Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

The modern day libertarian movement got its movement by being racist.

Why lie?

Do you remember when Cons supported state rights in order to take rights away from people?

14th amendment by conservatives. You really should read up on it. :D

Cons hate the 14th, unless it give corporations more power,.....what do you want me to read?
The modern day libertarian movement got its movement by being racist.

Why lie?

Do you remember when Cons supported state rights in order to take rights away from people?

How could you remember something that never happened?

You really are a special kind of stupid, Valox.
I keep saying to these guys..start a government.

Heck..start a libertarian club.

Must be funny as heck having a bunch of Howard Roark's deciding on what pizza toppings to have..


It's just a fantasy. The whole Libertarian ball of wax cannot exist in the sunlight. There are some "libertarian-leaning" positions I agree with. But just like so many other utopian systems that have been conceived, it doesn't work. Not in whole.


To paraphrase Jerome Lawrence, conservatives build castles in the air, libertarians live in them, and republicans collect the rent.

Writing a play doesn't make you qualified to comment on anything.
What the heck is a Neo-Confederate libertarian?

It really describes many players here on this board.

Everybody here at USMB who defends the CSA (by imagining that the civil war was a states right issue) here also claims to be a conservative.

What they mean is that to them conservative means that you are a minority fearing, CSA apologizing, reactionary who thinks that the government is the enemy.

That'a what CONSERVATIVE means here on this board.

Weird, I admit, because few real Cons I ever met believe the racist revisionist tripe most of the crypto NAZIs here believe.
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As was shown many in this thread actually like to think defending a oppressive slave nation is a conservative isn't. Evil is evil and you can't lie about it by calling it something it isn't. No conservative would ever defend evil like the csa
What the heck is a Neo-Confederate libertarian?

You have met them right here in this board.... Those are the ones who defend the confederates and wax romantic about them regardless of historic fact.

Their the ones that wipe your ass as you falsely claim to be a libertarian.

Shall I dig up the old threads that reveal your Progressive alignment?
By the way being a confederate is the ultimate progressive bent. Nor only do they think they know better then other people they see people as nothing more then property
What the heck is a Neo-Confederate libertarian?

It's what used to be a NeoCon before they started blabbering Dixie, or rather before they were subsumed by the southern red(neck) states.

No it isn't. Neocon means new conservative or a rino depending on viewpoint where as neo confederate means idiot who romanticizes the csa and rewrites history to fit the lies.
As I've said many times on this blog, the notion that voters rejected the GOP for big-spending policies was a lie Republicans started telling us -- and themselves -- shortly after they were blown out in the 2006 midterms, because they refused to admit that Bush's blunders -- Iraq, Katrina, Terri Schiavo, the attempted privatization of Social Security -- were the real reason Democratic voters turned out. Yes, since then Republicans have started to believe their own BS, telling themselves that they reject establishment-style Republicanism because it allows them to imagine that they had nothing to do with Bush's policy failures or -- and this is probably more important to them -- Republicans' losses at the polls in 2006 and 2008 (as well as 2012). But just watch them in 2014 if Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and Thad Cochran and Lamar Alexander survive their primaries. They'll turn out to vote for these supposedly hated RINOs in November, because God knows that allowing Democrats to win would be like signing the country over to Satan.

No More Mister Nice Blog
Libertarians might have had a good idea but the movement has been hijacked by pot heads who are only interested in legalizing marijuana.

If it's such a great idea, how come no one has ever actually put a Libertarian government in place?

It's a utopian fantasy. (or - imho - dystopian)

Somalia was brought up...

The Shutdown crisis has given almost all the different focus groups in the giant talk show we call America a chance to have their say. But there’s one constituency that hasn’t been heard from. And yet this under-reported, under-represented interest group has as much at stake in the Shutdown debate as anybody. Their livelihoods, and even their lives, could depend on keeping government comatose.

I’m talking, of course, about the Somali pirates. Three years ago, these small businessmen seemed intent on proving that, in a world of huge, faceless corporations, there was still room for the little guys—specifically the little guys in little boats who zoomed up to giant, faceless corporate cargo ships and demanded a share in the profits in return for not killing the crew.

This was libertarianism in action. Long ago, libertarian theorists suggested that when governments had been destroyed, lighthouses would be run by entrepreneurs who would zoom up to ships benefiting from their light to demand payment. The Somali pirates did these theorists one better. They effectively declared the waters between the Horn of Africa and the coast of Yemen a toll road—after all, what is this so-called “law of the sea” but the tragedy of the commons all over again? By privatizing the ocean, the pirates were able to strike a blow at marine communalism, and make a darned good living in the process. As for price, they let the market determine the amount, as in, “How much do you got?”

Ayn Rand herself would have been overjoyed to see the transformation wrought on the Somali coast. Where once there had been only wretched shacks, mansions were going up, and luxury cars were bouncing over the dusty local roads.

And the money really did trickle down. Even non-pirates cashed in on this booming free market by claiming to be pirates and getting paid for interviews by trusting Western documentary makers.

And then, after years of boom, came the bust. The villain? As always, it was Big Government interference…

It looked like the end for the “little guys” of marine enterprise. But help came from distant comrades. In October 2013, the Tea Party, bastion of America’s libertarians, jammed a 2×4 into the gears of the American governmental juggernaut, bringing it to a screeching halt. Perhaps men like Ted Cruz were not thinking of Somalia’s brave mariners in small boats, but if they had, they would have recognized allies who shared their values, allies worth helping…

More Small Businessmen Crushed by the Obama Administration


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