Neo-Confederate libertarians are not conservatives.

Readers at Rachel Maddow’s level will take what I am saying as a defense of the Confederacy. I don’t defend any government, as anyone who glances at my work for five minutes can see, so it would be rather odd for the Confederacy to be the one government in human history for which I make an exception.

Hey, Everyone, Look at Me: I?m Against Slavery! | Tom Woods

And that's the perfect summation of the libertarian position regarding the Confederacy.
Readers at Rachel Maddow’s level will take what I am saying as a defense of the Confederacy. I don’t defend any government, as anyone who glances at my work for five minutes can see, so it would be rather odd for the Confederacy to be the one government in human history for which I make an exception.

Hey, Everyone, Look at Me: I?m Against Slavery! | Tom Woods

And that's the perfect summation of the libertarian position regarding the Confederacy.

The ass_natos knew that. he is jjust a miserable scumbag troll.

What the heck is a Neo-Confederate libertarian?

It really describes many players here on this board.

Everybody here at USMB who defends the CSA (by imagining that the civil war was a states right issue) here also claims to be a conservative.

What they mean is that to them conservative means that you are a minority fearing, CSA apologizing, reactionary who thinks that the government is the enemy.

That'a what CONSERVATIVE means here on this board.

Weird, I admit, because few real Cons I ever met believe the racist revisionist tripe most of the crypto NAZIs here believe.

"Scions of Secession"

You get a shiver in the dark
It's been raining in the park but meantime
South of the river you stop and you hold everything
A band is blowing Dixie double four time
You feel all right when you hear that music ring

You step inside but you don't see any black faces
They know our kind from other times and other places
And the competition offers jobs and education
While we conspire to reverse their emancipation
Way on downsouth way on downsouth Republican town

You check out Governor George he knew all the words
Mind he's strictly English, he didn't have to speak in code
When he was both clairvoyant and clever
"Segregation today segregation tomorrow segregation forever"

And Rick Perry does all he can to recreate the scene
He'll be Jefferson Davis in his stead
He can play the dog whistle just like anything
Saving it up for Friday night at n(word)head
With the Scions, the Scions of Secession

Jim DeMint, Beauregard Sessions and Saxby Chambiss are rattlin' sabers in the corner
Rowdy and dressed in their best
Gray double breasted and gold sash
They don't give a damn about
any President with mixed parentage
It ain't what they call Heritage
And the Scions played Hank Williams

And then the man he steps right up to the microphone
And says at last just as the time bell rings
'Thank you goodnight now it's time to go home'
and he makes it fast with one more thing
'We are the Scions of Secession '
As was shown many in this thread actually like to think defending a oppressive slave nation is a conservative isn't. Evil is evil and you can't lie about it by calling it something it isn't. No conservative would ever defend evil like the csa

The Civil War was about naked aggression against the Southern states. Only morons believe slavery wouldn't have ended without raping the South.

Only idiots believe that the Civil War started to end slavery.

People with no knowledge whatsoever of history should keep their ignorance to themselves.

They look a lot less stupid that way.
Real conservatives wouldn't spend 2 trillion dollars on a couple of third world shit holes.
Real conservatives would be proud to have industry, science, tech and infrastructure.
Real conservatives would promote science....Sure they would use the private sector far more then a liberal. But this is the truth.

What we're dealing with are libertarians that want to end most of government. Conservatism has never been about that.
As was shown many in this thread actually like to think defending a oppressive slave nation is a conservative isn't. Evil is evil and you can't lie about it by calling it something it isn't. No conservative would ever defend evil like the csa

The Civil War was about naked aggression against the Southern states. Only morons believe slavery wouldn't have ended without raping the South.

Only idiots believe that the Civil War started to end slavery.

People with no knowledge whatsoever of history should keep their ignorance to themselves.

They look a lot less stupid that way.

Then the csa shouldn't have attacked Fort Sumter and started a war. Truth is they were the aggressors.
Readers at Rachel Maddow’s level will take what I am saying as a defense of the Confederacy. I don’t defend any government, as anyone who glances at my work for five minutes can see, so it would be rather odd for the Confederacy to be the one government in human history for which I make an exception.

Hey, Everyone, Look at Me: I?m Against Slavery! | Tom Woods

And that's the perfect summation of the libertarian position regarding the Confederacy.

The ass_natos knew that. he is jjust a miserable scumbag troll.


I never said all libertarians are Confederates just the ones who really are democrats
As was shown many in this thread actually like to think defending a oppressive slave nation is a conservative isn't. Evil is evil and you can't lie about it by calling it something it isn't. No conservative would ever defend evil like the csa

The Civil War was about naked aggression against the Southern states. Only morons believe slavery wouldn't have ended without raping the South.

Only idiots believe that the Civil War started to end slavery.

People with no knowledge whatsoever of history should keep their ignorance to themselves.

They look a lot less stupid that way.

Then the csa shouldn't have attacked Fort Sumter and started a war. Truth is they were the aggressors.

The north should have packed up and moved out of seceding states. Truth is, they wanted to fight so they stayed. The north started the civil war, Corky.
The Civil War was about naked aggression against the Southern states. Only morons believe slavery wouldn't have ended without raping the South.

Only idiots believe that the Civil War started to end slavery.

People with no knowledge whatsoever of history should keep their ignorance to themselves.

They look a lot less stupid that way.

Then the csa shouldn't have attacked Fort Sumter and started a war. Truth is they were the aggressors.

The north should have packed up and moved out of seceding states. Truth is, they wanted to fight so they stayed. The north started the civil war, Corky.

Well, no, the South did by attacking a FEDERAL installation.

The question is, can a state LEGALLY secede from the union once it has been admitted.

The preponderance of legal thought on this is, no, which is why Puerto Rico isn't too keen on statehood. That's a marriage you can't get out of.

But legalities aside, what was the South fighting for? The right of a few rich people to keep owning other people.

And a lot of poor people put on gray uniforms and got shot for this stupidity.

My biggest complaint with folks who fly the confederate flag is they celebrate stupidity, because we don't teach history properly,and we let the idiot who wants to admire Great-Great-Grampa Beauregard for going out and getting shot defending "Southern Values".

Biggest mistake after the Civil War was not having a Nuremburg Trial for Davis, Lee and the rest of them.
The federal government is not some omnisicent, all knowing, all encompassing entity of demi-god stature. If the southern states wanted to secede from a voluntary union (oxymoron, since there is no union without voluntary), then that is their right. You rejects talk about how slavery is so evil and bad and then want to enslave entire states into a forced union with a central authority.

You turds are morons of the highest order.
I am tired of the neo-confederate libertarians acting like they are conservatives. They are not. They honor this flag
Which is the flag of Anti-American democrat slave owners. I know the Noe-Confeds will rush in here and say it is about states rights.... Like Alfonzo Rachele said "States rights to do what? Own Slaves!" That flag goes against the very fiber of conservatism which is the ideology of CONSERVING the republic. Neo-confeds like to believe their stance on taxes means they are not liberal when they really are. They dont care if there is slavery, abortion, drug abuse, hookers, crime, murder, rape, arson as long as they dont have to pay taxes to stop it. Thats not conservative that selfish like any other liberal.

When they make up so much of the Republican majority, then yes, they are.
Here comes RDerp to drool on the thread's floor. Might as well send this hunk to the rubber room at this point. It's like a "who is who" of the biggest dumb fucks on the board.
The federal government is not some omnisicent, all knowing, all encompassing entity of demi-god stature. If the southern states wanted to secede from a voluntary union (oxymoron, since there is no union without voluntary), then that is their right. You rejects talk about how slavery is so evil and bad and then want to enslave entire states into a forced union with a central authority.

You turds are morons of the highest order.

The Southern States should only have been allowed to seceded if EVERYONE got a vote on the issue, including the slaves.

That was the point. they seceeded because they knew that eventually, Congress would vote to Abolish Slavery, and the elites wouldn't have their position anymore.

Again, the worst thing we did after the Civil War was not completely demonize the traitors, Nuremburg Style.
The federal government is not some omnisicent, all knowing, all encompassing entity of demi-god stature. If the southern states wanted to secede from a voluntary union (oxymoron, since there is no union without voluntary), then that is their right. You rejects talk about how slavery is so evil and bad and then want to enslave entire states into a forced union with a central authority.

You turds are morons of the highest order.

The Southern States should only have been allowed to seceded if EVERYONE got a vote on the issue, including the slaves.

That was the point. they seceeded because they knew that eventually, Congress would vote to Abolish Slavery, and the elites wouldn't have their position anymore.

Again, the worst thing we did after the Civil War was not completely demonize the traitors, Nuremburg Style.

Retarded post of the day. It's still early though.
Wow, painfully stupid human being. Has to be an Obama butt-sniffer. The only explanation.

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