...

Your greatest dream is that one day you'll be able to participate in the mass murder of millions of your fellow Americans. It is the constant dream of the left.

Confederates were not Americans.

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

What were the people in Maryland, Missouri, West Virginia, Delaware, and Kentucky? Were they Americans? Slavery was legal there as well and they never seceded.
Oh, sure. That's why Sherman said this:

“We're not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people,” Sherman explained; as a result, they needed to “make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”

By marching through Georgia terroizing the citizens in an attempt to abandon the confederare cause. Burning houses, stealing live stock and produce along the way. Because the North had such a morally correct stance. :rolleyes:

He didn't do enough.

Not by a long shot.

So he should have murdered more innocent civilians and slaves? Kind of a disgusting position, don't you think?

No, he doesn't think. That's the whole problem with his ilk.
Confederates were not Americans.

I see,

I take it Arizonans aren't Americans either, right Comrade?

If you could murder the 15 million people in Arizona today, would you hesitate a microsecond, or only a nanosecond?

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

As do those who fail to take a loyalty oath to Dear Leader!

If any should wonder how the holocaust, the purges, and the killing fields happened; I present Shallow.

I prefer to call them Democrat racist fucks who act like children.
Look at all you so called libertarians defending slave owning democrats that used something like state rights to subjugate and enslave.... This is proof you are not conservatives.
He didn't do enough.

Not by a long shot.

Murder and terror are always a favorite of you Khmer Rouge types...

Your greatest dream is that one day you'll be able to participate in the mass murder of millions of your fellow Americans. It is the constant dream of the left.

Confederates were not Americans.

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

If they weren't Americans, then they were foreigners who were citizens of foreign sovereign states, and Lincoln launched an unprovoked invasion of these states. That makes him a war monger who violated the Constitution
Only those who bow to the federal government are true americans.

Lincoln arrested journalists by executive order, not the constitution. Dipshit.

Nothing would please me more than to watch a useful idiot like you be expended when you're no longer useful. That would be a great treat, Shallow.

Lincoln shutdown more than 300 newspapers and had people arrested and thrown in a concentration camp simply for voicing their disapproval of his policies.

Stalin and Hitler learned much from Lincoln. Both were great admirers of the man.
I absolutely admire him.

Of course.

But then, you admire Pol Pot, Mao, Uncle Joe Stalin, and Ho Chi Minh....

He was a great leader and saved the Union.

And he was well within his Constitutional Powers to do what he did.

Bummer you never took even a basic civics class.

My only criticism of him is reconstruction of the South.

That should not have happened. Not the way it did.

He should have murdered every man, woman, and child, like your hero Pol Pot, right?

Lincoln murdered plenty of Americans. He has nothing to be ashamed of when in the company of his admirers, Stalin and Hitler.
And the confederates killed men and women for attempting to leave the south

Oh, sure. That's why Sherman said this:

“We're not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people,” Sherman explained; as a result, they needed to “make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”

By marching through Georgia terroizing the citizens in an attempt to abandon the confederare cause. Burning houses, stealing live stock and produce along the way. Because the North had such a morally correct stance. :rolleyes:

He didn't do enough.

Not by a long shot.

Yes, yes, we all KNOW you're a psychopath and are masturbating furiously to the thought of his troops tossing babies into the air and catching them on bayonets.
Confederates were not Americans.

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

Secession is a long held belief in the American paradigm. This wasn't the first time states tried it. It shouldn't bring war either. But Shallow loves war and murdering americans for the cause of consolidated power. It gets the leg tingling.

Yeah..of course you post that bullshit because NOTHING in the Constitution ALLOWS secession. In FACT the Constitution STRICTLY forbids it.

Bull. Fucking. Shit!
Confederates were not Americans.

I see,

I take it Arizonans aren't Americans either, right Comrade?

If you could murder the 15 million people in Arizona today, would you hesitate a microsecond, or only a nanosecond?

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

As do those who fail to take a loyalty oath to Dear Leader!

If any should wonder how the holocaust, the purges, and the killing fields happened; I present Shallow.

A Democrat Congressman being interviewed on the Sunday talk shows said that Ted Cruz was an enemy of America.
Only those who bow to the federal government are true americans.

Lincoln arrested journalists by executive order, not the constitution. Dipshit.

Nothing would please me more than to watch a useful idiot like you be expended when you're no longer useful. That would be a great treat, Shallow.

Lincoln shutdown more than 300 newspapers and had people arrested and thrown in a concentration camp simply for voicing their disapproval of his policies.

Stalin and Hitler learned much from Lincoln. Both were great admirers of the man.

Didn't he also order troops to shoot into crowds protesting the draft in NYC?
Confederates were not Americans.

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

Secession is a long held belief in the American paradigm. This wasn't the first time states tried it. It shouldn't bring war either. But Shallow loves war and murdering americans for the cause of consolidated power. It gets the leg tingling.

Yeah..of course you post that bullshit because NOTHING in the Constitution ALLOWS secession. In FACT the Constitution STRICTLY forbids it.

Really? Where?

Insurrection, repelling invasions and punishing offenses against the laws of nations (such as piracy) are the very things the government can use military force against as advocated by the Constitution.

Secession isn't an "insurrection," and the Constution doesn't say a thing about it.

And the South was involved in insurrection.

Pick up a history book.

Nope, secession is not insurrection.
Only those who bow to the federal government are true americans.

Lincoln arrested journalists by executive order, not the constitution. Dipshit.

Nothing would please me more than to watch a useful idiot like you be expended when you're no longer useful. That would be a great treat, Shallow.

Lincoln shutdown more than 300 newspapers and had people arrested and thrown in a concentration camp simply for voicing their disapproval of his policies.

Stalin and Hitler learned much from Lincoln. Both were great admirers of the man.

Didn't he also order troops to shoot into crowds protesting the draft in NYC?

I'm not sure if he ordered it, but troops did shoot into the crowds. The idea that he didn't order it defies common sense.
Lincoln shutdown more than 300 newspapers and had people arrested and thrown in a concentration camp simply for voicing their disapproval of his policies.

Stalin and Hitler learned much from Lincoln. Both were great admirers of the man.

Didn't he also order troops to shoot into crowds protesting the draft in NYC?

I'm not sure if he ordered it, but troops did shoot into the crowds. The idea that he didn't order it defies common sense.

Is at tinfoil hat tight on your head?
Murder and terror are always a favorite of you Khmer Rouge types...

Your greatest dream is that one day you'll be able to participate in the mass murder of millions of your fellow Americans. It is the constant dream of the left.

Confederates were not Americans.

They were treasonous and traitorous slaving scumbags.

They deserved far worse then they got.

If they weren't Americans, then they were foreigners who were citizens of foreign sovereign states, and Lincoln launched an unprovoked invasion of these states. That makes him a war monger who violated the Constitution

We need General Sherman to march to the Sea again so you all get it through your skull you LOST THE CIVIL WAR...tough noogies suck it up...

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